Are you ready Yea Forums?
Are you ready Yea Forums?
It is announced?
wow is dead and you are chasing after an empty dream that is no longer obtainable in your old age
just move on op
boo we want classic fresh with worldbuffs and mageboosting
nah i'll just keep playing on my own wotlk server
fuck classic
wrong, it still scratches the itch. the problem is you will never make friends like you used to, that ship has definitely sailed.
I cannot wait to pre purchase my new Dark Portal... whoops, i mean Wrathgate Pass with a store mount and a free boost for 50$.
No one that plays current wow is worth making friends with. You are playing a game by trannies, for trannies.
I can't wait for the 3 button diseaseless obliterate spam. Very fun and engaging
Are you having a good day at work? Same 4-5 topics you're talking about.
Elden Ring - time to promote that
Final Fantasy - mods about J - station, a fucker who showed his micro-dick to a streamer
and anime.
If you need money for your rent man... i can help again..
none of my arena partners or guild mates were trannies that i know of during nuTBC.
For everyone to quit after 2 weeks when Naxx is on farm?
For rampant botting driving up prices after a month?
For Sarth 3D carries being bought for gold?
For achievement whoring causing infighting?
For half of the classes to come out in their nerfed 3.3 states for Naxx?
For mindless badge farming from soulless dungeon finder spam?
For level 68 boosts?
For everyone to be on special edition sparkle ponies?
For guilds to fall apart faster than ever due to retention issues?
For higher gearscore requirements than actual Wrath had due to increased shittery and laziness?
For Ulduar to release bugged and stay bugged for months?
For limited attempts in ICC each week?
For Wintergrasp to literally be unable to win once your server shits the faction bed like every single server has?
Yes, I'm ready.
No, I'm not willing.
>that i know of
my guess is the wow content "creators" have started dumping there load on the consoomers for wotlk
I'm perfectly happy with my fond memories of Wrath exactly where they are, thank you
I didnt want this truth. But damn you are spot on. I miss 2010.
What itch? When you realize the game is devoid of social interaction, and is a pure grind, with raid-logging a few weeks into a new phase – you're bound to quit like most of the players.
for all i know, you're a tranny. at least i heard their voices and didn't think they were fags or pretending to be women. if you play on an rp server or something, you get what you deserve.
id say so. got any twitter posts related to todays subject? Do you like orcs?
if people wanted to play WOTLK they'd be doing so yet there not.
Hourly daily reminder that wrath was widely regarded as a bad expac in 2009 and time has NOT been kind to it.
>Rotations/mechanics that are barely better than tbc rotations/mechanics (in some cases worse lamo)
>None of the MMORPG charm vanilla/tbc has with its linear gearing, homogenized classes and severe lack of content outside raid/arena from day one
>The worst implementation of raid modes that wow ever had.
>Linear aoefest dungeons that are a joke compared to cata/tbc heroics or cmode/m+, but have none of the RPG charm of vanilla dungeon
>almost all of the flaws of retail wow but none of the positives
>the worst arena we saw until slands
>T9 is short and the world's biggest burnout machine (enjoy doing TOC 4 times a week per character lmao)
>t10 is mediocre outside lk/putricide and is propped up by being the end of the WC3 story, but no one cares about that a second time
>t8 is great, but in retrospect only has 2-3 fights that are harder than the hardest tbc fights so it will still fall over
>t7 was a complete fucking joke in 2009 and will be a complete abomination this time around with modern playerbase, 3.3 talent trees and everyone already sick of doing naxx for 6 months last year. 3D will be zegrd down week 1 by full sunwell bis groups. No reason to do dungeons, do your house dailies every day to exalted and log off
Wrath classic is LITERALLY cata classic/tbc som waiting room. At least cata has 10m heroic raiding and actually decent rotations/mechanics
>don't want to play with slavs typing exclusively in cyrillics
Wrath was absolutely not regarded as a bad expansion in 2009 you fucking idiot, even if a lot of your subsequent points are valid
>nobody post the cinematic
faggot board
Ready to laugh at classictards and blizzdrones again, yes.
>>the worst arena we saw until slands
>thinking shittolands arena is bad
arena was a ton of fun on release unless you were playing a healer that wasn't a paladin, everyone else loved it.
kill yourself
is wotlk chad or cuck?
I wonder how long it will take for Naxx to be cleared by the first group. slightly over 24 hours?
t. wrathbabby who doesn't remember the CONSTANT bitching about how awful the expac was in trade chat/on forums every single day in complete contrast to the attitudes in tbc
t. wrathbabby in denial about the fact that the playerbase COMPLETELY FUCKING PLATEAUED the day wrath came out and barely grew at all throughout the entire expac, despite the game getting a china release in the middle of it and the game being at the height of it's cultural relevance
It was fucking shit bud, and everyone is who was playing then knew it unless they were a fucking wrathbabby. There's a reason that term exists when tbcbabby or catababby doesn't.
the wotlk casual enjoyer is an absolute chad
the wotlk minmaxing fag is an absolute cuck
Someone post that WoW pic of a guild group photo that dwindles in numbers as time passes.
>For limited attempts in ICC each week?
I forgot about this
Literally the cancer that created split run autism
Didn't people clear it on launch in Sunwell epics? Should be pretty easily on the first day
If you like bursty one shot retard arena more power to you man, but shadowlands season 1 was the dumbest shit I've ever seen. Every single spec in the game could just randomly oneshot you
Still took them 3 days since leveling takes time. But yes, Sunwell gear is more than enough to easily clear it.
WotLK ruined WoW and started the formulae of
>i can solo instances
However long it takes to level 70-80+2 hours. There has never been an easier release day raid than naxx25, and that's without factoring in the modern playerbase.
Seek help user
This guy thinks war/dru mirror is the peak of wow arena
You're delusional man
Also those graphs don't include china subs
also hey newfag, you say t. blahdeblah when you refer to yourself
you have to quote the person like this
>t. newfag
for it to make sense. Just a little tip for you as you pass through this board on your way back to discord
There's a middle ground between tbc drinkfest 30 minute games and literally 20 second games on slands/wotlk
I'm r1 on tbc classic and I would rather kill myself than ever play warrior/druid
I already play on a private server. You think I'm going to give Blizzard my money? lol
The graphs do include china subs because it counts active accounts, not subscribers. That way it caught chinks and people on gamecards. You'd know this if you weren't new as shit
>use muh meme arrows
kys wrathbabby
Ready for the next vanilla FRESH in november.
What if Classic has been the first touch to Wow for me and I've enjoyed the ride thus far?
they literally do include chink subs you stupid nigger
If classic is your vibe then late wotlk has a high chance of feeling like shit
Wintergrasp unwinnable? It will crash due to Blizzard's shit server infrastructure
Yes, looks great.
Day 1 buy.
If you enjoyed the MMORPG aspects of classic wait for the next vanilla or tbc F R E S H
if you enjoyed the raiding gameplay/progression play a cata/mop pserver or hell, even play retail
tbf I think I only enjoy it since my friends/guild plays it. Even eating shit must be fun if done with a fun group, right?
brain rot kicked in and i resubscribed
i already regret my decision this shit is fucking boring
yeah turns out classic was ass and you only liked it because you were a kid
its even worse
im playing retail
They literally don't
educate yourselves
If your a rogue it literally doesn't count you nigger
gz tho
>mfw less than 100 pts off glad 2 seasons in a row
MMO players are more mentally ill than trannies. Trannies at least may have a moment of clarity and stop their transition. MMO addicts will waste away in their chair chasing a dragon that isn't there eternally, happily eating whatever gets shit onto their plate no matter what as long as they are promised the skinner box will still be there in the morning. Literal jew golems, who's representatives are a balding low IQ mother murderer, a fat midget paladin, a fat arab cuck paladin, and some fag that decided to do a flip off his balcony because mean wordies hurties :( :(
give me 6 months of classic 5.2
Wait until like 10 more days and they reveal Alexstrasza's breast reduction and Wrathion's new non-binary dragonflight.
That's when the regret will really kick in.
>On August 31, 2010, Blizzard Entertainment and, Inc. launched World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, the second expansion for World of Warcraft, in mainland China. As of December 31, 2010, more than 12 million gamers worldwide were subscribed to play World of Warcraft
Yes, it very clearly does include China. Is "worldwide" confusing you?
>hated vanilla wow on release as a kid
>loved classic because of how garbage mmodern mmorpgs are
looking at that login screen is traumatizing.
by WotLK I was desperately trying to quit but failing, i would skip class get drunk all day and play wow, even if i deleted them i would keep remaking the same death knight character and camping 50-59 battlegrounds, then id get my character restored by a GM, then id delete my character and all its items but later the GM restored my character AND restored all my fucking items and i was so happy they were willing to do this so i can waste more precious years of my life, stay a virgin and never get laid well into my 30s.
thank god that ended around the release of cataclysm. imagine still being addicted to WoW in 2022.
ill never have my late teens/early 20s back that were wasted on this game. for throwing away the prime of my youth, i am doomed for life. thanks WoW
Ohhh interesting, but I believe you said
>The graphs do include china subs because it counts active accounts, not subscribers.
So which is it, retard?
take some personal accountability you faggot.
Stop inventing things that are not relevant anymore. Actually have never been.
>I wanna play but [some irrelevant excuse]
no you really dont want to play