I suffer as a games journalist

>I suffer as a games journalist

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>$20 for story
This explains everything lol

can I send in my Yea Forums posts as my portfolio?

>per story

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>20 bucks for something that can take days to write
Fucking lmao

>$20 base rate per story
How much to they make per click?

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you can shit out 3 shitty stories in an hour and make $60...

Any jannies here wanting to write it for free?

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I imagine alot of writers write for different outlets and arent really beholden to non competition agreements since theyre all freelance. 20 seems like alot of for a 200 word article.
Anyone here could do that with a 4 month writing class. It's all about the formatting when it comes to news and you can skim the shit out of alot of articles and make 200 a day pretty easily I imagine.

have you ever seen an IGN article? you could easily shit one out in half an hour

No user, you really can't.

that part of the tweet was worded incredibly poorly. the $20 is the floor for tips like "hey, insert link to story, your writers can do a little bit of research and write a full article. now please pay me." proper researched stuff gets freelancers a couple 100 bucks.

Most of the time it's either flat rate per article/period or views. Getting money from both is kinda rare

>$20 for basic news aggregation, $50 for slightly more involved stories (e.g. finding us a fun community angle that's not sourced from another outlet, social media reax), $300 and up for in-depth multi-source reporting

>$20 per story (article)
that's easy money, they all just regurgitate articles from other outlets or copy/paste press releases

That seems like alot of money. Crank out 3 small news stories a day and have 1 featured article a week and you can live pretty well in any major city not on the coasts. I imagine wretches like KLEPEK make bank because he lives outside of chicago and commutes instead of living in the city proper.
These people 100% work less than 30 hours a week too.

who is reading it that's what i want to know

No wonder ethics in game journalism is at an all time low! There should be a movement about ethics in game journalism!

You won't beat the gays bro, the gays have taken over

If they can't even write a simple tweet clearly, I don't have a high expectation for the rest of their published work.

Given each story takes about 5 minutes to write and clearly doesn’t need to be fact checked or supported that’s a good ass rate nigga

You might be right but what if we have a cute female mascot that we can use to promote both the board and the movement?

nor should you

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Don’t do it anons, they’ll just ghost you and rip off what they like about you

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is there like, even 100 people left on the planet that value the supposed opinions of these industrial saboteurs?

Just work on smaller sites. Even being lazy (working for less than 20 hours a week) can still net you 300-400 bucks a month from one site.

i dont get it

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Is Kat Bailey a tranny?

What are some legitimately good outlets? Are there even any? Am I retarded for even asking?
I like Jeff Grubb and Mike Minotti from VentureBeat, even if Jeff Grubb is a retarded fat fuck commie idiot who complains about the five day work week despite working from home playing video games

>$20 a story
I make more writing porn on the internet. Holy fuck.

game journos are overpaid. Some getting like 6 figures for making clickbait articles. Feels like reality is finally cathing up with their actual worth when Buzzfeed going public failed hard.

I filled out an application for freelancing for them once. They checked the links but never got back to me. Then they copied the signature shot I use in my videos and put it very awkwardly at the beginning of their top ten open world games video, where it doesn’t really feel like it belongs.

>What are some legitimately good outlets?
a bit of advice, and that goes for all news consumption across all fields, you will never get the full picture of a story by just reading the headline of one article, at least if that story is more complicated than "GAME X RELEASE DATE IS ON THE 69TH OF MARCH 2022" anything else, especially stuff that is a bit sensational, maybe includes an excerpt from an interview or a conversation, you have to read at least 2 articles, maybe even the primary source.

yeah no shit idiot
maybe try not typing like an absolute fag

for actual journalism lmao. most places have their freelance work start at about $200-350 for an article. $20, or even just $100 is incredibly insulting and it's no fucking wonder game journos are all retarded

Jeff Grubb is an industry fan fiction writer. It is actually hilarious how brazen he is and how anyone takes him seriously.

“Uhh so the Xbox and Bethesda conferences are… uhh, they’re doing different conferences but they’re… uhh, they’re closer. And maybe they’ll become more separate or maybe they’ll end up combing them.”

“Uuuuh so Kojima has signed a letter of intent with Xbox which means they’re… Uhh they’re making a game together… uuuuuh unless they don’t in which case they aren’t. I’m an insider.”

such a hard job...poor journalists

>>can take days to write
congrats, you're retarded


Naaah man there's a fucking ton of phony leakers and faux-insiders out there but a lot of publishers actually leak shit through Jeff Grubb these days. Like controlled leaks as part of their marketing campaign.

Usually he only does that fence-sitting stuff when he has some insider information he's not sure is meant to be leaked yet or not. But he's way more legit than 99% of people out there claiming to be insiders.

He's still a fat fuck commie retard though, don't get me wrong.

i got more than that writing for the school paper

Meant to reply to

sending a link to a story that other outlets have already covered but IGN hasn't isn't freelance work. it's the internet equivalent to calling a newspaper "hey, X thing happened. your readers might be interested in that." or tapping a reporter on the street on the shoulder and whispering "hey, i heard fat joes, that bar over there, is watering down their whiskey." that's basically an anonymous tip, not really something that you can just send to print.

God damn. I have nothing but hate and despise for "games journalists" and consider them subhumans who belong in the oven, however I gotta admit that if I was paid 20-50 bucks per story I would put in zero fucking effort too. In fact I'd probably intentionally sabotage the shitrag I'm writing for by doing as bad a job as possible.

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the $20 isn't for an actual article, it's for a pretty much anonymous tip. somewhat researched articles get you couple 100 bucks and well researched articles go for even more, at least if IGN publishes it.

>somewhat researched articles get you couple 100 bucks
Well-researched with multiple independent unique sources, to be exact. You're gonna be putting in well over a few days' worth of work for a story like that.

$20 is for writing a “news aggregation” article that can farm clicks through SEO. Basically regurgitating common news, rewriting marketing press releases, reiterating when a game will be releasing and on what platforms.

Please sort it in categories: racism, trolling, samefagging to win arguments and anti-faggotry.

Unironically how would someone get into gaming journalism
I bet I could do a better job than most of these fuckers just sitting on my ass shitposting

>tfw you went to college for journalism and regret doing so every day

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1. what was it like
2. what's your current job

I bet it sucks but it's such an obvious fuckup that I can't feel sympathy.

>>tfw you went to college for journalism
I sometimes wonder whatever happened to people I met in college that were journalism majors. Seems there were a lot of them during the afganistan/iraq war era and I can't imagine they all found jobs

we lost vidya magazines for this?
why couldnt we have both?
actually nvm. answered my own question whn i remembered how they were before the end
and now im depressed

I still get GameInformer in the mail because of the annual Gamestop visit

>Are there even any?

There aren't

at least he's not an english major

Don't they give the journalist the games for free to play? I could shit out a bunch of video game reviews if all I had to do was play them.

>"This is what we know about BotW 2 release date"
>"It is in 2023 Spring"
$20, don't blame them

1. it sucked
2. barista

god damn
speaking from experience?