Do you regret spending your whole life playing video games?

Do you regret spending your whole life playing video games?

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i'm autistic so I had no option but to be a NEET

Only women and faggots have regrets.


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No but even if most anons here did regret it deep inside it’d break them just admitting to it

I regret using this trash website.

I live alone in crippling, unmedicated pain every day. Video games were my only reprieve, and now women and fags are ruining them.
My only regret is not exiting sooner.

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>eceleb trash

maybe in old age when im useless and have nobody ill regret it

not as much as i regret spending time here

no it was pretty fun

No because the idea of doing literally anything else bores me.

How can I regret the only thing I've ever known

No, I've enjoyed partaking in many things life has to offer, I am happy that humanity is capable of creation.

I'm just glad I didn't play WoW for years.

I'm only 7/9ths of my through life so it hasn't been my "whole" life yet

I wish I spent less time playing WoW.

I regret it for my childhood, I’ve found a better balance now

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That's not true, you could've turned that autism to learning something valuable and become someone people wanted, demanded even.

im happy getting by being comfy w/ low stress. not some ambition seeking dude.

>Best friend moves thousands of miles away without telling you

No, just look at normies. They're the ones apparently "experiencing" life, yet most of them are still depressed and suicidal.

I support ReBoot too

I think I have the right balance. Played just enough that it made me sharper and more tech saavy. Still did my homework, got a Master's degree and got a good job. I don't play as much now but in general I am just better than people at certain things and have some competitiveness, and I attribute that to playing a lot of games when I was young and being good at them.

No but I regret ever coming to this shithole

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I'd just be dead from meth-fent like everyone I knew in highschool

i regret wageslaving first and foremost

No I don’t, I honestly find them incredible forms of entertainment. There are some that move you in ways that a TV show or a movie can never do. Sometimes they have superb characters, plots, worlds or music that you just can’t ever forget. I don’t think I’ll ever stop playing them, even when I’m old and fragile, because they’re just too fucking fun.

never thought i'd see a reboot wojak.

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>Pat got married and moved to the opposite end of the country without telling Woolie, so that he could reveal it to him live during the podcast for his reaction
>He also had his dog pee on Woolie's lawn as they were leaving town because what the fuck is he going to do about it

What a fucking asshole holy shit. Reminder that Woolie chose Pat over Matt during the breakup.

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Imagine having to pretend to like and care about pat or pats gay opinions for money. I would rather get a shitty 9-5 than do such a thing.

Not him, but I'm not competitive. People would just get in the way. Humans are parasites.

Fucking amazing post, user.

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Yes and no. I feel like i wasted a lot of time but i also had a lot of fun. I kinda turned a little coom amd can only get off to video game characters and elves. It affected my dating life until i found a hot egirl/nerdy girl who was as coom as me. Now she dresses up for me for sex.

Now video games are a hobby we use to hang out, not really much more beyond that anymore. I domt get excited aboyt releases and im more focused on life now in my late 20s.

I consider myself lucky in the end but i could also have gone down a dark hole and been a completely coom neet.

This. The only thing I regret was spending my non-gaming time on here instead of losing my virginity, discovering my interests, etc.

This place made me feel okay to be a loser.

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No, why would I?
My other realistic options looking back were get hooked on meth and probably die from an OD or getting shot or something, or knock some latina bitch up at 16 and have my life decided for me then and there working minimum wage my entire life to pay for a kid I could never be sure was even mine because even the mention of a paternity test would get you killed by her "uncles" in the cartel.

the desert sucks bro, never live in the southwest.
Videogames are pretty much the saving grace for anyone in shit circumstances. You really only need the bare minimum to enjoy them, and they're perfect escapism.

Woolie...has a lawn?

In front of his apartment building. Its the gesture that matters, not the specifics.

Yeah this place validates your wrongdoings and gives you a shelter when you fail, it never will allow you to grow or overcome those obstacles.

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Who will finish ER first? Woolie or Plague?

I haven't played a video game in over 15 months. I don't even know why i still lurk here. Don't even think about coming here yet when i turn my PC on I'm here in 6 minutes within starting it. As a kid I never went out much so when i see people younger than I am having fun, living life, it feels as though I let a particular time in my life pass by and I've regressed back to my even more naive self. my 20s are almost halfway through and i have almost no high prospects to live up to.

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No, I regret not gatekeeping enough.

It's based off a man who turned down sex with 2 bisexual girls on valentine's day to attend the midnight release of MvC3(vanilla)

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can someone give the rundown on LittleV bitching at chat?

Yeah he used to be based

That's not necessarily true. It was ultimately /fit/ that made me learn how important fitness is, and even though I don't lift anymore I still make a concentrated effort to lead an active lifestyle.

It was pretty funny.

You lost your virginity thanks to /fit/ too?

Pretty based that he's wearing a reboot pin, then.

>says wrong shit constantly
>gets corrected
>doubles down
Usual shit

based and true

Regret is optional

No, I lost my virginity pre-/fit/.

this. i bet woolie fucking hates his life

How? You lost your virginity while still frequenting this site?

It was a good bit.

i barely play any anymore.
think i'll dedicate the next few weekends to learning how to trade stocks.

Lol no

I really don't. Sure I could've been a normalfag, but if I enjoyed something else or had a different hobby I would feel the same as I do now, I suppose.

Woolie only has his wife, Reggie, and Minh now. I give it 6 more months before pregnant Paige and no more castlesuperbeast.

No, but I do think I should have committed way more murders between playing videogames.

>Sure I could've been a normalfag
Not really, being a normalfag is a genetic thing, unless you were born a normalfag you never would have been able to become one.

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Solid bit. Wollie seemed to enjoy it.

>I live alone in crippling, unmedicated pain every day
That's sad, I guess it's a decent coping mechanism though---
>and now women and fags are ruining them.
Something tells me the "unmedicated" part might have to do with you thinking taking your meds will allow the government to mind control you.

It's funny from my perspective and like, a sitcom perspective, but jesus christ what an insanely selfish thing to do, no fucking wonder everyone else despises Pat.

he's undoubtedly the person that fucked up sbf over some petty shit. no way it was anyone else.

You're only one man. You couldn't have known. And you wouldn't have changed much. Don't blame yourself.

That's actually really fucking funny.

Man I hate you faggots. Can't you just look stuff up yourselves? No, asking someone else to spoonfeed you is NOT research. Fuck you so much.


>soulsfags mad that woolie plays slow
>he grinds off screen and shows clips of the important stuff
>they are mad about this too

"Do you regret doing a thing you enjoy doing?"
These threads are becoming as stupid as ones at GameFaqs.

>guy A
>extremely lucky and driven
>constantly work to be the best through life
>become someone important to the world
>people remember you for hundred of years
>guy B
>average joe living a normal life
>don't strive for greatness and just enjoy the moment
>people forget you a few years after death
A few thousand years later, both are forgotten.
A hundred thousand years later, humanity is probably forgotten.
8 million years later and the earth gets consumed by the sun and everything is erased.
Doesn't matter what you do with your life, we all end up the same. Just enjoy the ride.

I have other hobbies and interests so no.

I did, now I'm back in uni, and all I want is to be done so I can play video games again. On track for a 60% finish in final year which is..... expected. It'll do as long as it gets my foot in the door

Yea Forums.txt

How much do you think Matt and Liam seethed over the fact that not only did Pat buy a house once but he did it again and moved across the country? He has so much more bank than them now without them.

Sucks though that this pretty much means we'll probably never get another Pat/Woolie LP again.

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I regret overall self-hatred more than anything else

not him but I have a gf of 6 years that knows I frequent this site

>Trapped now with a mid black guy, a chinaman that everyone hates, and a cringe incarnate metal fag that are slowly killing your channel.

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Why did your gf choose you if you're a dead end loser and she knows it then?

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Yeah man just watch 100 hours of streams to find 2 minutes

I wish... I had made... Mr. Shekelberg... more money...

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Simple, All women have the "I can fix them" Gene.

See unlike Matt and Liam who would vomit and piss their pants in rage Woolie can actually take a joke. It doesn't affect their work relationship at all since they've been digital for the last 2 years and it's not like they've been doing any LP's anymore so it's a good bit.

Were the girls hot or greasy landwhales? He looks like he smells bad desu

We may get one offs from time to time. Pat stated he will back multiple times a year

Yes. Or you didn't really want to know.

I regret spending any of my life not playing video games

No you won't Pat cannot leave his safe space or put effort into something that some one else would profit from.

>implying I don't still have decades of earthly anguish yet to endure
Only those graced with the good fortune of dying young can regret spending such a short life having fun

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