Did they even beta test this boss?

Did they even beta test this boss?

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Why wouldn't they? And it paid off, they outdid even Isshin and Gael with that second phase

gets fucked
doable if you've specced into a glass cannon and spam jump attacks
>Tanky G.Shield user
Abuse bhs and frost and it's manageable
Bleed required ahead. Honestly when I did co-op to get some practice on this boss, I was disgusted at how quick bleed abusers could kill this boss.

no but your mom raised a beta lmao

it is a beta test

Can someone explain why this boss filters Yea Forums so hard?

it's hard if you play it bare bones and easy if you use one of the million things the game throws as you

git gud

Yes, and you're the Beta.

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because its a shit boss mong and probably the only genuine bullshit boss in the series.

>hyper aggressive
>heals 10% per hit
>Insta kill waterfowl
It’s literally one of the worst designed bosses in the series

Yeah you got filtered hard


It's likely bugged. Look: youtube.com/watch?v=xywpJ26hS70 The one she does now is probably supposed to be the long-range WFD. She also has a disabled short range WFD that makes a lot more sense to actually avoid.

Radagon is more bullshit than Malenia is

Of course they did, the tester used summons and mashed attacks until she died, just like they did to every boss in the game

That animation looks much better too

>elden ring

Zanzibart...forgive me...

>le badly designed
bruh you got filtered don't blame the game like a journo

Its got a small amount of actual skill checking if you don't use summons. That being said anyone who isn't shit at games should be able to beat her the first time within an hour or so. After the fact she gets easier albeit still easy to mess up and die. Shes also a boss that has very bad AI and i know this will make people mad but its true. Sometimes its basically like RNG. I'm not talking in the sense of winning because you got good RNG more like the AI guaranteeing itself to lose because you got good RNG. Sometimes it just acts foolish and does the same easy to punish shit over and over. Phase 2 can end up being just 30 seconds long because she decides to flower bomb you again or do the slam sword AOE a couple of times all of which guarantees jump attacks. If anything its a ugly demonstration of things to come. From clearly makes AI with the worst of input reading designs nowadays. If you stay far away from alot of them they are super passive until a certain distance. Good AI in ARPG/action games often has strict skill check patterns that are somewhat consistent. But Elden Rings harder bosses just feel like reacting to whatever the boss decides to do without alot of rhyme or reason sometimes. Has the well run dry? I thought Nameless King Phase 2 and Orphan had a decent AI when it came to understand what distance they were at. But ER just feels like it compensates by doing nothing until you commit. And since tracking/damage is so high you're always forced into roll skill check situations.

Please explain how it’s a fair fight

You could have

>Bloodhound Steped
>Thrown Frost pot

>Or just ran away from her

Not him but i beat Malenia in about 30-40 minutes of attempts. She was hard but i wonder if you apply this same bullshit defense to other games. Or if From isn't on the cover you cry like the child you are? Nioh threads were always good for that.

grab the Fingerprint Stone Great Sheild and cheese her she is easy

>No nonsensical sword explosions everywhere
>Actual timing to the swings
>Clear, readable motions
Why would they replace this with the abortion we actually got. Is from retarded?

A literal girl beat it with a dancepad

Git gud fag

>A literal girl beat it with a dancepad


Do the people that complain about waterfowl even stopped to think a strategy to counter it?
Or just went over and over hoping to win
I learned after 2 hours that a medium shield is enough for the first barrage, the rest of it can be dodged
Yeah she will heal but you take no damage which beats being dead

I beat her. Didn't have much issue but i do see a problem when bosses don't require you to act outside the box. I feel like alot of the issues Malenia causes are because people generally can beat Souls games with roll/R1. Hell its probably why Nioh filtered alot of them too. Because Nioh actually from beginning to end requires a small amount of experiment. Malenia and maybe Mohg2? Might be the only bosses that require experimenting with tools that aren't the basic roll/R1. Id say Ragadon but i think that is only if you're a bleed bitch.

How isn't it fair? People are beating her easily without taking damage, people are beating her at level 1

Kek so you still have to dodge 4 of them. Trash design

Because you can dodge/handle anything she throws at you? Just because waterfowl is unforgiving doesn't mean it's unfair, just dodge it and be aware of it and don't blame the game like an underage kid
I don't even know what you're trying to say but I'm glad you had fun

They're "beta testing" it right now, all the betas are failling.

She still heals
>QS/BHS not everyone wants to be funneled to use blatantly broken WA, basic roll timings should be enough to dodge most boss attacks, with the exception of special attacks that you can otherwise prepare for.
>Throw pot, probably your only acceptable answer. Using ranged weaponry when you can against her is a good idea. However you cannot knock her out of moves she has hyper armour on, even with the jar cannon

This isn't your blog faggot

Waterfowl is 100% unfair. If you are too close to her when she starts it you die

Don't bother. The malenia apologists around here have never heard of game design and base all of their self-worth on beating an altogether easy boss. Any attempts to address her many problems will just be met with a variation of git gud or some other pathetic deflection.
t. beat her four times

I'd argue that a good bit of ER asks you to think a little harder about how you play than previous games in the series. Take, for example, Margit. How many people have complained about him having variable amounts of time that he can hold his attacks before starting them, or how his combos can last for differing amounts of hits. The reason that the first boss in the main line of progression is designed like this is because From wants you to pay closer attention and think a little harder.

Not that most mongoloids would actually learn that lesson if they can still succeed by bashing their head against the wall, of course. Malenia is less forgiving, in that way. Whether or not ER/From succeeded in making players think more about how they play is up for debate, but I, for one, appreciate the changes.

>Still healing on block
You make a net gain if you are hitting her often enough. Not an issue.
You also forgot to make even the slightest attempt to address the fact that the most effective way to avoid the Waterfowl Dance is to run away from it. It's actually really easy, just sprint, and reverse direction+ roll for the 3rd part of it.

>le just throw a freezing pot in the 0.5 seconds you have before she starts waterfowl

>gets fucked
You can beat her in less than one minute with the Blasphemous Blade art. Fuck, you can literally effortlessly kill her with the Swarm of Flies incantation.

What's hard about that?

Yeah they put you up against it.

It's funny because from actually did teach players that sort of thing successfully before. In Sekiro. Margit on the other hand is a rather unfun reaction speed test filled with nonsense that usually ends up as a messy slapfight. Despite that most everyone will put him down easily as long as they don't run straight to him at the beginning of the game, due to his very small healthbar. This will then repeat with his elden lord echo fighter.
Why people hold him up as a brilliantly designed encounter is beyond me.

hey retard, strength isn't exclusively big slow shitty weapons. t. heavy scaling spear power stancer.

This is 100% true. I beat her because she flower bombed and did the sword slam tornado twice on the second round.
From could fix this rng easily by cutting her damage (and healing) in half and giving her double HP. Battle becomes twice as long but you no longer get one-shotted.
I say apply the same to all bosses except fire giant. Currently none of the boss fights lasted more than 2 minutes for me and I was using a keen night rider flail like a fucking idiot.
Anyways game's great. GOTY easy.

My build is dual wielding straight swords and with low weight and light rolls. Fits with my fashion souls loadout as well. If you respec to counter one move, you gave up on your build and you didn't beat the game.

I had to settle for sometimes losing 50% of my health to the first hit of WFD, long after I had compeltely mastered all of her other moves, but it was eventually enough to win. Absolutely trash boss though.

Malekith would have been stronger than her if he just started the fight with his 2nd phase and full health

>You make a net gain if you are hitting her often enough. Not an issue.
No because then it becomes a dps check. If you're not set up as a glass cannon then trading with her in anyway, blocking or not isn't an option because her heal can still outscale your damage.
Waterfowl dance can only be avoided via running if you're pretty much waiting for her to do it. If you've just done a jumping attack with any weapon bigger than a straight sword then you're outright caught and likely to get oneshot unless you luck out and panic roll/bhs after taking a hit or two

Unfortunately, I think a lot of people just didn't play it.

>Some people think Margit is a brilliant encounter
Pseudo intellectuals love to find things where there is none

lol, lmao even.
Maliketh has nothing even close to waterfowl dance.
All his attacks can be negated by simply tapping the roll button.

To be honest, I find her first phase pretty fair, if boring on some playstyles. Equipping a shield and switching to it to block the first part of her flurry attack practically invalidates it, as you can easily dodge the other two parts afterwards. If you're using a playstyle that refuses to use a shield, then the entire fight is just you baiting out her waterfowl to every 30 seconds to fight her normally until the "reset timer" runs out and she can do it again, which makes the fight extremely boring in my opinion. People that say the attack is consistently dodgeable from up close are full of shit, and saying that "an autistic speedrunner that has 3000 hours in the game can do it at level 1 with bare fists so why can't you?" isn't a proper argument.
Her phase 2 is complete and utter garbage and ruins the boss solely because she can infinitely cancel into different attacks at will, making it unclear when you can punish her outside of very few moves. This is not only annoying because there's nothing to learn or master for most of the second phase, and the fight is just an extremely boring dodgefest. This is the complete opposite of her first phase, where practically every single move she does has a clear counter and punish window. If her second phase was as good as her first, she might be the best boss in the series for me, but unfortunately, she's just another disappointment. In her defense, she's not the only boss that does this bullshit I guess.

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Swarm of flies is Arcane retard

Yeah I thought Malekith was an awesome fight. People meme on rolls but rolls are the only thing every character reliably has in the end. If you make anything too stupid for the standard rolls + a decent weapon, you're just making build unviable in your ARPG and funneling people to OP stuff that isn't satisfying to win with. If they're going to do that, just make Sekiro 2. Sekiro didn't have these balance issues so I'd be fine if they wanted to do that.

It’s not even a instakill vigorlet

>From Shit
good one OP

I have 50 vigor

Maliketh's vergil cuts are harder to dodge than waterfowl if you're close enough to him and he does them randomly, and they lower your max health for like a minute. If he had Malenia's health bar he would be a much harder boss.

60 is the vigorlet cutoff, sorry.

My autism is making me fight her at sl1.
I'm having a bad time.

They didn't test anything.

This was my problem with the fight, I run is no armor,summons, and full str colossal weapon, was stuck on her for hours but one attempt just ended with each of my attacks staggering and her never using waterfowl and second phase was her doing easily punishable attacks it quite frankly pissed me off and i stopped playing for about a week.

I hope you're naked and not using a weapon, otherwise you didn't beat the game.

She has one dangerous attack which is an instakill in most situations.
She will never be a good boss.

Then put on better armor. You should be at least at 50% damage negation. Fashion souls isn’t real.

They will never top Bloodborne and Sekiro. Those have the best bosses by far. Orphan was the original boss that had follow-ups to his follow-ups with more follow-ups that they stole and spammed the fuck out of in elden ring for even elite enemies so everyone is just a flailing faggot. With Orphan they did it right. He was the final boss that also had huge story and lore significance and his fighting style was just a warped version of a hunter's. Gehrman, Maria and Gascoigne were also amazing. Basically every fight in Sekiro is a wonderful dance of swordsmanship and perfect timing.

Then they took aaaaaaaall that good stuff, took a huge shit on all of it, implemented it in the most half-ass way possible into elden ring and called it a day. It's incredibly noticeable that most of the dev time went into making the map itself with how much they recycle bosses in the game and how they quite literally recycled shit from dark souls 3 that they both used and didn't use. The game would have been amazing if they took the time to change up the gameplay. I have no desire to play on a new character. Like, at all, for the first time ever in these games. It's such a fucking slog.

Im similar to this guy, I run 2 heavy weapons and no armor to keep light build and dodge changing my whole run to fight one boss is stupid as fuck.

Zanzibart... forgive me...

>Fuck, you can literally effortlessly kill her with the Swarm of Flies incantation.
disagree. people are retarded. i was helping people beat her and a dozen people were running bleed swarm of flies builds while we did all the work and they still managed to get killed before the second phase because they cant dodge for shit

How do you reach 50%? I have the dragon crest great shield talisman and I don’t even teach 45 with scaled armor

Waterfowl Dance ruins this perfect boss fight. Seriously, this fight goes from a potential top 5 in the game to bottom 5 because of one fucking move. It does enough damage to kill the tankiest builds several times over, it can go the entire length of the arena, and it doesn't even leave her open for attacks any more than her other moves. You NEED a shield or bloodhound step to fully counter it, and the shield still heals her and potentially gives her the chance to use it IMMEDIATELY AFTER BECAUSE IT'S BUGGED.

How is it bugged, you ask? Every time she drops below a quarter of her health bar, she gains a charge of Waterfowl Dance(She can only hold one at a time). If the RNG is not in your favor, she will use it right after dropping below 75/50/25% and may get enough health back to go over the threshold and thus gain another Waterfowl Dance use. It's possible to see Waterfowl Dance over 3 times in a single phase but it is also possible to see it only once or twice in the whole fight and it's mostly due to the game's RNG deciding when she uses it.

After fighting her hundreds of times and beating her only 3 times (one time with no ash - longsword only), I think she would be the most fun boss in the game if it wasn't for this one unfair, momentum killing move.

I've been through ER about four or five times now and it's quite incredible how much of the game isn't worth interacting with at all. Most of what you'll need in your average run can be found in caelid. Liurna, mountaintops and weeping don't matter at all, and everything else has like two pit-stops before you beeline it to the legacy dungeon. Such an absolute waste.

she's either too easy or too hard.
>long reach for a humanoid boss
>can move quickly
>can attack quickly
>lots of damage per hit
>heals herself if she hits you, even if you block it
>has incredibly hard to dodge move (her autism flurry)
>also has second phase with rot
she's very unforgiving unless you use very specific cheese builds. there's no middle ground with her.

>no titties
>flat ass