Shenmue 4 confirmed

Where my shenmuebros at?

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Is he going to put a scratch on Lan Di this time?

It was never going to wrap up with the 3rd game or even the 4th

why can't he just end it

Ah yes the water world of video games gets another game. Have fun.

I wonder what singular move Ryo is gonna learn in 4 that ultimately doesn't help him

Because it was always planned as 5-6 games since the beginning

Thanks faggot

does sega still own the IP?

Water world is based

Yeah but they let Suzuki do whatever he wants with it. The anime is pretty good so far too

Nice. I'm enjoying the current anime and even though Shenmue 3 wasn't great, I thought it at least looked nice and wasn't some ugly mocap monstrosity we see in many games nowadays. If it had come out 20 years ago, we'd be looking at it as a masterpiece now but it was just too outdated by today's standards. If they make another one and actually improve upon the mechanics and somehow make it unique and refreshing, it could turn out great. This is good news.

Word is he secured 20 million so far for the 4th game

>the water world of video games
explain it, is it because the first game was super expensive to make too?

i'd rather the adult swim anime just finish it

I tried out shenmue 1 because I heard about it being an early example of an open world game done well with cool city simulation stuff. but I couldn't get past the terrible controls, constant cutscenes, and entirely just walking from A to B. dropped it in an hour or so. is it actually worth finishing or did I just fall for a meme?

Shenmue 1 is a tech demo for late 90s gaming, it's historically interesting but has nothing to offer now

They going to beg for money again?

no, leave this thread please

Shenmue 2 is still fun though, I have no idea why that genre hasn't been explored, a RPG with Technical Fighting game elements, its actually damn fun to master

I cant get over the fact that Ryo felt weaker in 3 then in 2.


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the game gets so stupidly boring near the end tho, like seriously, we didn't need to actually do all that walking, a cut scene would've been enough

I want to fill Shenhua full of my babies.

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Ill give you that, the true end for me in that game was when you kick fatboy's ass, that whole sequence upto that fight was straight kino

Wait, did 3 release? When did that happen, if it did?

I saw it as just an epilogue. Pretty Kino way to end after the action in Kowloon.

>Shenmue 3 sold so bad physical copies were being sold for ~$5 a few months after release
>Anyone even considering investing in a Shenmue 4
I hope nobody is that retarded

It came out in 2019 user. Lots of fans enjoyed it for what it was but it did absolutely nothing to appeal to new gamers. I actually enjoyed it although it wasn’t as good as the first 2.

The anime is doing well on adult swim/toonami so I guess somebody is willing to take another crack at it.

Always super expensive and Always a massive flop. Shenmue is the story of when Publishers dont have the balls to say no to a game dev so they keep spending money on stupid shit.

they had a kickstarter, but all the steam backers got fucked because the devs later went with epic game store exclusivity. it caused a lot of drama and steam had to change store page rules because of it.

>I don't like the last game so they should never make another one
What kind of retard mentality is this. Imagine if they never made DMC3 because DMC2 was bad. Imagine if they never made A link to the Past because no one liked Zelda 2. It's a dumb statement to make and only denies the potential of greatness.jx40h

Honestly Shenmue 3 wasn't as soulless as I feared, it felt like the good old times exploring around and doing mundane shit like checking in at the hotel

Then it got completely botched by the awful plot and incredibly bland new characters (except for the tits lady (who barely appears))

>Always super expensive
That’s because they stopped development and completely scrapped the Saturn version and started over again on the DC. The budget ballooned because they did both games. Shenmue 1 didn’t “flop”, it was one of the best selling games on DC. Sega spent such a ridiculous amount that 2 copies per console would have been needed to make a profit. 2 flopped because Microsoft money hated the second game on Xbox in North America with ZERO advertisements. The 3rd was a true flop though.

Some of the characters were okay. I just wish the game were a little longer.

I said nothing about the quality of the game. Only that it sold really poorly and that spending money on a follow up would be foolish.

It could've been great, but was bloated with absolute pointlessness.
I and II are still all-time greats, but III was pretty bad. The trophies were absurd as well.

I tell him:
wrap it up, fix the combat from 3, fix the slow ass drawer opening sim, fix the fucking dialogue. Actually, just don't make another game because no one is going to be happy. If you leave it as jank as the OG a few will be happy but it won't sell like 3 didn't sell. If you fix it, autistic shit fits will never end.

After the embarrassment that was Shenmue 3, I doubt it'll happen.

>he fell for the artist has the whole story planned from the beginning meme
There is not a single case in history of this ever happening

Nigga not even the longtime shenmue fans want this after how 3 turned out.

If anything he needs to go more in depth with the details but dialog was intentionally bad in the 3rd to appeal to hardcore fans. I still think the Shenmue IP could have a Yakuza 0 moment but Yu really needs to get with the times on some aspects or it’s done for good if 4 is horrible.

>There is not a single case in history of this ever happening
It’s not a meme. Yu Suzuki planned this from the beginning. The complete story was written as 5-6 games. Read some old interviews.

It's kind of irritating how something shit like Shenmue has an apparently passionate dev who will somehow manage to get funding for a sequel to said shit game when good games that were actually good are forgotten or are in some copyright hell.

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I do. 3 wasn’t that bad and was more polished than a lot of bullshit AAA games are now pulling off. It was just dated as fuck and had shitty models.

the whole story was planned during the saturn era.
the idea was way too ambitious/expensive however, but he was nice enough to spoil the story and flat out said ryo gives up on revenge

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You'll learn one day.

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Wait what?
The anime is out already?

Every Shenmue fan has known this for over 20 years user. There’s even a post mortem with Yu Suzuki spoiling the entire story.

Here we go again

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Shenmue 3 was a fucking embarrassment, making fans wait two entire decades before any new content was delivered just to do absolutely nothing with the story and make the combat somehow worse. Either get ballsy and end the entire current series in one more game or fuck off. I dont give a shit about the stupid shit netflix series

Yeah and it’s good. It’s on episode 9 I believe. It’s on Adult swim.

>He actually turns into Akira
Holy based

>looked like shit aside from some environments
>made the combat much worse than the previous games
>absolute nothing story and characters with way too much filler and a cocktease ending
>world wasn't even as immersive as the previous games back on the fucking dreamcast
It's time to let go user

I liked the story, I just feel people had too high of expectations for what was known to be the middle act of the story. The payoff is, that Ryo finally catches up with Lan Di but sees he's still got a lot to learn. The possible 5th entry is when shit's gonna get wild with the long standing rumor of magic being added to the story. Them traveling the Great Wall is a possible key indicator.

>I dont give a shit about the stupid shit netflix series
What is with retards obsession with Netflix. It's not even made by Netflix. A streaming service lives in dumb niggers heads rent free.

Fuckin A. About time.
>tfw Shenmue ends ill probably be pushing 50

I know he said that but there's no way anyone spent more than 20 minutes writing 3's plot
When he said it was "already written" he probably just decided that he'd introduce that villain lady at the end, you're crazy if you think any other character were years in the making, I mean compare them to the cast of 2

While ill admit by a technicality Shenmue 1 didnt flop but the budget as you said ballooned so fucking high they would need to sell a shit ton of copies. They did sell a lot but a profit was barely made.

Very nice, gonna be a good watch with my brother

The only Ryo I care about is Ryo Saeba.

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>Was 15 when 1 came out
>Will likely be 65 when it's finished by the people at Shenmue Dojo after Yu dies.

>$50m+ budget
>$6m budget

Looks like would job against Hazuki Ryo

>The $6 mill one didn't even have the proprietary Virtua Fighter engine and had to make a new one from scratch

Shenmue 3 was so fucking bad it made me like 1 and 2 less.

3's plot is intentionally slow

Who cares? The fact that Yu Suzuki had the absolute balls to make Shenmue 3 essentially just a filler game in a franchise that desperately needs closure should have made everyone write him off as a hack.

Reminder anyone telling you to use the English dub of Shenmue is a retarded ironicfaggot that isn't an actual fan

Budget is clearly not the issue. The game's core design is just misguided and awful. The visuals and level of detail in the world could be forgiven if there were elements to back them up but the combat was clearly intended to be the way it is to foolishly try and appeal to casuals. And the story and characters have absolutely nothing to do with time or money, just creativity and vision. Either suzuki has no idea what to do with the story between the few core plot moments he planned, or this entire game was just planned to be lazy filler because he thought stretching it out would allow him to milk more out of dedicated shenmue fans.
Stop defending shit games.

I'm optimistic but not really buying this rumor. I'm pretty sure 110 industries just try to gain some attention so that Wanted:Dead sells more than 110 copies.
And honestly, S3 was pretty good for a kickstarter game. I replayed it 5 times so far and was surprised how much hidden shit this game had in both maps just like the first two games. Hopefully they can sort out gameplay design and further polish those kung-fu training mechanics and it's all smooth sailing from there.

>finally catches up with Lan Di
Wait wait wait
I've been playing Shenmue 1 for the first time recently
You're telling me it's been 20 years and he's STILL is going after the same guy??

Lmao Ryo Saeba is a trained mercenary that takes down helicopters and tanks with a single bullet. Hazuki wouldn't last 10 seconds against the guy.

Shenmue has been thoroughly disgraced with the third game. No point in giving a shit anymore.


He can never be a hack. The man made Sega a giant back in the 80s and 90s.

It wouldn't really work because Y0 was sold by pure luck in the west. At the time there was a drought of "funny" jap games and they struck gold with the whole funny turkey chicken baka mitai meme plasted all over for PC release.
Shenmue only has horny MILFs going after Ryo as a joke so not sure if there is any demand for that to sell on potential Shenmue 0.

Gain taste or suck nigger cock

I played Shenmue 1 and 2 back in the day but I haven't touched 3, what's so bad about it?

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Fuck off retard