This game turns 7 years old in 3 weeks, and yet it's still trapped on the Wii U with neither hide nor hair of a port...

This game turns 7 years old in 3 weeks, and yet it's still trapped on the Wii U with neither hide nor hair of a port, remaster, remake, or sequel. What gives?

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they accidentally used their full power on the wii u, then they had the competent half of their staff stolen for zelda and then the successor system was somehow weaker than the wii u

they can't port it because it's too difficult, they can't make a sequel because people will want the original.

Chads still have their WiiU hooked up in the living room, so it's cool.

Because it's shit.

My Wii U is hooked up, but it's covered in dust and I can't watch documentaries while playing it

Takahashi did say it'd be just as easy to make a new game as it would be to get Xenoblade X on the Switch, so I think that might actually be true.


But it has the Ma-non ship

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I hate how loud the Wii U is when a disc is in. If I install cfw and load games off of an SD card, will it be better?

If your disc reader in your Wii U is that loud, yeah, it'd be better.

Why not just play it on Cemu?


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hbd to my favorite of all time
best girl

I have a Wii U and a physical copy of X, I still want a Switch port

HB's dick?

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Why do you want to buy the same game again?

>best girl
If only there were actual fanart of her.

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Post the Xenophobe webm

Portability, potentially faster loading times, renewed community in a game with online components, etc

Its not really that good and the music is stuck in copyright hell.

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>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
fucker, I wanted to post it.

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You're welcome fellow Mia-chad

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I love the concerned look on drills whore in the second panel, it's perfect.

post your dolls

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Now the game will never be heard of ever again.

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It's mentalities like this which make putting out remakes and remasters the big business it is. The game came out literally just last gen and people already want a port so they can buy it again. It's ridiculous, but that's consumerism proving it actually works.

>He went Verus

t. Lailah chad

exactly, and saved.

I assume they're saving it for the next console. The switch isn't that much stronger than the Wii U so they cant make a definitive edition, it would just be a straight port. But with the next console they can boost it to 4k and sell it as Xenoblade X definitive edition.

If they'd given us the option to play Wii U games on the Switch, it wouldn't be an issue.

No way the Switch would be backward compatible with the Wii U and its stupid controller.

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That's why people want a port to the Switch, since the Wii U is a dead console that barely sold any units and everyone and their mother has a Switch. Eventually it'll be impossible to find Wii Us for less than $500 and it'll still be impossible to play Xenoblade X on the Switch.

It's awful. I feel like I'm looking at a bunch of crazy people whenever one of these threads pops up and people crawl out of the woodwork to say it's one of the greatest RPGs ever made. Surely it must just be one very crazy and dedicated person, and not an actual group who praise this dumpster fire.

Good. It's a shit game that literally plays itself anyway, why do you want it? Gaming has to move away from autocombat

The Wii U is a trash console that only ever had a handful of worthwhile games. It's actually become MORE of a worthless piece of shit over time as every single other game of any value has a superior port on switch or elsewhere.
XBX is literally the only good game still trapped on the system and spending $300+ for one game is retarded. There's a big difference between wanting ports from hugely successful systems that sold 100M+ units and systems that couldn't even do a fifth of that. Plus the Wii U is extra shit for longevity due to the massive, fragile, irreplaceable controller.

Xenoblade X is pretty popular on Yea Forums. It's not the most popular, but a fair few people love it.

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This was just Jurassic Park

Xfans are the true xenofans, everyone else are secondaries and posers.

it cute

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I always give Elma a red/black/white Verus because it suits her

There's no way that an undocked Switch can run Xenoblade Chronicles X.
>potentially faster loading times
This alone isn't enough to justify it.
>renewed community in a game with online components
It won't have Miiverse and it may or may not have proper online multi-player.

It sucks. Even TMS got a port. Take the hint.

>Entire in-game mythology/analysis of the usage of dolls being instrumental to teaching infants and young children how to interact with the unknown in a safe manner, learning both not to damage and to treasure the things they are given and that those interactions teach them to observe the world with an open mind
>Calling the mechs Dolls was conversely a means of allowing Mira that same opportunity, to interface with a living world in a manner that did not threaten to destroy it, but sought to educate it about all of the life forms crawling upon its surface
>The "Doll" reveal at the end was both metaphor and mythology made perfectly manifest in reality as the Doll Project existed solely as a means to allow the humans to make safe planetfall and eventually reshape the world they landed on into a habitable place for the actual newborn humans to populate, having had their safe chance to interact with the world and its myriad entities and are now responsible enough to claim dominion over it
>They renamed them to "Skells" because Treehouse thought "Exoskeleton" was a better word than Doll and "Skells" is a cooler way of saying it
Will literally never not be seething at this

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TMS got a port as a tie-in to the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

They added Tsubasa to their gotcha hence it didn't matter when TMS flopped again.

>They also didn't check the dictionary to see if Skell was already a word.

Nothing like naming your giant robots "Hobos" and "Drug Addicts".

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Yeah yeah, we know. They also ruined the BLADE acronym and ruined the undertones of XC2 by changing all the religious phrases (Pope -> Praetor, God -> Architect, Holy Grail -> Aegis).

There needs to be someone tasked with brutally raping translators whenever they decide to do shit like that. Just a naked guy with a huge cock that checks over their shoulders to make sure they don't get cheeky, and if they feel the need to "localize" the game, they get bent over and prolapsed on their desk

>Main character's name is still Cross, but now it means literally nothing
Personally I don't want them to be physically raped, but instead I'd like for these games to be re-released with new translations that are faithful while the old translation instead has the entire translation staff's names be listed so it's public knowledge that they are responsible for the fucking dumpster fire they left behind

So you don't want to buy a Wii U because it would bring shame to your video game credibility by having a "dead console" and/or you just need to have the ability to buy the game again for full price. Keep in mind games like Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, Sin and Punishment: Star Successor Baton Kaitos, and others are "trapped" on their consoles too but it's always primarily the Switchfags that bitch and moan about not getting last gen ports.
How about you try emulation if you need to play XBX that badly? You know very well XBX isnt going to suddenly selling 5 million copies just by it being on the Switch and so does Nintendo.

Nintendo didn't fix TMS, they sure as shit ain't gonna fix Xenoblade X.

Just hope somebody burns down the American office. That's as close to a consolidation as you are gonna get on the matter.

I doubt they'd ever redo the entire dub. Too many voiced lines, and the translation would have to be given another couple of passes to make sure everything is hunky dory.

>Nintendo didn't fix TMS,
Hell, they doubled down and ruined it for Japan too.

They didn't even fix Skyward Sword. They put band-aids on the petty shit, but the big things they could have fixed they did nothing with.

I'd settle for the Japanese dub (which has more Avatar Lines) with faithful subtitles.

your point is still valid, but i do wanna say that, since the wii can play gamecube games, baten kaitos could be played on a "popular" console

You know what sucks about emulation? I don't get to use the comfy wii u gamepad. Forwhatever reason there isn't a way to hook it up to PC and use it as a controller. I can easily hook up a wiimote to my pc and play skyward sword in dolphin and forget I'm emulating it, all I needed was a usb dongle and it was off to the races, but X just doesn't feel right with any other controller, that touch screen was so utterly perfect for the game.

Alright, Yea Forums

>Favorite character
>Favorite continent
>Favorite ayy lmao race

For me, it's

Ok ok many fags saying Switch can't run Xenoblade CX properly, but why does it run Xenoblade Chronicles 2 then?

>Noctilum and its many biomes

X is far bigger, and you move far faster in it. You can travel the entire map without a single loading screen, and you can travel fast enough that pop-in suddenly becomes an issue. Plus it has a more intricate weather system and has to generate other things that cause it to be more resource intensive than 2.

My brothers in Christ. Murderess is the best girl in the series (Xenoblade, not Xeno as a whole)

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>Favorite character
>Favorite continent
one by one (by one)
>Favorite ayy lmao race
Orpheans and Zaruboggan leaning towards the former