Why does Yea Forums brag about how godly they are and how everyone needs to "git-gud" when talking about stuff like Souls-games, but behaves the complete opposite with Fighting Games, agreeing with people they shit on otherwise and say how FGs should casualize or they deserve to die?
Fighting Games
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Single player Yea Forums=/=multiplayer Yea Forums.
>Why does a group of people hold different views when I conflate them as the same person to both strawman and stroke my ego?
Because PVE isn't PVP
Have you seen how much screaming and whining about PVP in Elden Ring is getting right now?
Last I checked, only like 10 anons are playing ACR aren't they?
Who is this Yea Forums person you are talking about? is he in the room with us right now?
Souls games are hard but have a legit learning curve and options that give players a range of ways to approach the game, are fun to learn to overcome, and don't contain legacy knowledge or raw dexterity checks. Same with other PvP genres/games besides FGs.
FGs are not a good experience for most and they don't provide a good learning curve. Move on.
sounds games and all pve games are made for retards, need to be high iq to play anything competitive
Though I'll add this was less of a probem back in the 90s/2000s when most FG franchises were just starting out and better for a wider range of skill levels, which is the difference between then and now. I'm now leaving this thread and hiding it. Have fun.
Could have just not coped and said souls games were good for you because you can exploit braindead AI and don't have to deal with actual smart humans.
The other difference was the design was far looser back then, allowing for a wide variety of approaches for playing characters for the tradeoff of some jank. Nowadays everyone plays X way, this is how you use this, this is what you do with that, and that's not mandated from the players but from the developers themselves.
That sort of shit only plays into the autistic min-max strategy faggotry the FGC pushes so hard.
I have exactly 3 games installed on my machine, which are AC+R, Rev2, and ER, and I will explain.
First and foremost, ER is much much easier than Rev2, let alone AC+R. Souls games since onset were designed not to be demanding, and even after the success of Demon's Souls, this was said by Miyazaki. You do not need to be need FRC-level timing or 6h~treasure level input speed to succeed in a Souls game. You need a little perseverance and reasonable handling of the controls. I can beat many bosses hitless after a certain number of tries in any Souls game but still flub Slayer FRC 6p like 25% of the time despite like 15 years of tinkering with as a forth. It's not a hard FRC, I just don't play him enough.
Second, people are looking at fighting games and looking at the numbers, and they're seeing a problem. The numbers don't impress, especially when the games sell reasonably well, so what gives? The answer is probably pretty complex, but everyone seems to have a solution for it, and many of those solutions are coming from people that drop games. The reality is much darker than FGC players want to admit.
I think the biggest tell is in the respective player bases. There's really no need to make Souls games easier as they have a giant audience that seems to be pretty happy with it. They don't need to be changed by casuals that can't get into them. Fighting games are different. It's like looking at someone dying and trying to fix the problem.
Anyone wanna play some ploos ar?
Damn Yea Forums is so shit at games that require actual skill that a 4 year old is better.
The problem with fighting games is that they are meant to be played irl with people at an arcade. It's not fun anymore now that everyone autisically grinding out training mode by themselves and then playing ranked online. It's soulless and most people lose the motivation to get better without the social aspect.
do you make these threads around the same time every day, or am losing my marbles?
They have an excellent learning curve and every game has easy and hard characters as well as easy and hard strategies. Faggots just decide to pick a main by looking at the cover and then rush to pick the most optimal combos.
The PvP is tied to garbage netcode
This level of anger. ER is braindead
Fighting Games almost always have so shit balance that they render over half of the roster unplayable. You cant learn to be a better character but you can learn better fundamentals.
If fighting games had actual balance patches frequently maybe people would actually like playing em, as it is now you either pick a top 5 character or pray to god that in 3-6 months they dont fuck over the game.
Collective cope and nothing more. 99 boogiemans 0 wins.
This isn't true at all. SFV, Strive, and Tekken are all really balanced and low tiers win tournaments.
Meanwhile in Elden Ring you have clear top tiers where you just instakill opponents in PvP or not even play in PvE.
>Why does Yea Forums brag about how godly they are and how everyone needs to "git-gud" when talking about stuff like Souls-games, but behaves the complete opposite with Fighting Games, agreeing with people they shit on otherwise and say how FGs should casualize or they deserve to die?
Because Souls is piss easy and doesn't actually require skill.
that isnt even true for some older games. remember the skeletal aba sweep in the 25 vs 25 US/JP tournament for +R? Ogawa getting that top 16 finish at evo with like a bottom 4/5 character in one of the last evos for xrd? its just another retard thats pulling garbage out his ass.
user, all of those games had years where the game was either shit to actually play or the balance was so fucked you saw like 1/4 of the roster max.
Strive, while not being that old in comparison, its top tiers are ludicrous in comparison to the mid-low tiers and has had some of the worst balancing attempts from any fighting game of recent times.
Yeah but he can cry about shit like ST Akuma or Omega Rugal who were unbalanced secret characters. Most fighters have been okay in balance since the 00's, but it's way better now
Name the tier list in Strive because that shit changes every few days on Japan. Nago isn't even a thing there.
Exceptions happen, but they are incredibly rare. Doesnt mean that the games are anything close to balanced nor can it be argued that proves a point.
why do retards like this pretend to like mortal kombat this is some dumb shit
Reminder to filter OPs that have
>why "fighting games"
>"play fighting games"
In the text to improve board quality.
The zoomer era games have constant balance patches and it makes them completely soulless. Modern fighting games are overdesigned to appeal to tourneyfags.
Says the guy who doesn't play.
Tier faggots have this obsession with some nebulous idea that picking a character means a win.
Back to your dress up ER threads, tranny
>Nago isnt even a thing there
I have literally never heard of someone calling him anything under top 5 from the Japanese scene.
skeletal wins or at least tops every single +R tournament he enters, chachacha was 2nd in the 2019 evo with kum, same for arcrevo, takehara got 5th in arcrevo with ram, Daymendou consistently hit top placings with slayer in NA. you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about you dumb faggot, shut the fuck up.
>nooooooo not a non Elden Ring thread aiiieeeee quick someone make 10+ more Elden Ring threads about nothing!!
Sol has never won a major, Nago is nonexistant in Japan, and Happy Cjaos, while actually literally broken have sub 10 people playing him at a competent level
Yes, according to matchup spread, but the Japs dont play him. Its the gooks like DarkNecro who are playing him well to actually place in tournaments
Anyone who doesnt believe in some form of tier list or better/worse characters is simply not a competitive player. If your stratagy cant realiable deal with the strongest ones it isnt a good one.
Sure your garbage character may win one tournement in the year, but the top ones have won more then 70% of them.
Dont bring a knife to a gunfight and understand that choosing a weaker option will almost always increase the odds of losing.
Bumping to piss of this dumb redditor who can't play games
I love both single-player action games and fighting games but I also don't get too caught up in difficulty, even if I do try to challenge myself.
Been a while since I've played +R, specifically, but I've played fighting games semi-recently. I have loved both DNF Duel betas and I've played some Strive, Marvel 3, DBFZ, and Power Rangers in the past ~month or so. I think I'm going to sink some serious time into DNF though, that game just clicks with me and has that 8ing vibe that I've been missing.
>refresh catalog
>there's another retarded OP
why do I even lurk this board
Top players don't go for nebulous tier lists like MMO trannies. They focus of characters that don't have bad matchups in general or at least not against the more popular tournament characters. It's why Japan never used Nago while Axl was popular and why NA dropped Axl because Leo nation fucks his shit up and everyone picks that character here.
Same shit with SFV Juri where she generally had favorable matchups against most of the cast including top tiers like Cammy and Zeku, but lost to Urien and Kolin who are pretty prevalent everywhere.
Explain why it's retarded
it goes against the narrative
Shut it down
ABA is such a retarded brain-dead character. It's insane she's considered bottom tier.
we know how you operate
When you have characters like Justice, Dizzy and Zappa who can just dance circles around ABA, thats just how it is. In any other anime fighting game, a character that can dish out so much damage, corner carry have excellent normals and one of the best DPs ever made is automatically S tier.
name a better fighting game than Street Fighter V
pro tip, you can't
My heckin female Eldensona died for this
Marvel 3
Because Yea Forums is afraid to say someone is better then them. Where as with single player shit people can always hide under the delusions their run is as valid as many others. Its why people like DSP call themselves Souls veterans and "decent" at the games. But have maybe 1 run in each game and its with hundreds of deaths. Meanwhile if a Yea Forumsirgin goes 0-20 in a fighting game its multiplayer and the other person has their balls in a vice. Their weakness is undeniably to anyone but themselves.
Tobal 2
We need more fighting games with Toriyama's artstyle. Super DBZ & DBFZ are good enough for Dragonball's end of things, give me Tobal #3 or Dragon Quest Vs or some shit.
Post +R lobby or shut the fuck up
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Night Warriors
There's hyper dimension if you want some kusoge.
>A thread about vidya on Yea Forums!? Not on my watch!