why aren't gamers finishing their games anymore?
Why aren't gamers finishing their games anymore?
Because niggers keep interrupting my gameplay every time they surprise my anus with their tongue.
most videogame stories are not good.
Because games which can be definitively "finished" have narratives, stories to be told. And a lot of the time, newer story-focused games are shit, and people fall back on less story-driven games like roguelites and multiplayer games, which can't be "finished".
This happened to with code vein
the game and atmosphere was ok then all of the sudden anor londo look alike area shows up and i havent had any interest in it since
Maybe because the game sucks to play and is basically a movie.
they're nigtarded
sorry, was that answer not "PC" enough for you?
straight up you came to the same conclusion she did
"u mad?" is not a personality
>Try uncharted 1
>The gameplay is shit
>But 2 is the best!
>Try 2, the gameplay is still shit
>complain about a natural human phenomenon
unless you make your story
Casuals and zoomers jumping from FOTM to FOTM games because their favourite streamers are playing them.
If you don't finisha game you started, you don't belong here.
If you don't 100% a game you enjoyed, gtfo you fucking touritst .
Movie games are not the future they are being forced by big studios who think they know better than the audience, time and time again the player base votes with their dollar and votes against linear cinematic experiences. Considering the cost to develop other types of games are more profitable
AAA western devs only make two types of games
type 1: walk through a hallway see a cutscene walk through a hallway see a cutscene walk through a hallway see a cutscene
type 2: aimless open world
or an awkward combo of both
That’s implying that they ever did.
cause the game sucks major ass
LoK and soul reaver are on my ps3 and now its impossible for me to finish them after what happened to ps3 chrono cross. uncharted 2 and 3 too, but those are because the bdd is burnt out
>blocks your path with the ultra long super extended Shire longbottom leaf salted pork and taters'n'cunny stew edition
Because it's by design. The game developers have to juggle between telling a story and filling that story with an acceptable amount of gameplay time. If you make it too short, people get angry. So they add padding.
She litterally looks like an Alpha Centauri leader
Just say you want hot sex with black men
This is the real answer along with game filtering.
"AAA" developers are a scum on the industry and everything they create is nothing but creative poison. Thanks to all sorts of focus groups, testing, and etcetera, games have become nothing more than timewastes. In the sense that they use literal SKINNER BOX tactics in order to condition the user. These games are developed for those people whose attention span is that of a gnat eating shit in a dog park. They overload the player with "things to do". So much so that they could never feasibly complete them all. And so much that they never will as they progress. You know why? Because testing says people like being rewarded for EVERY LITTLE THING. They like a pat on the back for whatever shitty little timewaste shit they're doing. Not only does this appeal to the lowest fucking common denominator, but it conditions the fucking player to this end. Playing these games is literally designed to burn out that little mental dopamine dispenser in your head because you feel like you "did something" and "made progress" when you're 1/10000 collectibles in. Gamers conditioned in this way lose their fucking ability to play longer-form games without as much "reward" unless they train it into themselves- And most people just play games as a fucking pastime anyways, so they'll likely drop anything that doesn't give them that buzz.
Make a story worth finishing and I'll finish it, shitheel.
Many don't give a shit about video game stories and most video game stories are laughably bad
>If you don't finisha game you started
that's stupid, if it's shit i wont finish it
Games started appealing almost exclusively to the kind of people that do not play games because that's how you maximize profits.
Why is it a surprise if these people aren't all that invested into video games?
You must have missed where this thread is talking about games. The exact problem is that we want games, not movies.
>i don't have an argument and i must seethe
Because they are too long these days. That's what it is.
When I think back to the PS2 era you had B tier weekend rentals that were about 7 hours, and you'd play the whole thing, and enjoy it some classic titles like Resident Evil 4 that clock in at around 10. And some top tier shit, that were around 18 (Metal Gear Solid 3), but none of this second job dozens of hours shit.
Contentniggers have ruined this medium and it's foolish to pretend otherwise.
Its a shame she get muscled out of that company, she was one of the best writers around.
Because shitty sony movie games aren’t worth finishing
Is she transitioning?
she's just old, user
Nobody cares if you say nigger and you still made yourself out as the victim.
i remember thinking this had the coolest fucking trailer back in the day
Exploration has become a chore with checklists of what to do
Old games like Deus Ex dropped you off somewhere with no map markers and told you to fuck off. The early levels have you the basics of what to explore i.e. safes, vending machines, crates. They gave you an incentive to explore instead of placing a marker there. The first few goodies you found in the first moments of the game means you’ll be checking every corner of the game, naturally finding the items and secrets the devs put in.
Dude she is like 60.
A better question is why they force themselves to finish games they hate
>people would rather spend 1 hour doing research and elaborate jumping to break the AI of an optional boss instead of ignoring it or learning how to fight them
It was too "PC" for me, actually.
>amy hennig completely forgotten by normalfags who jerk off cuckman these days
>LOKfans still miss her
Come home aunty.
Too long. In the old days a lot of games you could beat them in one day. Now everything is like 50 to 100 hours long bloated not fun crap. There's hardly any focused 10-15 hour games anymore like OOT or Metal Gear Solid 1 or the classic Resident Evil games.
SR2 and Defiance suck. I don't miss her that much.
It was a different time. They were very much a game of their time. A lot of early ps360 games like that hold up worse than old ps1 and ps2 games gameplay wise imo
What about Denis Dyack?
>Gamers aren't able to fully grasp the socio-political complexities of the newest David Cage opus!!!
>It is our solemn duty to acculturate these vile humans until they are fit for social consumption.
fuck off, they all have their strengths and weaknesses. the story was great, it was BO2 that had a fucky story
saddest part is that she's forgotten about us and only talking about LoK since we keep bugging her
No. Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance are dull junk.
I too hate David Cage
what makes SR1 so much better than the others? Story-wise
How would they know we weren't finishing the stories if they weren't spying on us?
>loathed inside the industry for being a tyrant
>caught with contentious content on his drive
>accused for being a pedo
>voted for trump
>became unhirable
>did an interview on 8ch
i'm guessing the average dweller of this place probably has a small shrine dedicated to him and sacrifices his blood sweat and semen to it
she should be more worried about some bugman fuck stealing her job and hi-jacking the story of all the franchises she helped create.
games were better when their entire stories fit on one page in a 5.25" x 4" instruction manual.
It's more focused and less of an incestuous soap opera. The series turned into a boring series of hallways and time travel cliches. SR1's original ending was a lot better than what we got instead, and I wish the game was completed to follow its original plan. Blood Omen remains the best LoK game.
>Contentniggers have ruined this medium
There's no content in being drip fed the story over 500 hours and you know it. You're demonizing the shadows in your head.
who ?
Nope they're great. You suck.
Mike Jones
The average normalfag's attention span is getting lower and lower as years go on. Combine that with always wanting to be on some gay hype train, people quite literally just consume and get excited for next product which comes out too quickly.
Achievements, unlock rate is public.
Writers are shit nowadays and the past decade or so. Amy flopped ftom legacy of kain to make soulless hollywood style trash.
Games with actual good story will be praised and finished. Problem is no one wants to put in the effort to create a good story.
based. his first album is unironically a classic
281 -330 -8004
because 10-20 hour games get padded out with 60 hours of mmo tier content
The voice acting is great.