Holy shit. This faggot is such an unfin cancer boss to fight against. His second phase is horrible.
>Fucked up hit boxes
>Gay lava that interrupts your attacks
>AOE poison spam
>Skull ghost spells that cover literally the whole screen
Was this shit even played test? His skull ghost spam is the fucking worse. They literally don't stop fucking spawning, and the worst part is that there is so many of them you literally can't discern what the fuck is going on? This boss like many elden ring bosses are just visual noise to me. Miyazaki forgot how to design a good boss. He thinks littering the screen with particles and bright colors is good game design. The series is really fucking dead.
Why is nobody talking about this garbage boss?
skill issue.
Just use the gimmick weapon. Gimmick boss should be designed beatable without the gimmick but nothing says they should be a good fight without it.
Was my favorite boss fight. Rare for Satoshi to make an enemy that is straight up evil, usually its a moral grey area
Fuck you never badmouth Rykard again.
>Get filtered by easy boss because you're dogshit at videogames
>Come to Yea Forums to bitch, moan and cry
What is this, thread #478 now?
i literally just pressed r1 in the same spot a few dozen times and he went down first attempt, not worth praising or complaining about, i like the shitposting over his stupid voice
Lol git gud
its another "OP never used the weapon art on the serpent hunter" episode
>gives you a weapon with massive range
>all his attacks are hyper telegraphed
I don't say this much but if you had trouble with Rykard you are genuinely awful at the game.
>tfw no ending where you devour the gods
You actually died to him? Holy shit you're fucking terrible. If you got hit by the same attack more than once just stop playing. You aren't going to make it with the wolves
The boss is still dog shit even with the serpent hunter
The skulls are the only bad part. Those things basically just forced me to roll blindly for 10 seconds straight.
God tier boss fight. Up there with Godfrey, Maliketh, Rennala and Radagon.
I'm not OP but I actually did die once to the skull spam in phase 2, right before I got the final blow. Honestly fun and cool boss battle
>Attack simply requires a light jog with some sprints to the right or left followed by a dodge when Rykard slams his sword down
>This filters Yea Forums
i've been hit like that and not from Rykard. The inexcusable part is that I couldn't see anything because it was twice as bad as the worse terrible UI mockup image I've ever seen. Might as well have blacked out the whole screen.
Literally one of the easiest bosses in the game if you don't use the spear.
If you do use the spear he's a complete joke.
What you do is, you press L2 to do the serpent hunter weapon art, but ONLY THE FIRST MOVE. Don't do the follow up. The first hit WILL stagger him. Wait a few secs so that you don't trigger the follow up and then press L2 again to do the first part of the weapon art again, staggering him again. Do this until you have to chug a blue flask (or if your FP bar is high enough it won't be a problem). This way he will LITERALLY never do the move that initiates the skull shower. He does have one sword poke that is faster than your weapon art start up, everything else is slower than your weapon art. if your FP is low don't do this for phase 1 with the snake, only for phase 2.
the quality of boss fights in these games is determined primarily by their presentation, rykard was kino
We want the Berserk audience.
>Serpent-Hunter's description says Great Serpent Hunt creates a "blade of light"
>It's clearly and visually a blade of wind, just like the Stormrulers before it
This boss wasn't that bad at all, I died to him like 4-5 times. The weapon skill from the whatever it's called you get at the entrance completely shuts down this boss and you can spam it. But, oh, my bad, I forgot rational and intelligent gameplay is shunned in these games. You didn't beat the game if you didn't R1 spam this boss without rolling or healing.
can't believe i didn't realize that last night while i fought him. the skull spam and constant explosions was the only hard part of the fight.
well now you know for NG+ or playthroughs with new characters.
Gimmick bosses should always be designed to still be beatable, fair, and decent bosses without their gimmick weapon, needing to use the holy special stormtuler 3.0 and interrupt 80% of the bosses attacks to make the fight bearable or remotely fun should perhaps tell you the boss isn't designed very well.
I think I was overleveled when I fought him because I literally just spammed attacks with that lance they gave me and he was dead
No, it does that for everyone. It's why the spear has no stat requirements to use it.
just use zanmato
I'm starting to believe leveling up HP doesn't matter at all and that damage scales with your health points. The first time If fought him I had 45 vigor, radagons soreseal and no great runes activated and the fight was pretty miserable. In my second playthrough I had 60 vigor, greatshield talisman and radahns great rune acrivated and he still did a fuckton of damaged. Does any of you have tested this?
The enemies are tougher in newgame+.
What fight? I literally just pressed L2 over and over and won both phases without seeing a single attack
You will never join the Serpent King as family
I started a new game from 0.
>upgrading the weapon causes it to do ridiculously more damage
>the weapon art can literally stunlock it to death, even if you need to chug a mana potion
Unironically get good
You get to fuck his sister so it's okay.
Fellow Omenkillerbro
Honestly I had more fun fighting him without the spear. Unlike Yorm in DS3 I still felt like there was a fighting chance if you ignored the special boss weapon and I liked that.
Yeah, IMO it's a meme. Like even with 45 vigor, heavy armor, and the dragoncrest greatshield talisman, I still only survive Melania's grab-n-impale attack basically if I'm at 100%. Anything less and it's RIP in pieces. What's the fucking point of any of this shit?
>hurrr durrr why won't the boss let me ignore its gimmick
Do soulsfags never play any other game?
How do you even fight him without the stormruler? He's chilling over in a pile of lava
Get this. I put away my huge fuck off sword, and used a ballista and some magic.
yeah something is fucked. What really makes a difference is equipping the right talismans and using any support spells that negate that specific type of damage the boss is doing (fire, magic, holy, lightning, etc). Other than that, you just gotta roll
hes cool and is the best version of the storm ruler bosses.
i've no idea how this bullshit works. i have 40vig, armor(cleanrot set), no seals, and the physical armor talisman but see people fighting the same bosses only take half the damage i do
>just fought those two for the first time
I didn't know what I was fighting and panicked so I sent the mimic to take the first hit. Was very underwhelmed when it was just two of these fucks.
You can beat him without Serpent Hunter if your level is high enough.
Magic and range weapon
I just wish serpent hunter could do the cool stuff outside of the fight
the lava does surprisingly little damage. the problem is the stagger every 2 secs sropping your swings
Can you at least run back out of the lava or is it like Mario Sunshine goop in Volcano Manor where you slow-walk through it unless you use quickstep?
yeah, it's not the deep bullshit
Same. The lack of any floors really gave me nausea.
This is bait.
Next time I might actually try beating him without the weapon then. I feel like the presentation and style were really cool but I was underwhelmed by the boss fight since I just casually steamrolled him my first blind attempt by picking up the stormrolling and doing charged L2s on repeat. Didn't even see any attacks
lightning spear rapes him without the giantslayer thing
t. faithfag
"Play tested" nothing in the game was tested, dumbo
haha swarm of flies go BBBBZZZZZZZZZ
Because Mt Gelmir is the best area in the whole game and his aesthetic is sick as fuck.
Also how the fuck did you even fail? I one shot that guy with the serpent hunter, you stunlock him to death just by spamming the ash