
>Femoid Gamedev finds out and bans you
Wat do Yea Forums?

Attached: riot.png (1431x712, 682.67K)

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Don't ever talk in western online games.

Good, I'm glad whatever this is happened.

>Playing Valorant
You deserved it

>A huge yikes.

>Engaging in "social" platforms
Got what he deserved

he chimped out live on stream and basically gave them ammo to ban him

>restart router so i have a new ip
>reinstall windows
>reinstall valorant
>make a new account
>trashtalk more
>cycle once she "bans"me

I'm safe because I'm not retarded enough to play western games.

>NPC in name
>NPC behavior

make an account so i can trash talk her on twitter
only winning move

How do we stop women and journos from ruining vidya?

Attached: vidyajourno.jpg (517x350, 32.43K)

It's Chinese crapware.

This must be one of the reasons why people only talk on discord now. One no-no word and say goodbye to all your progress

By banning retards like the nigger who got banned for being a retard.

just because the chinks are paying the bills, it doesn't mean it's a chink game
it's made in cuckfornia by cuckfornians for cuckfornians

That's what you get from playing trash games. :itoddlers:

>By banning retards like the nigger who got banned for being a retard.
Getting banned for being toxic is not a good thing retard online games were always meant to be toxic

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>Nigger gets banned from a game

Whats the downside?

do it on voice and the odds of getting banned get reduced to almost 0
no voice chat in your game? stop playing the absolute worst multiplayer pvp team games

Guess you should be banned as well. sociopaths needs to go.

she did you a favor, learn from this lesson and play better games

Ted bundy had the right idea about women

>this much effort just to act like this
who loses in this situation?



um and sweetiepilled

>Bait someone to say a no-no word
The real meta is checking out what people get "offended" at that normal people would feel confused at.

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I just don't play western games in the first place.

How is it making people "safer"?

hehe huge yikes user

He should have just taken his anger out on white people instead. Then twitter would have loved him

Because whamen will feel "safer" with no trash talk

Attached: yikes.jpg (800x450, 37.01K)

players like what

words are violence

What happened to the whole stick and stones saying?

>twitter handle is "npcSara"
you cant even make this shit up

>This is a huge yikes
Wait, they actually talk like that? I thought it was just a meme from /pol/ posters, not an actual thing.

Nigger screaming and sperging out calling everyone for niggers.

>make val safer
oh god forbid not having a mute button

The meta went from calling someone's mom a nigger to reporting them to the jannies? Lame

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words are illegal.

>stick and stones
>current year

Oh boy it's a twitter screen cap thread. Time to act outraged for several hours!

>act like trash then get treated like trash
Many such cases!

Most people grew up and got tired of listening to screaming children when trying to relax.

these games make more money off idiots who buy this game just to troll a couple femoids when they could die from low sales instead and show that we don't want to buy them

>Women calling each other bitches, sluts, hoes and nasty
>Not trash talk

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>>A huge yikes.
WHY DO AMERICANS TALK LIKE THIS????? I fucking hate it.
wtf this is tame as hell
oh, he hits the sexist angle so they ban him lol

big ol' yike-a-roony

Can we replace yikes with zoinks please?

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>Most people became huge pussies


lmao, Valorant is not an actual game, is just a place to groom underage zoomers.

Attached: 1629929899927.webm (720x1280, 2.91M)

>look at these twitter accounts
>virtue signaling all over the place
>look like a skaterbro and some e-thot
>nigger in question is by far the niggest nigger I have seen in a while, who the fuck sets up their webcam so everyone sees directly into your ginormous nostrils, you fucking monkey
Guaranteed these two faggots have some skeletons in their closets that they're overcompensating for. I fucking hate twitter

>I know how to play this game, I'm not a noob
>gets gunned down like a bitch almost immediately

lmao get fucked

>Most grew up to become limp-wristed bitches that love children media and watch Superhero movies


Nice virtue-signaling, faggot.

Just looking at him, I would say that he should just be banned from life and thrown into prison just for what he is

It should not be a bannable offense in the first place.

>Privileged white woman bans poc from his source of income.


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>got tired of
so in stead of just blocking/muting and getting on with their life they spend hours in a day chasing them down to get them reported and banned? Yeah that adds up.

>omg privileged wypipo
It's amazing how in only 5 years america went from having borderline white supremacists to even the right being a bunch of SJWs.

Wojak fags like you should be permabanned.

Priviledge is a real thing regardless of the fact that the word was hijacked by leftist you retarded toddler

If it was my company i would give black people who trash talk special VIP status just to dab on whitoids and Amerimutts.

I prefer "talk shit, get hit", and "play stupid games, win stupid prizes".
I'm not getting bent out of shape about trash talk, but I also don't feel the slightest bit sorry for whiny adults screaming profanities like 13-year-olds while livestreaming themselves and then bitching that they got banned.

You fags get upset when somebody gets banned for racism and sexism. What the fuck happened to understanding your audience? If I go into any public place and start screaming "What the fuck, nigger? Is this a female! Go do your husband's dishes!" I'll get kicked out. Public online spaces aren't any different. If you want to do that shit, go a place you know it'll be welcome, or keep to a private community.

"Free speech" is not a blanket excuse for retarded antisocial behavior. You still have to navigate the social situation that you find yourself in, and that goes for every single aspect in life.

No it isn't, in a capitalist society you can be sure that people have what they deserve.
There's no chance for anything else, capitalism in the end is just social darwinism applied to economics.

You know that the report button is usually right next to mute right? Takes exactly as long to do, only you get to see an idiot come to Yea Forums to rage about how they got banned for being retarded.

>it's made in cuckfornia by cuckfornians for cuckfornians
just say American like a normal person