*completely misinterprets your lore in you're path*

>*completely misinterprets your lore in you're path*

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I hate him so much
He sounds just like me and I hate it

God I hate Australians so damn much.

i mean, there's a billion people constantly talking about how he soaked their panties with his voice so you really have nothing to complain about

I'm sure anyone could make competing content if they wanted to and they actually put in the effort.


Not necessarily in post adpocalypse youtube it’s much more difficult to get an audience

create an asmr channel and make millions

well what did he get wrong

i aint telling you shit, vaati, go steal lore info somewhere else

95% of the lore in these games is subjective so you could argue he got everything wrong

Nothing, he just read things off of item descriptions

Nobody actually remembers anything he says anyway so it doesn't matter. It sounds nice but none of it sticks. This kind of listening experience is also how the FromSoft RPGs tell their stories, which is why nobody remembers what's been said in the opening cutscene or what they're doing while playing, which is what justifies the existence of his videos in the first place and also explains their popularity.

It's really not, just light that shit up with keywords and it takes care of itself if the content is good. Plus elden ring is huge so it's not like you're going to have a hard time as so many young kids are probably searching it up on YouTube. Maybe a million views isn't realistic but tens of thousands is doable and just market it in clever ways online.

If it’s so easy then you’ll have no problem committing to it right? Basically free money.

He said Marika killed godwyn? So he’s a rannifag then?

He said there's evidence for it.

I really think he got the shit wrong with ds3 first boss and the manlet jogger

lol you don't even know what he got wrong
the tree for one

>steals your entire Bloodborne essay and gets away with it

Impersonate him and say nigger

>Doesn't know where undead comes from, doesn't mention deathroot or Godwyn
>Uses editorializing language like parasitic in reference to the Erdtree (could be right or wrong, too ambiguous)
>Thinks Marika organized the night of black knives
>Doesn't know the original JP tranlsations for the root resin which means throws his great tree/erdtree split into disrepute.
>Thinks Malenia and Miquella were born after the shattering
His lore video was shit, maby segments at five minutes or less, he's going to grift and milk this for 30 Elden Ring videos

why doesnt he do zelda lore videos
explain how zoras became ugly from oot to zelda 3

Didn't he also skip over the whole gloam eyed queen prequel plot who maliketh had to defeat to even get destined death

Yes. And the godskins. He'll probably make that a video on its own for more views and shekels.

>>Thinks Marika organized the night of black knives
Fucking HOW?! Ranni straight up admits it when you meet her the second time!

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I don't have the time, nor do I want to really.

Different species, Oracles mention it

>tfw he reads item descriptions
you. did. not. beat. the. game.

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I watched his video kind of in the background but I'm pretty sure he doesn't even remotely mention Ranni's involvement in the night of the black knives
which is fucking insanity considering that's the main motivation of the principle quest in the game

Its too funny to me that he took so long time time around and there are already 10 other youtubers who make shorter, more concise videos on Elden Ring lore. He played himself.

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i know this is a joke but annoyingly a lot of the helms hide special attributes in the item descriptions
so i literally beat every boss in the game wearing the mimic tear helm only to have a friend tell me it increases physical damage. i just thought it looked cool :(

Attached: elden.png (1920x1080, 3.43M)

he just goes
>that's for another video :^)

same, I only realized that items got "hidden" attributes right before the final boss
this game is so fucking cryptic but watch it be defended

Mimic Tear Helm increases Arcane by 8, it decreases physical damage you do as a trade-off. It's only good for damage if you're running an Occult or Bleed weapon.

post vocaroo of you saying "the loathsome dung eater"

tranny panties dont count

His ER video was decent actually as a general abridged overview of the core timeline of ER's setting up until the shattering. There were sparingly few 'theory' moments where he was pulling shit out of his ass, and nothing I'd call overly contentious either.
Is it useful for people who've been debating/meticulously scrutinising the lore since release? Obviously no.
But then, it's also obviously designed to pull in the huge glut of new players that have arrived with ER, and rushed through the game without paying any attention to what they were doing

oh yeah right that's it
well i wasnt running occult or bleed so it was a straight downgrade
still i killed malenia looking like pepsiman so thats worth any penalty in my book

It's fine but even as an overview its way the fuck all over the place
Also it's weird he talks about the Erdtree as if it was always huge

didn't plagerize in time

Unless it got buffed, it's only 6.

How much of that is just you being a retard?
>Doesn't know where undead comes from, doesn't mention deathroot or Godwyn
He explained that the undead have been rejected by the erdtree and aren't allowed to return to the roots. I remember seeing something like this in my own playthrough. He talks about Godwyn and his revelance to the main story but didn't get into details. Most likely saving deathroot and The Prince of Death's story for Godwyn's own video.
>Thinks Marika organized the night of black knives
He says it's a theory. And there's evidence for this theory. Most likely in another video.
>Thinks Malenia and Miquella were born after the shattering
He says "in the shattering war to come" after he mentions the twins birth.
The other 2 are minor easily missable shit that someone will correct him over.

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>but I'm pretty sure he doesn't even remotely mention Ranni's involvement in the night of the black knives
But he did tho

he refers to the breaking of the elden ring as the shattering though
and the shattering is the war, NOT the actual shattering of the ring
hes a fuckin' r-tard imo

>A single youtuber proceeds to mindbreak the Yea Forums elden shart lovers
how does he do it?

No fucking shit he's gonna spread it out into dozens of videos
How do you think he makes money?

Vaati has never interpreted anything in his life. He just steals other people's content and uploads it to his own channel. I hate how he has monopolized the Souls space on YouTube.

well its easy to judge another mans work, but maybe he shouldve called this one
>an overview of ER's lore
and not
and as an overview, it's structured like absolute shit even if he got every single fact correct (he didn't)

>He explained that the undead have been rejected by the erdtree and aren't allowed to return to the roots
Undeath in Elden Ring only started AFTER Godwyn was assassinated, read the deathroot item description.UNDEAD ARE NOT REJECTED. They are TOUCHED and CONTAMINATED by deathroot. Spread by Godwyn's cysts and pustules contaminating Erdtree roots.


this guy is a grade A faggot and isn't worth a thread

This, also how could he talk about Godwyn without talking about his big fucking face appearing everywhere? Surely that's like one of the top 10 reasons people tuned into this shit, right?

It's called Elden Ring's Lore Explained because that drives more clicks which gets him more money

>Yea Forumsirgin
>also retarded
Completely shocked.

Thanks for correcting my mistakes. Be sure to check out my upcoming lore videos using the information from these threads so I get more money you dumbfucks.

Why do you fags hate this guy so much?

for the same reasons we hate you

>Fromdrones now have to deal with vaati now

>takes all the theories from Yea Forums threads and makes videos documenting each one
>does it for all souls games
>probably still does it
Just another thief, wonder if he's a kike

He's a proven plagiarist, and makes money off of the discussions of others, so that literal retards that don't even comprehend what's going on while they play can avoid FOMO. He lowers the bar of discussion.

and people like you really raise it, eh?

I can't hate him too much because he played the system, he made videos of fromsoftware's retarded vague lore shit and it made him money. If I could go back in time and pretend to give a fuck about what that one broken sword at the beginning of the game means for the lore, I'd do it. Especially if it's just me compiling all the retarded theories others people make. Easy fucking money dude.

But of course I didn't do that. If I was forced to pretend to give a fuck about only fromsoftware games, I'd kill myself. They're good games, but not the point where I could worship them like a cultist for more than 10 fucking years.

Vaati blatantly lifted huge sections of Redmane's essay on Bloodborne. Then ran it through a shitty free automated plagiarism program to prove that he didn't. Then used the paid version to double down on his claim

More than vaati.

You're really proving it now

I dunno why I typed Redmane

And why do people still take this hack seriously after that?

they actually do
besides, open ended lore like this is very plainly meant to be handled more like an ongoing discussion, so people who just say shit like
>Haha I'm just waiting for the Vaati video! :^)
are actively devaluing the effort the devs put in in the first place

Because they are from ResetEra. They were having this exact discussion earlier today. I wager half the from-hate drones are also from there.

>Most likely in another video.
Found the vaati pateron

The thing about lore in Fromsoft games is that it's really one of those things that's about the journey, not the destination. It's a lot of fun to try to stich together a cohesive world and narrative from the fragments provided, and I feel like people who will just go to lore videos are missing the point pretty hard.

Because unfortunately he's the only lore guy on youtube that uploads consistently and doesn't sound like complete shit when he talks. So his popularity overshadowed this old controversy.

Youtube in general has lowered the fucking bar for game discussion. People just don't want to hear the opinion of someone who does not have an entertaining youtube series about it.

Funny how he's become the Souls lore guy after ENB got cucked, went insane and started fucking his own sister. If people only knew how much content Vaati just blatantly steals from other people, it's harrowing. Dude is a bigger trickster and trifling cunt than the character of Patches.

>old controversy

This is simultaneously asinine and based.

If he misinterpreted the lore then that means Yea Forums misinterpreted since the guy just steals ideas from here. It's our fault.

The lore hasn't really been open-ended since BB, besides Dark Souls 3 but thats a huge mess of shit so who cares. BB, Sekiro, and ER can be vague here and there but actually have ongoing structure.

even though ER has a structure theres a lot of stuff that's open to discussion though, clearly

>Humanity Restored tweet when Biden won
Vaati is a faggit

True, it is much larger.

Yeah but he actually got rolled through the mud when he stole Redgrave's work because Redgrave was a big part of the community. You'd have to prove that he's stealing from someone prolific almost word for word these days to incriminate him. Stealing shit from Yea Forums anons doesn't mean anything.