RTX chads keep winning
RTX chads keep winning
Minecraft, Quake 2 and now Doom?
3080 chads keeps winning... Hehe..
Just 20 more years for the ray traced Half-Life 2.
RTX is the best anti piracy
making everything super dark is a meme, i like seeing map textures and being able to identify level geometry
It never died but the "person" who wrote it should.
Lol. It looks like a literal PlayStation 2 game. Haha!
So this is the power of $800 GPUs... Woah...
filters 99% of russians
make the enemies voxels and it'll look like something that came out in the last few years
The neon glowing lava, pitch black darkness and obnoxiousness of the lighting sources makes levels looks like Minecraft Dungeons. I don't really see any improvement, it's "ID SOFTWARE HIRE THIS MAN" type shit
Looks like shit.
I still can't believe people fell for the RTX meme
I wish they'd add RTX to OpenMorrowind.
I'm unironically hype.
>add RTX to OpenMorrowind.
they added VR
i have yet to see a demo of ray tracing that really makes me want to run out and get a new gpu.
I thought vodka did that
i love rtx but this shit and the quake rtx is fucking soulless. it completely destroys the artistic vision of the game.
does making lava glow and casting some shadows really require a $1500 card
The games were designed around primitive lightning techniques. Quake RTX technically looks impressive but it way too bright among other things. Just applying a darkening filter would look like shit too.
>$1500 card
i like doom's map textures and this meme RTX makes everything dark so you can't see them, fucking stupid
no you don't get it you really need 3000$ gpu to have reflections with a playable framerate
who cares if all the source games had pre done lighting that was accurate and played on even a potato
i'm on my way RTXsisters
Many such cases. Games were designed with a comparatively flat lightning. Implementing RTX often just means you don't half half the screen in most situations.
damn the demons won by pouring fresh concrete everywhere and forced doomguy to wait until it dries. by the time he could go anywhere it was too late.
poorfag russian kids seething
downloading right away and playan some wads
rtxchads won
It's like the game got a new SOUL.
Loving this shit.
Hope some mad lad port Brutal Doom for this so retards can seethe even more because of if.
at least link it
>tfw got a 12700
>playing gzdoom wads
retro games > most new AAA shit
Looks like a prerendered poster you'd get in an old vidya mag.
What am I looking at?
I mean, it is a game with demons. Checks out.
Left isn't even running on opengl you dumb shill
Left is the original dos version you brain dead mongoloid sub human retard.
Yes, let's all shill the FREE mod.
How much of brain damage do you have fucking nigger.
Source used ray tracing to compute the lighting when compiling the maps
Old graphics with raytracing looks like shit.
neat but the bloom is way too strong
it's open source so fix it yourself
i dont care for the annoying fullbright muzzle flash (the constant light dark flashing annoys me) but the shadows around the cross are cool. the always wet look of the floors is a bit silly too.
I think most of Yea Forums doesn't get that ray tracing has been a thing for years, being used for both CG rendering and prebaked lighting, and the point of shilling it NOW is to shill the fact that it can be done in real-time now.
Finally I can play Doom the way it was meant to be: looking like shit.
That is baked lighting, and done by the CPU. Also not real time
works better with quake.
it looks a bit wonky in a lot of DOOM scenes. Like some weird beginner mod
And that's a good thing!
sincerely don't understand what raytracing brings to the table
nothing raytraced looks that much better than non-raytraced