Final Fantasy XIII (FF13)

>got really into ff13 speedruns
>started watching streams even
>now watching some french chick stream ff13 casually because I'm so starved for it
I got good at the ch3 manasvin warmech fight yesterday but I just don't feel like playing myself tonight. Anyone else dealt with this before? I might just watch a non-wr plat% 17 hour run because watching someone play badly is really painful right now.

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>FF13 Speed run
Is it really a speed run when it still takes 30 hours?

13-2 is better

Speedrunning is dumb and so is XIII but I want to impregnate vanille

For me its tiornys on youtube, ever watch him ?

You should learn a new language or learn guitar.

Imagine being a XIII fags in 2022...

Trash games

This may shock you but any% speedrun (just clearing the game) only takes 4.5-5 hours. There's a lot of tricks the runners use to push the combat system to the absolute limit to finish fights as fast as possible while underleveled. It's interesting. Most of the timesave is from skipping cutscenes, though, but there isn't any glitching through content so it's a very fair speedrun in my opinion.

As a game, yeah. The entire combat system being unlocked from the start is huge. I do dislike how they slightly lowered the combat system skill ceiling, but it's way more accessible.

If I had to recommend a play order to someone who's never played, I'd tell them to do FF13-2, then 13 to get some story background, and then LR to wrap up the character arcs and experience a different take on the ATB system.

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>FF13 speedruns

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I want to BREAK Vanille.

>but I want to impregnate vanille
Yeah she's really hot, I'd wife her so hard.

Probably saw one or two of his vids before but haven't gone through all of his stuff, I'll check him out. My favorite runner is Daspharaoh right now but she's not playing 13 lately which is annoying. I gave up on the french streamer I was watching so now I'm watching mythikdawn's plat% run from the leaderboard.

Already learned jap and I'm watching streams because I'm brain fried from work/burnout. Maybe once I'm done with my globetrotting I'll settle down and learn french or italian to read their literature in the original.

More like extremely under-rated games.

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13-2 is so shit compared to 13
>Lets just make synergists useless because of goblin chieftain
>Lets make sentinels useless 99% of the time except for when a boss is winding up a really big obvious animation
>Lets make ravagers useless because the stagger bar barely moves anymore
>Lets give the player the ability to triple stack jobs from the start so they dont need to experiment with different compositions
>All you really need is 3xCOM and 3xMED


ff13 are all shit games

It's shocks me more that people thought to ever play one of the worst final fantasy games enough to figure out how to end it quicker.

Serah is cute! Actually she's the only "strong empowered female mc" I actually like and think fits that description.

YOU are cringe.

Fang will get mad at you.

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I enjoyed 13-2 over the original as 90% of the cast I despised either never showed back up or showed up for a incredibly short time.

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I appreciate what they were trying to do by streamlining the system, and it works for the game (I really liked catching monsters to add to the party since it made me actually pay attention to monsters, which I didn't do in 13). But you're right they did unbalance a lot of things and it makes the harder fights frustrating because you wind up handicapped because Serah and Noel are gimped for basically most of the roles.

I kinda wish modders were able to make new areas like they can for bethesda games. There's so much room to improve the 13 games.

They're like B or C tier, calm down.

The combat system is a lot of fun once you get good at it. Also the graphics hold up nicely for a game from 2009.

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God stop posting that shit it's just ugly and offputting.

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look at this turbo slut

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Made for each other. What happened to them in LR really really pissed me off and nearly made me drop the game, then I got to Sazh and YOOOOOOOOOOOO. Damn good thing the ending made up for it all.

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Is Fang the most beautiful video game character ever? I think I'm in love bros.

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you are based OP
I finished XIII again earlier this year after watching speedruns.

A big titted goth lady and good gameplay got me to finished X. No such thing is in XIII, -2, or Lightning returns.


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All the FF13 girls are fantastic.
Lightning - best tsundere
Serah - best waifu material
Vanille - best girl next door
Fang - best dommy onee-chan

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Hmmm you have a point, there's no tiddymonsters in 13.

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>re-released on pc
>STILL no lewds
Cursed world

I would agree if the leveling up system wasn't retarded. You have to follow an excel sheet perfectly or you permanently fuck up your character. The game never even explains how the leveling works, and it makes no sense even after having it explained. Completely ruins the game.

Thank you. I'm slowly working up to being able to do my own speedruns, but I need to get a capture card for my PS3 becuase I'm a linux-chad now and too dumb to figure out how to get games working on my PC. Apparently it's better but whatever. I still have trouble with aster protoflorian and other early game fights so I doubt I'd beat 8 hours right now.

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>got really into ff13

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I find how the 13 series is flawed highly interesting. The combat system is excellent, but introduced and explained very poorly. The graphics are beautiful, but the levels are mainly hallways and the locales are similarly poorly explained. The setting and themes are fascinating, but poorly explained and relegated to the datalog (the world of 13 ends basically 4 times, but you might not realize if you didn't pay attention). The main story of 13 is decent, but because it's told out of order and you start the game in medias res you're likely not to understand the story at all, hate the characters, and not understand why meaningful stuff matters. I could write a book analyzing the flaws of the game/series and I think I will someday.

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>The combat system is excellent

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I know what you mean by permanently fuck up but the game's really not hard enough that making sub-optimal choices is going to make the game unplayable or unwinnable, especially if you grab the best monsters along the way or even just the chocobos.

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The games made by this team are pretty good, but they don't feel like FF games. They're a lot more Japanese. A lot of FF fans are a bunch of normals who don't play any other JRPGs or JP games, which is why it's got such a bad reputation, I think. Looking at the genre as a whole this isn't even close to being as bad as people say.

Very cute and sexy, thank you.

Low skill floor, very high skill ceiling.

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Yes you can beat the game, but it doesn't make it insanely unfun. Different roles giving different stats on even/odd nodes is objectively retarded. If you just level up roles you want to use then by the end your characters end up being 50/50 str/mag. Having to level up physical roles so you can level up your magic roles on the correct nodes is stupid as fuck.


Paradigm-shifting is fun but gets repetitive as hell and unless you're controlling a synergist or saboteur you're going to be pressing auto-battle the vast majority of the time.
Add in stuff like the ranking system being overly simple and restrictive and not being able to control your party members to stop them from walking into AOE attacks and it's hard for me to call it excellent.

Fair points, probably results from them taking a combat system designed for 6 different characters with different strengths/weaknesses and cramming it into two main characters and monster companions.

Actually you'll use abilities a lot if you really know what you're doing in fights. You'll see it all the time in speedruns and if you're doing long gui farming.
>not being able to control your party members to stop them from walking into AOE attacks
Not directly, but you can indirectly affect party member placement though a couple tricks. Given that long gui stomp attacks are instakills for characters they hit directly, and characters like snow run into them when they run up to punch the legs, it's notable that if you give him a bunch of MAG boosting accessories, he'll eventually stick to doing normal magic spells and won't run up to the gui as a ravager/commando.
That's what I mean by high skill ceiling. Part of it is the game not explaining the combat system very well despite the long "tutorial", part of it is the low skill floor meaning that casual players are never really forced to strategize beyond setting their paradigms.

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Caius is still the best part of the entire trilogy. Liam O'Brien is great.

would you still love your gf if she turned into a block of ice

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Yep, kinda the best case scenario honestly.

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I loved 13 as a one-time narrative driven game. I thought it did a fantastic job with story-character-visuals-music. Combat was a fun evolution from 10, 10-2, and 12.
I doubt I could really replay it though, it's great for a first playthrough but it limits you so much, even after you get to Pulse, that I don't know what would feel different in a replay. Then again I don't know what FF game is made for replaying, so.

>The combat system is a lot of fun once you get good at it.
Ah yes, much nuance

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You might enjoy playing it skipping all the cutscenes, which if you've already seen take up quite a lot of time and skipping them lets you focus more on the locales, encounter designs, and the combat itself. Even with limited combat there's ways to push the system to the limit (fortisol and attack timing to avoid counters on Anima, rushing the stagger on ch3 manasvin warmech to avoid the attack that instakills at low hp, smart use of manually selecting attacks to kill aster protoflorian on the first stagger, stuff like that. It's fun and you focus on parts of the game that the cutscenes kind of distract you from. Also, summons. I criminally underused summons on my casual playthroughs. Summons are really good.

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Scroll down.

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I can't, the finger points to "Auto-Battle" and it's taken me through the whole game

Yeah, that's the low skill floor. But I guess if you want to be casual about it you can just grind and max out the chrystarium and actually use medics and still beat orphan. It still counts.

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Yeah and I got to the end and the story did this stupid "wish come true" bullshit. Like the characters were shit the whole time and then the ending was also the shittiest FF ending I've ever seen. It's really something.

Yep, and just as expected, you got filtered by the non-linear storytelling. Not even your fault, it's a big problem with 13. 13-2 explains the out of nowhere (literal) deus ex machina ending while also retconning it, and then LR fixes the problems 13-2's story introduces and everyone gets a happy ending at the very end.

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I don't think it was initially a deus ex ending. I mean I don't know what the devs intended with the trilogy, but when the party reverts from Cie'th to l'cie again it's heavily implied that they willed themselves to revert by changing their focus themselves, and then they wake up from crystal in the end immediately after because the fal'cie powers are gone after cocoon is destroyed.

I thought it was a good explanation and a fine end, I didn't like at all that they then decided some higher god actually did all of that because she felt bad, but her doing that fucked up the whole world and yada yada excuse for a sequel. Overcoming destiny is a big theme in jrpgs and the plot worked great the way it was, at least the way I understood it on a first playthrough.

There's other problems with the ending. Mainly that the party goes into it deciding NOT to kill orphan because that's what Barthandalus wants, but then halfway through they decide to do it anyway. And they get turned into cieth and Fang becomes ragnarock, but then that all gets undone and it's not explained either. And either way, Sazh and Serah getting uncrystal'd is entirely unexplained without saying Etro did it. Basically the story shits itself entirely at the last minute to have a cool multi-form boss fight and then a happy ending. 13-2 doesn't need to retcon the 13 ending to make sense, but it does open up the setting and lore more to introduce etro as a plot driving story element rather than just a datalog entry, so it works out I guess.

You're right though, if you ignore the sequels 13's ending is a happy one where they just overcome all the previously established lore through literally the power of friendship.

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I mean to me everything made sense as it went, at least as much sense as can be expected from a jrpg. They had to kill orphan or orphan would destroy cocoon from within, and they give a little "if we have the power to destroy cocoon we have the power to save it". Alright, good enough. Fang becomes an incomplete ragnarok and fails again, reverts again, that makes sense since it's happened before. Reverting from cie'th is explained immediately after in basically two ways, take your pick, sazh's suggestion that it was all a trick or hope's suggestion that they willed themselves back.
The only thing that doesn't really make a ton of sense is waking up from crystal sleep so quickly. It could have been cool to have them all wake up a hundred years later on a colonized pulse or something I guess. But doesn't really matter since it's established earlier that people in crystal do eventually wake up.
Anyway I didn't have an issue with the logic of the plot, I thought it was fine. The big hangup I often see is killing barty/orphan, but there's literally no other choice available, so I don't see the problem.

>create this 10outta10 bishie thundercock hope design
>revert him back to a shota in the next
I don't understand

I don't think we'll ever understand the thought process behind lightning returns in general

I just find it funny how 13 was already the complete JRPG story: kill god, free humanity, create new world. Then 13-2 comes in and goes "wait no nevermind, actually, you fucked up the entire world" and 13-3 goes "ok NOW kill god, free humanity, and create new world".