Why haven't you played OMORI?
Why haven't you played OMORI?
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Here to shill your shitty RPG Maker game again?
Tumblr game
Why can't you post a normal image?
I don't know. Why should I?
it looks like a generic rpg maker game about DEPRESSHIUM made for women
It IS a generic game made on RPG maker.
"caring" sister
Yes those are the best
Ewwwwwww stinky
How old is she?
Maybe I will, if you provide art of her where she's morbidly obese.
I think you mean art of her where's she's laboriously pregnant.
Do you get raped by your mom or not? Thats all I care about
I didn't, but honestly I'd be pretty happy with that too.
You now have my interest.
i dont support fags
The guy lied, she is 15.
This weird thread again, deja vu
That's still fine.
tfw no Omori MarixSunny /ss/ doujins...
it's a shitty game
I'm waiting for Homocat to ship it to me.
cute feet
No colors
Delicious chocolate.
tranny game
Here, racists
i played the first ~20 minutes but it was just 2 corny 4 me
Why does she have a stubble?
He's literally me
>another mari incest thread
Do omoritrannies really?
Some user was kind enough to gift it to me. It was an ok-ish game about killing your sister. But that's it pretty much, an ok-ish game.
no I don't know what that is. and now, due to how obnoxious the way you shilled it was, I don't want to know
I don't like RPG maker games (turn or menu based JRPGs specifically). I'm not interested in the story.
Why haven't you played fortnite?
Just play it on yuzu you retard, 34 bucks for a game like this is highway robbery
>femboy torture
Imagine the smell
how do i find a cake with benefits?
Imagine the smell of your fingers afterwards mmmm.
couldnt find good porn of it so i didnt bother playing
I have.
YIIK is better
reminder to starve shitposters like OP of the attention they need to survive. Filter all threads that start with or contain "why" (or "why haven't", "why aren't") to remove a good amount of all pointless shitposting argument threads. sage
I hear it doesn't actually have incest.
Depens is part of the tranny core or not?
Oh gosh, I heard about these exact threads, but thought they were dead. Why?
the quirky earthbound-inspired rpg with themes of depression
Too old. Damn.
silence, redditor
I swear this artist is responsible for 99% of the game's lewd art
Because it looks terrible?