Official and final ranking:

Official and final ranking:

Sekiro > 1 > BB = 3 > Demon's > Elden > 2

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no one asked + L + touch grace + fell off + ratio

1 = BB > Sekiro > Demon's > 3 > Elden > 2

Actual final ranking


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anyone who doesnt recognize das2 as at the very least second-bes game in the souls series is a tranny

ER fucked a bunch of shit but I wouldn't put it below Ds2.

>S tier
>A tier
Armored Core
Des Ds 1-3

I would

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uh, cing's field???

Anyone who ranks 2 as the lowest has never played the game and subscribes to Mauler’s opinions

That's what a tranny would say, get back to your coffin.

ER = Sekiro = DS1 > DS3 = DeS > DS2 = BB >>>>>>>> DeS demake >>>>>>> OP
Don't @ me

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BB > Sekiro > 1 > Demon's > 2 > ER > 3


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My rankings are probably the same, but swap 3 and elden ring.
I cant believe sekiro's DLC got so fucked by elden ring.
Unlucky i guess..

>S Tier
>A Tier
Everything else

seriously, From makes good games

for me it has to be Deracine

I honestly wouldn't, at least ER was good until the capital tho a bit of a drag, Ds2 was shit from the get go.

t. woah i recognize that!!

more like kerosene (on a dumpster fire)

Elden > BB=DS1 > Demon > DS3 > DS2

I mean after years of this you should be already used to the ridicule.

Ninja Blade

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With all the threads you push, do you get paid by the post or by the hour with the copy paste nonsense? Now these are some faggety old and tired topics.

Sekiro = BB > ER > Des > DS1 > Ds3 > ds2

post your girlfriend

1 > BB > Sekiro > ER > 3 > Demons >>> 2
I enjoy the RPG variety games like 1 and BB offer more than the action of sekiro.

Sekiro > Elden > 3 > 1 > 2

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Ookami chads can't stop winning!

what a cocksucker lol.

BB > ER > DS3 > DS2 > DS1 > DeS

twitch zoomer that didn't play the games detected

elden ring > sekiro > bloodborne > dark souls 3 > demon souls remake > don't care

Anyone that has Demon's anywhere but dead last is a braindead nostalgiafag.
Fucking Limgrave minibosses have more attack moves and are more interesting to fight then Demon's final boss.

demon's > all
also we have this thread 5 times a day

des = bb = sekiro = ds1 > ds3 > ds2

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You're supposed to start with demon's.

pls learn english dear esl

Armored Core 5

Sekiro > BB > 1 > 3 > Demon's > Elden = 2

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don't care about bosses it's a better game

You understood that perfectly.

FROMsoft knows, that's why DS3 and ER copied most of the core mechanics from DS2.
And Tanimura was co-director for both, doing the combat.

Canon rating

Demons Soul 10/10
Dark Souls 1 10/10
Dark Souls 2 10/10
Bloodborne 10/10
Dark Souls 3 10/10
Sekiro 10/10
Elden Ring 10/10

You can not refute this.

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bump des to das1 level and change bb for ER

Damn OP that is nearly identical to mine.

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This is the first time in my life I have seen someone rank it correctly

>Essential Tier:
Elden Ring
>Needs DLC to fully shine Tier:
Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 1
>Dated, but still enjoyable Tier:
Demons Souls
>Only good in fragments Tier:
Dark Souls 2

People are finally opening their eyes.

why is das1 so overrated

Better in what way?
The fact that you can stunlock everything with a dagger?
The fact that big slower weapon like claymores are deathtraps that get you stunlocked to death instead?
Having 99+99+99+99+99 heals of various types plus having to farm/buy if you ever run out?
Same 99+99 mana refills plus spells that can 2 shot bosses even at 40 INT.

Demon's deserves a bunch of respect for being the first sous game, but pretending the sequels didn't vastly build upon and refine the mechanics is just being contrarian hipster.

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Still better than DS2

ER > BB > DS2 > DS3 > DS1

they built upon the mechanics in ways i don't care about but removed the soul and good level design and atmosphere. they made pvp worse and the art design uglier.
>you must agree with the reddit consensus!!!
no. being a contrarian freethinker is good.

why does everyone throw DS1 a bone in their rankings? BB is a better game in every way.

go eat some grass, its feeding time heifer.

Its the only game where paying attention to the environment actually matters.
In DS3/ER you can just roll spam if you trigger something, and DS2 pulls a bunch of cheap tricks to fuck you even if you are paying attention.

BB and DS3 shit all over DeS generic medieval fantasy art style.

DS > BB > ER > DeS > DS3 > Garbage > DS2

I don't think it's fair comparing Sekiro to the rest of the titles since it's in a league of its own.

i like generic medieval fantasy

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DS1 is the game that put FROMsoft on the map.
Demon's was neat but was mostly a prototype built from a failed project FROM had been cooking since the late PS2 era.

they'll never compete

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Elden Ring
DaS (This game is clearly unfinished and half of it sucks fucking dick. Anyone who has it high on their tier list is a filthy liar with rose tinted glasses)

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Literally the perfect ranking

but i would have put DS2 far lower like this >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

newfag historical revisionism

>DS1 is the game that put FROMsoft on the map.
das1 was only made because demon's souls was a surprise success by word of mouth
>old game is prototype for new game
no it isn't.
>built from a failed project
it was failed before miyazaki took over as director early in development
>FROM had been cooking since the late PS2 era.
they didn't start it until 2006

Because the first game will always be the most defining game of the series, that's just how it is.
Acclimatising yourself to the souls gameplay mechanics plays a big part, and it's generally why people tend to overrate the difficulty of whatever the first game they played was too.
It's also why people, even series 'veterans' had such a tough time with Sekiro. It was the only game that significantly diverged from the series standard gameplay tropes. Including Bloodborne.

I suspect the three games with the largest influx of new players were Demons Souls and Dark Souls for obvious reasons, and Bloodborne, because it was the hyped hardcore platform exclusive that a ton of diehard sony fags bought simply because of the exclusivity.
Elden Ring will probably have a significant amount of new players too, but by now, there are already so many people with some level of experience in the souls series, that the discussions regarding content quality or difficulty will always be tainted by grossly exaggerated nostalgic delusions of their first-time playthroughs.

Interconnected level design is a very big plus.

>an unfinished game is still better than nearly all of from's library

DS1 would have been better than Sekiro if it wasn't for the awful last 1/3 of the game. What were they thinking.

DeS was never a financial success, it was only cult hit.
DS1 and the sequels actually made money.
Bamco still took a risk giving them tons of $ to make DS1 and it payed off bigtime.