Nu-Gaylo fans will defend this

>Yeah we could've added more content to Infinite but here's a cookbook instead, you fat fucks

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gotta say writing cookbook recipes is easily my least favorite part of being a programmer

>it's okay when Japan does it

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The absolute state of 3v4i

but food is actually relevant in final fantasy

Okay, but how are churros relevant to Halo?

that's a nice cover tbdesu

>the same people that program the game are the same ones writing and publishing a book
fucking retard, sage

The game was shit but I don't think the developers had a hand in the cookbook.

>mmo with cooking profession has a cookbook

>halo cookbook
I can't believe it. They might as well add a chef hat cosmetic for Infinite to fucking piss on Halo's grave even more.

>Flood biomass burgers, Grunt Food Nipple Cream, Brute Surprise, Jackal Tuesday, Tenderized Marine, Warthog Grill Chicken Wings

You realise that book has absolutely NOTHING to do with 343, right? They literally just sell the rights to use the Halo imagery and logo and stuff, that's it.

>It's the same author doing all of this

Damn they are just handing out free money to women these days

>Might as well add chef hat cosmetic
user they just datamined a chef hat cosmetic for infinite.

fuck 343 and ther garbage. although i have the destiny cookbook

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Who is this Victoria Rosenthal and why is she writing video game cookbooks


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Those churros look really good.

Why do Americans hate having to cook their own food? Is the idea of a cookbook too much for you to understand, mutt? Go eat some McDonald.

user, I'm quite certain this doesn't impact game development considering that people who write the updates and people who write cookbooks are entirely different people.

That said, why is there a Halo cookbook?
How the fuck is food related to Halo in any way? I'm assuming the entire book is just random shit that barely references something Halo related in name or shape but what's even the point then? I genuinely doubt it got many sales either.

source. this sounds too dumb to be true

Japan sucks, not gonna defend those island chinks. That's just as bad as the Halo cookbook

She's a joo and she found an easy way to make a buck

At least in ff you can see people eating, I literally can't remember one scene where I saw Mr John halo eat something

Bonnie Ross must have a hidden cam video of Phil Spencer shooting a load down her throat to still have any job at Microsoft. Halo 4 was a failure. Halo MCC to this day still has features that don't fucking work. Halo Guardians was an even bigger failure. Infinite has been nothing short of a failure. It makes absolutely no sense why they've let and continue to let 343 drive the franchise so deep into the ground

hahaha I see what you did!! xD

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nobody needs opinions on cooking from people who eat dingos and think 'chipped beef' is for human beings.

because there are way too many yes-men that make up halos development team and fans. people actually buy into microtransactions still, that's why they're still around

What's Master Cuck's favorite meal?

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Locke cock

Did they fire their photographer between these two?
Halo book looks amateur as fuck in both presentation and photo quality. Meanwhile the FF cover looks like it's had thought put into it.

Final Fantasy actually has recipes from its games you can make.
Halo has... churro sticks, I guess? Apparently?

>has loads of actual ingame foods to pick form
>ingame food is scaled with difficulty everything from making your own syrup to gourmet meals
>Grunt food nipple and i think i saw a halo 3 cargo asset have the word MRE on it thats food!
cant wait for the Friday night funkin cookbook

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nu-gaylo fan, i do not support this

Her other cookbooks all have pretty nice covers and from her blog she seems like a good food photographer. I wonder if Microsoft wanted to do all the branding themselves or something.

ALRIGHT Yea Forums Post how high your cooking level is from 1-99 I R L
hardest thing ive made in my life is pork roast stew but i cheated and used a slow cooker pretty much impossible to fuck up id give myself a 9

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It's not just okay when Japan does it.
Final Fantasy XIV having a cook book makes sense.
World of Warcraft having a cook book makes sense.
Elder Scrolls having a cook book makes sense.
Dungeons and Dragons having a cook book makes sense.
Fuck, Star Wars and Star Trek having cook books makes sense.
Because all of these things have fleshed out what food in their settings is and trying to find real world approximations for gargantuan spider legs and chocobo eggs and horker ballsacks and twi'lek milk is a fun experimental thing to do.

Halo has never once fleshed out it's food lore, every recipe may as well be from modern day Applebees, and there's no fun to be had. The most insulting part is that this Halo cookbook costs more than all those other cook books I mentioned.

I actually own this. The recipes are actually items in the game, and there's lore bits on each page. It's honestly the only vidya cookbook I'd buy since cooking is an actual class in XIV.

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She's a yenta, so it's nepotism. jews with money and influence use that money and influence to create cushy do-nothing jobs that pay 6+ figures for their relatives and jooish friends.

uhhh maybe like a 40? I made thanksgiving dinner 100% solo this past year which I'm really proud of.

Level 1 on a work day
Level like...50 when I'm off.
I'll put in a ton of effort if I'm home all day and can take the time to make something good. But when I get home from work most nights I'm so tired I can barely muster up the willpower to make a fucking hot pocket let alone a well put together meal.

Makes sense. The head of 343 looks like a typical mom

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>you’ll shit bricks when you see it

25 it's painfully average

>cookbook has flavor text

She looks like she gives great hugs.

What type of name is Rosenthal?

>The Official Yea Forums Cookbook

make it happen folks

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>hotpockets and tendies
>all manners of onion food

FFXV had some tasty looking food.


I hate to ask, because I think I know the answer. Is there a Warhammer 40k cookbook?

>thigh blood
>human shit
>dog shit
>malt liquor
>off brand soda
>neovagina discharge
>chicken tenders
>puberty blockers


Yeah I’m sure that author/editor team knows how to code.

>typical party food
>food that can be found in-game
I think I know which one is superior.