Subtle vidya apparel

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He said subtle

this would look sick with this hat

Attached: cf40c838-83d2-4ad8-b92f-8595aed0f893_1.7bc7365b18485ae185be2f0bce75d78d.png (553x553, 614.38K)

how about this instead

Attached: sonic shirt uniqlo.jpg (570x570, 20.38K)

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spiked koopa shell goes hard

Attached: 1531-God-of-War-T-Shirt-Kratos-Father_Front_Color.jpg (900x1200, 78.14K)

also check them digits

Attached: CcCprRhBFxY.jpg (499x498, 132.08K)


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Weren't sanic's shoes based on a type popular in the early 90s?

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fuck those are the wrong digits

Attached: 1416986846948.png (503x743, 393.53K)

I remember trying to find this years ago and getting pissed off because they were all sold out everywhere and only the black variant was for sale.

Feels good to be this based

Attached: 91IM87eeuCL._CLa_2140,2000_812DGNFWWBL.png_0,0,2140,2000+0.0,0.0,2140.0,2000.0_AC_UX342_.jpg (342x387, 14.42K)

I unironically wanted this jacket

Attached: P.KJ9600005702-z1.jpg (1500x1879, 737.41K)

>that one kid who dressed up as a final fantasy protagonist

Attached: yesstyle.jpg (1800x5000, 2.49M)

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Why is Ninja censored?

ur unironically a fagit

Is this subtle enough?

Attached: football.png (792x719, 322.87K)

>that fucking bulge

>wears whatever he wants why doing ingame acrobatics

chad powermove

in 4th grade I would have thought you were the most badass motherfucker on the playground if you had this

Ninjas are always censored user, that's what makes them so effective at stealth

Bitches love Pokemon. He would be a sex magnet

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damn haven't seen this one in years


I tire of society. I simply wish to wear cloaks.

Attached: 82214.jpg (500x500, 42.79K)

He's doing the femboy stance.

Attached: lee.jpg (398x636, 56.77K)

Not that tacky green “jacket”.

I agree
might we not wear simple fuligin cloaks together?

dead rising 5 looks lit

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Peak badass desu

forgot pic

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>go to schol with a kid
>be in his class
>don't know his name
Does role call just not exist now?
Does he not ask questions in class? Do teachers not address him?
This makes no sense.
screams attention whoring due to a kid dressing as sonic once for the school's halloween.

matching jean pants

Attached: 21_H1_Pokemon_M_203_Garden_Hook_Up_0099_RGB.jpg (480x640, 60.91K)

Like 1 or 2 of them don't have the figure to make it look good or are wearing it wrong but a majority of those outfits are just blatant false advertising.

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Based Chad dabbing on normalfags

honestly looks comfy

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It's a fairly old image these days, but lots of classes, even in the mid 2000s, the teacher doesn't bother doing role call and just checks based on seating arrangement after the first week or so. Sonic kid may have not been Sonic kid at that time and gone unnoticed by the original poster of the image.

I take back everything I said, you are a Chad amongst men

Dem jeans be lookin pretty sus…

Please kill yourself, please kill yourself, please please PLEASE kill yourself

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This is the most retarded thing I've read in a minute but fuck if it wasn't funny

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sussy af fr fr no cap


bottom one isn't bad atlest he has the tie and shirt underneath to go with it

I’m glad that I at least have enough self awareness to not dress like the autists on /fa/

man I'd actually get these, always thought sonic's shoes looked sick

do they have soap versions?

bum bum bum bum bum bum bum
bum bum bum

So if you're asian, you can pull it off?