The concept design for Doomguy in Eternal is far better the final version we ended up getting. It would have more closely resembled the original design but modernized instead of simply creating an extension of the 2016 design which in itself was mediocre and shared heavy similarities to other vidya characters like Samus and Master Chief. What was their reasoning for the change? We could have gotten something so rad but instead we got the cluttered mess we see in the actual game.

Attached: Doom Eternal comparison.jpg (2949x2620, 1008.59K)

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They went for the Doomguy is the chosen one and literally god approach. I blame you fucks for starting this

Attached: doom powerwanking.jpg (1260x824, 309.37K)

>game's been out for a gorillion years now, it was a roaring success that revitalized the whole genre after years of studio after studio doing its darnest to kill anything FPS that wasn't just stumbling down a hallway and shooting nazis re-skinned as terrorists re-skinned as russians
>retards still bicker about it
What's the problem, exactly? You guys didn't get on it at launch? The only objective negative point is the lack of the one feature they talked about and didn't deliver.

Attached: 1615380428359.png (720x856, 1.04M)

Lmao you unironically think this is a good design and not something a 13 year old who can't draw scribbled together within 2 minutes? It's an overdesigned mess.

Attached: Doom Slayer Eternal.png (1280x1280, 1.42M)

looks kino desu

Attached: 1534729251768.png (378x349, 33.75K)

Oh, that looks like shit actually. Looks way better in the OP

Eternal was made by massive Doom fans that never actually played Doom

Only aspect of the doom slayer I didn't like was making him God chosen one, he's better just being some random marine who just fights like crazy to survive

I fucking hate that he has fucking sleeveless armor with gauntlets when he had no skin exposed armor in the first game. Unironically how can you explain how its a good idea to remove the sleeves

I imagine they went with the more Praetor suit-esque design in the end once they decided on having unlockable costumes.
Doomguy's "canon" armor for Eternal would be a variation of his armor from the previous game (for consistent narrative reason), and players could unlock an armor design that's pretty much 1:1 with his classic look if they wanted.

On a similar note I think this "classic green" version of the Eternal armor is much better than the vanilla version, and is honestly what it should have looked like on release.

Attached: 1642893713859.png (674x485, 507.23K)

>massive Doom fans that never actually played Doom

Attached: huh.png (226x431, 101.67K)

>goes out of his way to find a version of the suit with the least appealing colors possible
A for effort

People who are more obsessed with "boomer shooter" memes than actually playing games.

This is a lot better, but there's no real need for it when I could just use the real classic armor, or armor from one of the other games.

>we got the cluttered mess
Just like the game, 2016 also.
Doom hasn't been good since the 90s.

It's probably a leftover from an earlier version of the game that the devs decided to throw in later as a bonus.
The original trailer for Eternal had Doomguy with more classic-looking colors, like the grey helmet.

that's not doom, that's green metroid from metroid

Yeah, 2016's armor was a bad Halo ripoff too.
I think it just comes from the figures from 2016. I replayed it very recently for the first time since Eternal came out, and noticed how many of those became skins.

Attached: PraetorSuit.png (890x1080, 1.27M)

Holy FUCK, why is Yea Forums jampacked with so many fucking contrarians?

>This game le good? No, it actually bad!
>This game le bad? No, it actually good!
>This game popular? I hate it!
>This game some random indie shit? I love it!

All you fucks are like this and its beyond pedantic.

>I fucking hate that he has fucking sleeveless armor with gauntlets when he had no skin exposed armor in the first game. Unironically how can you explain how its a good idea to remove the sleeves
He didn't even have sleeves until the reboot and that was a retarded choice to give him it. He's not a fucking robot. He a dude with some armor to protect the important parts of his body and that's all he needs. Removing the sleeves in Eternal was a good start in reminding us there's an actual person underneath the armor and not just some generic looking space marine who should be a background character in Destiny or Halo.

>when he had no skin exposed armor in the first game
Yes he did.

Attached: OriginalDoom-marineFrontView.png (1282x719, 511.5K)

This is an authentic shot of how he looks in the game. It's still ugly.

Attached: Doomguy Eternal 1.png (1038x1862, 2.09M)

I'm sorry you've been brainwashed by modern shitty style over substance "games" pushed onto nugamers since the late 90s by companies who stopped caring about game quality.

nah looks good now

Doom Eternal is objectively superior to all previous Doom games. If you say otherwise it's safe to assume you got filtered by the Marauder.

Fine you think he looks better, without sleeves, I don't, whatever. But you'd have to be a retard to not agree that it doesn't make logical sense to remove the sleeves of impenetrable armor.
Retarded bait, obviously I was talking about 2016

looks like a minor villain from a 90s action cartoon
i like it

Sleeveless Doomguy is a staple visual element of the character and is a remnant of Doom taking inspiration from Aliens. 2016's armor is an outlier and should remain that way.
Stop taking a series about shooting hell demons with shotguns in space so seriously.

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It's really pathetic to hear anyone say that those pile of trash "games" with bad gameplay and blinding can't see shit graphics are good.
How pathetic

The snot green is really ugly. Yuck.

>But you'd have to be a retard to not agree that it doesn't make logical sense to remove the sleeves of impenetrable armor.
Yeah because practicality matters when you have a human killing giant demons and monsters with basic human firearms.

That's not the first game, dumbass. It's a return to status quo.

Is that a real skin for Tony hawk or just a mod?

He was in the PC version of 3.

I have a feeling the game was made slightly worse after after the initial version

It grew on me. At least it's not the neckless Master Chief anymore.

Attached: Doom Slayer artstation.jpg (3840x2160, 1.86M)

Best design is classic. Worst design is 2016. Doom 3 with the helmet actually looks pretty cool so I wont shit on it that badly..

Attached: Doom complete better.jpg (4000x1301, 1.76M)

Attached: Doom 3 Doom Marine.png (885x815, 607.48K)

That's pretty cool

>Doom 3 with the helmet actually looks pretty cool so I wont shit on it that badly..
The Quake Champions version of Doom 3's armor looks pretty good, imo.

Attached: 1642589709999.png (306x411, 201.09K)

He doesn't have elephant feet either.

I'll just go ahead and say that classic Doomguy's model in Quake Champions is the best. I love the face as well, really well done.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 111.79K)

I think it's really dumb how the scratch marks on his breastplate became a feature.

The face is a hundred times better than Eternal's where Doomguy looks like a mongoloid version of Michael Shannon.

i fucking hate the nu-doom doomguy. a high res quake 3 or just the quake champions model would have sufficed

The Doom 1 model from QC is in Eternal.

>his best designs weren't even in his own game
Well that's just sad

The Quake 3 armor looks like complete dogshit in Quake Champions. The ab window is also completely retarded looking and unnecessary and they should have just covered it up like they did in Pro Skater 3. The only reason why he ever even had the ab window was because he was battle damaged in the original artwork but not in the actual game. Ever since then they give it to him as some sort of default and it looks stupid.

Attached: Q3 Doom.png (960x540, 607.52K)

I know that Nu-Doom's soundtrack is a but controversial, but I do like the covers people do with that type of sound.

What are some fun offensive Doom wads I can waste my time with for the next few hours?

They're still pretty chonky, but not as much. I like how the armor feels custom-made. Less like a military model and more like something purpose-made by a very dedicated and very talented person.

Attached: Doom Slayer artstation 2.jpg (3840x2160, 1.44M)

a talented person with bad eyesight maybe

What the fuck does this even mean

Doomer board project wads
I recommend auger zenith for cyberpunk kino

They did completely mess up the tone by giving it this weird 90s toy commercial vibe. I know lots of the stupid meme-mods have a bit of that vibe, but that doesn't mean that following it completely for Eternal was the right creative decision.

Not even that guy, but you are a retard.

Attached: Coomguy and Baron of Fuck.jpg (1630x2130, 714.24K)

16 and eternal are geared towards people who only played the classics through brutal doom

The one they made for March was really good too.

People who love talking about how "cool" doomguy is and how "brutal" doom is but haven't actually fucking played the game. This isn't a hard concept user.
They don't like doom, they like their headcanon idea of it.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>People who love talking about how "cool" doomguy is and how "brutal" doom is but haven't actually fucking played the game. This isn't a hard concept user.
This doesn't make any sense because you're not basing it on any sort of fact. This sounds like some assumption expected to be said by some dumbass user on Yea Forums jumping to this conclusion without a shred of evidence of it ever actually happening as claimed. Who the fuck has ever said
>I have never played Doom but Doomguy so cool lel XD
especially the fucking dev team for Eternal of all people which is what the user claimed. This sounds like stupid shit someone would make up for a hypothetical reddit scenario and not something that has ever happened.