Master Duel

Building anything in specific for the Synchro event? Or are you just going Loaner or Burn?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What do I even build for it? One of the loaner decks has the generic Fleur omninegate already, it doesn't get much better than that, surely.

>All my decks to this point are XYZ focused
Sittin this one out, chief

ill just replace the XYZs in my VW deck with random synchros

I'm gonna build an R synchro deck and fill it with UR staples

using the stardust loaner deck. dont wanna build a deck this time.
oh, also. tell me about this pub deck. i wanna try dogmatika and the soulsword caught my this good or shit?

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my Aroma deck relies too much on the link monster so I'll just use the loaner deck. I need the gems to pull from the Earth Machine pack.

I am going to try true-draco.

Solfachords and the loaner decks.

Gonna play Cyberse synchro

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I want to mate with that ass

Post how many crafting points you got

Attached: 他妈的延迟.jpg (568x409, 29.37K)

Bot account for sell I presume?

Anyway, mine is
>N: 842
>R: 849
>S: 429
>U: 236

Go on user it's your turn why aren't you playing anything?

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Did you literally just dust every card you weren’t using?

how much money do you need to spend to have numbers like that

Zamn! And she's how old!?

So like what the hell am I supposed to be doing as Pendulum Magicians? I've been losing my shirt ever since I got to gold last month. Everyone just targets down Electrumite and then it's GGs.Or worse, torrential tribute my pendulum summon.

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are DDDynamite bots gone?
can I go back to using 15 cards in my ED?

What are the odds?
>tonight's daily duels
>2 duels against raidraptors
>both times they start
>both times they normal summon that raptor whose effect is letting you normal summon another raptor
>both times I started with infinite impermanence so I negated him and he ended turn
>kill him on my turn, nothing he can do

Goddamn this deck falls apart so easily

Sorry user, I was just thinking if there was a point to revealing my face down, probably not, but I'll do it anyway, good luck fellow chad control.

Attached: SummonLimit-MGED-EN-R-1E[1].png (462x680, 550.43K)

>konami won't let people hoard hundreds of thousands of gems so people aren't incentivized to sell accounts
>they do this instead

lol people always find a way

This looks really bad.
Iris is a bad card.

Do the devs read the countless surveys they hold?
Why were they so fast in holding another event but not updating the banlist?
Do they understand the type of data and research they get from this game?
Why are they so slow in adding new cards?
Why are archetypes not complete?
Why don't they address the bot problem?
Where are the suships?

they dont give a single gem for doing surveys, so I doubt they get any feedback

How have they not solved people disconnecting when they lose the coin flip yet?

>Where are the suships?
right there in the n/r pile of the despia pack


none of the loaners have handtraps, and the fleur deck literally just passes with fleur and roland

no, they havent implemented a best of 3 mode yet

Numeron is so fun bros. Fuck Drytroon, fuck zombieshit, fuck all of it

I made "F2P True Draco" deck and I still haven't won with it yet after 50 duels.

I shouldn't have craft HERO, I have nothing left.....

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>F2P True draco
>Not a single win
Fucking how? Post deck list.

just flip skill drain bro

>It’s another “complain about beginner decks” episode

Use time pendgraph to pop everything and get free value by popping your scales
it even has a non-target send if there's an indestructible card on the field

this one

I am just shit at the game maybe.

13 in both the anime and manga.

I'm going to try a pure infernoble knight deck in the event. I like that they all look like flaming homosexuals

Attached: InfernobleKnight.jpg (800x445, 354.09K)

I assume you have no prior experience with the deck correct?

Me? I'm playing karakuri for the event

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zero, none.
TAG FORCE 3 on PSP was my last yugioh game.

>go first
>fuck up my combo
>next duel
>it's the same opponent
>go first again
>fuck up my combo again
>surrender again

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Remember to work on your handtraps.

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Yeah if you have that deck card for card you should be more than fine, especially if you win the coin flip unless its against something like Dytron or tribrigade.

Lets try this, say this is your starting hand for turn one, how could you play it?

Attached: Starting hand.png (609x198, 153.4K)

Do you guys think I'd be able to make some sort of gimped dogmatika based deck work without Ecclesia?

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>Punishments banned

>complete brick hand
>literally can't do anything
>if I'm first I just T set some useless stuff and pass
>opponent inexplicably scoops

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I have a pure Mayakashi deck I was pulling for on my alt account I guess I'll finish that up and use it, I dunno. I don't know any other Synchro decks.

...oh i thought it was just Ecclesia that was banned...yeah never mind

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Contract with the dynamite? fug this archetype is complicated

>Do the devs read the countless surveys they hold?
>Why were they so fast in holding another event but not updating the banlist?
>Do they understand the type of data and research they get from this game?
>Why are they so slow in adding new cards?
Because these guys are hogtied to Konamis main marketing and sales department, and are probably under strict control over what they can and cannot ban and need to sell each quarter, same as in the real game. They need a greenlight from corporate to do anything, especially when it comes to giving out gemmies and banlist timings and shit.
>Why are archetypes not complete?
Because we didnt get the new cards yet.
>Why don't they address the bot problem?
If they did they probably wouldnt announce it so botters dont get a chance to react to it.
>Where are the suships?
Theyre already in.

>Lair of Darkness banned
Fucking why

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i think they just wanted to ban shit that isn't forced to interact with synchro summoning.
They knee-capped dogmatika for the same reason.

>tribute summoning
get that ass banned, synchros only

post explanation; reverse image search showed nothing.

Can F.A.s work without their Link? They're not the deck I plan on using for the event, but I have gems saved.

Unironically the main goal of the current ban list is to have as many staple UR cards which are NOT easy to get (ie not in a secret pack) as possible.
The entire ban list was specifically crafted for no other purpose than to make people pay real money until they get their 3 Maxx C, 3 Ash Blossom, 3 Infinite Impermanence etc
The only reason they have that special deck that gives an Ash Blossom is to inform noob whales that the strong card exists, as bait.

Who said I was going to be summoning anything?

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their link is so shit they dont even use it normally

tributing the Baronne that paypiggy spent 200$ trying to get is too mean, pls understand

if you run these cards you need to go outside, touch some grass, and buy a dog

What are the decks that guys with small penises run?

>just play second faggot

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>mfw I just survived triple Necroface Inferno Tempest with a single card to draw on my turn
Jesus fucking christ Master Duel players are always on some dumb gimmick shit. I don't know if I was saved because I play the perfect ratio of monsters/spells or because I run a 42 card deck but get fucked slant eye.

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drytron, eldlich, cardian

chaos max, eldlich

>not bringing going second insurance cards

Ok here are some tips:
This is a control deck, knowing your opponent's deck is more important so you can cut their moves in their choke points, so keep praticing and don't be shy of making your opponent wait to read their cards.
Your true draco trap cards can be used in your opponents Main phases to tribute summon true dracos from your hand, you might already know that true draco traps when they go from the field to the graveyard by any means destroy a monster. You can keep that in mind to disrupt your opponent's plays when they use their normal summon or get more than one monster to summon something bigger.
Remove one Pot of desires and put another Majesty Maiden, she + a true draco trap card means a free disruption in your opponent's turn and also searches your stronger true dracos.
The Monarch stormforth is a very powerful disruption tool if used with a true draco trap card since you can tribute your opponents monster for one of yours in their turn.
The monarch erupts is a one sided skill drain in your favor, shut downs most decks, and if you lose your monsters it will destroy itself in the end phase of your next turn so it gives you an extra turn to get another one on the field to not destroy itself. There's a neat trick with it: wait for your opponent to activate a monster effect you want to negate>let it activate>chain your true draco monster to fetch a card from your deck>chain your monarch erupts to negate your opponent's monster.
True draco heritage is also very powerful, is a potential "draw 3 cards", read it carefully, sometimes you will start with a loaded true draco hand and you might find heritage useful to draw extra cards.
Your true draco spells give you additional normal summons by activating their second effect too. And "disciples of true draco" is your 'grind game' card to reset your true draco cards that can be easily searched again.
Pot of desires is a risky card, i would recommend putting "the huge revolution is over" over it.

I just put Kaiju in every deck at this point

Didn’t even know Starving Venom was still viable these days.

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>The Monarch stormforth is a very powerful disruption tool if used with a true draco trap card since you can tribute your opponents monster for one of yours in their turn.
Adding to this remember to let Stormforth resolve first, or to use the true draco trap effect then chain into storm forth otherwise you'll miss the effect.

Provided you take out the bardiche first.

It could be worse
>Go Second
>No "Handtraps" other than Numeron Wall
>Go Second
>Magic Library + Bamboo sword
>Oh boy, here we go.jpg
>Don't scoop, lets see how long it takes.
>Chicken Game/Trade In/More bamboo sword/etc/etc
>Can't do shit
>Enemy deck goes below 10
>Exodia any second now
>Below 5
>Below 3
>Deck at 1
>He ends turn
>Surrenders after I start Numeron Network combo

Eldlich player hits me with Flying "C"

That's just a banish deck in general, they run more different wincons than any other type of deck (Tempest, Dynamite, Gren Maju, etc.) to the point where almost the entire deck is a wincon in and of itself. It's actually fun to play given how different every duel can turn out, but it's very expensive.

Just used him on some hero fag who hid behind darklaw
a lot of people leave 2 dark monsters in their end boards