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smite sucks

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Every MOBA provides an identical experience to all other MOBAs.

fippy bippy

Actually Smite is rather unique in that regard. Although it's also pretty basic and smoothbrain. Naturally, DotA 2 is the best moba

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Release new mage
>Movement or shield
>Big delayed explosion

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no fap to aphro for a week anons!

Attached: Smite Screenshot 2022.04.02 - (2560x1440, 1.67M)

>Naturally, DotA 2 is the best moba
It's not even the best MOBA on Steam

Literally impossible.

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>didn't name an alternative
I accept your concession

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You're literally in a thread about the best MOBA on steam though

>very unoptimized
>runs on an ancient engine
>servers are actually made of lint and toilet paper
>half the gods have their old models while the other half have new up to date models
>gods that had their models updated still use the old model in every skin
>insane amounts of cc, you might end up stunned for 20+ seconds at a time if the enemy builds their team for it, barely any counters
>every new god is overpowered and has a bloated kit compared to old gods
>seriously, try reading these 30 paragraph ability descriptions within 2 minutes when u rolled into one of the newer gods in assault
>lack of a proper tutorial to teach new players the gamemodes, so they stick to arena (the only thing they know) or maybe joust (it's like a simpler conquest)
>constant crashes which the game penalizes you for
>constant bugs which the game penalizes you for
>developers only add new skins (using ideas stolen from the community) and the occasional new op god
great video game

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That's a good joke
Do you write your own material?

works on my machine

Dota 2 is overrated garbage
That's not a joke

I plaied Smite on Switch and it bad

See but if i play smite and am bad at it you'd be mad I'm on your team. So it's better to not play smite.

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Did all the pozzed devs leave HI Rez?

I'm used to people on my team being bad at this point

They got transferred to the paladins team.

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i don't care as long as you have fun or pick aphro so i can stare at your bazoongas

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Smite is for dummies, c'mon now

I’d rather transition

DotA Chad here. Here is proof that Smite is for dummies. Introducing, my 84% winrate.

Smite is still fun though, I like to just get high and beat up stupid people for a night.

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mobas aren't videogames.

wtf I hate mobas and will never ever play them again now?!

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id play aphro for you user

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Tapatìo 50th


>the armor jiggles
nah i don't think i'll play your game


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Fuck HiRez for killing Tribes

Your IGN. Now.

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Why would I subject myself to playing some tug of war game with 9 other retards just to appreciate their female models

Tribes wasn’t even that good. Get over it

you think she puts that monkey between her booba?

i'll make sure to send you a friend request!

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Yes... There's a lot of space in there.

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They killed Tribes for this shit fest

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I like where this is going...kappa

she got sexually assaulted....and she liked it


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this is how all Aphrodite mains end up

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Smite is impressive only because it has the most toxic games I've ever played. Seriously, people tilt fast as fuck and get set off by nothing. Even compared to shit like DOTA, it's not even close

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sol is very hot

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