>early power is too good for too cheap
Early power is too good for too cheap
>play snib snab
>enemy concedes
haha :)
>Play tutor
>Fetch swamp
bro, your counterspell?
Why do people hate when I play this in my commander deck? Also can't wait to build a deck around this guy
I love mill decks and it's a shame so few games have viable ones.
mill is only viable because blue lmao
>Mill is only viable if you use the only color that supports mill
Of course. That's like saying burn is only viable because of red
mill fags are the worst
everytime i try to make a grixis i put in too few many sources. how many would you put in a deck like that?
no, I'm saying that it's an horrible mechanic that only survives because the cards that can surround it (that are not mill related) are broken
They really just made a better hedron crab?
It's a shame that self-mill is the only good mill in Magic. Also cool that other games use the term mill even though it originated in Magic.
They got tired of everyone accusing them of making all the new cards trash
Really for this guy it seems like you just need to keep him from being exiled. If someone tries to exile him since you have red and black you can kill him before the exile would happen and make that opponent sacrifice half their permeants. You can also build the deck to gain control of cards in your opponents graveyard
A lot of cards have gotten "strictly better" versions since they started overloading everyone with new sets. There is a strictly better Voltaic Key now, for example, that is the same card but with a second ability stapled on for free.
There's some good opponent milling cards
>cuckmander players
>Also can't wait to build a deck around this guy
Good luck ever resolving him. Good luck ever surviving the aggro of three players instantly gunning for you and you only if he ever actually resolves.
If he comes out no one will attack unless they want to sac most of their permanents in the process. With blue and black you can always find ways around aggressive players
It's missing the panel of him walking past the empty legacy table.
Why? It dies to removal.
>If he comes out
One of them will agree to be the sacrifice or they will all do it anyway and then have a long ass 3 man game without you afterwards. Saying "haha don't kill me or I ruin your board ;)" isn't as much protection as you think.
My strongest deck is probably this guy. The deck only has 3 other creatures, ~25 board wipes and mass land destruction, and the rest is targeted removal and protection for zurgo. Also some high power equipments like sunforger to fetch things like final fortune, and all 3 counterspells available for RWB
If is good user
Politics are half of Commander someone won't be that willing to sac late game
Oh and also all the tutors I can manage to squeeze in there
>Politics are half of Commander
Which is precisely why they will agree to take the annoyance out of the board before continuing their game. I've been there before, sitting on your ass doing nothing in a strong position isn't going to gather you sympathy, you're the biggest target whether you use your WMD or not.
Hedron crab can target yourself. Ruin crab only hits opponents.
It's not a strict improvement, but the real benefit is that you can play 8 crab if you want now.
12 if you're cool
Are there other cards that reference "mill" directly like this? I haven't played in a long time, but I always remember it saying library to graveyard and mill was just a phrase like burn or scoop. It doesn't even seem like less to read with the reminder text there
mill became a keyword in core set 2021
They keyworded mill recently to save text space. Any card with the old wording is errata'd to say mill now.
Post your favourite card.
I haven't been into MtG for over a decade now. Are Slivers still a thing?
Holy based
These niggas were my seethelords back in the day
Yeah they made them change shape and everyone hated it so they went back on it
Classic slivers still show up in straight to modern type sets, but haven't been standard legal for ages.
There were also humanoid slivers that were in one of the core sets, but everyone hated them and those ones haven't shown up since.
yeah and the politics would be "so we're all agreed to kill the Xanderfag as fast as possible" every single time.
It's like if a Kaaliafag has the gall to play Linvala or Iona (before she was banned)
i made a pioneer deck revolving around this guy
my lgs closed for good before i got to try it out though
Is MTGO the best way to get into Magic if I'm too autistic to show up to my locals without knowing the game first?
>if I'm too autistic to show up to my locals without knowing the game first?
Go into your LGS, tell people you are brand new and looking to get into the game, then ask what format they play. If its Standard, then download MTGA and play a bit, look into what a "rotation" is and how it affects both you and your cards, and decide if that is a deal breaker to you or not before you go back and engage with people, this is important because if you don't know how it works, Standard can feel like a huge waste of money when there's another option that might appeal to you better.
If instead they tell you they play Commander(sometimes called EDH), then there are a few preconstructed decks that are sold and are immediately ready to be played right out of the box, ask around if anybody is willing to walk you through the game and how it works, and see if any of them can give you some basic general tips on how the different available precon decks work and how they play. If you're lucky, you'll get a full 4 man table willing to introduce you into the game, and that's where you start making friends and socializing. At worst if you end up not liking it at all you only wasted 30 bucks instead of Standard's 40-100.
By FAR the most important part in how to have fun with a card game is to socialize. Playing an online simulator is never ever going to give you the same experience, fun, and satisfaction of looking your opponent in the eye as you make your plays or he makes his and you two chat about. So even if you're shy about it, do your best to try socializing.
This actually makes vintage and modern look bad, because it's implying you need force in will in your starting hand in vintage, and you will lose if your goyf dies in modern.
That guy is a value machine in my feldon deck with cards that copy triggered abilities
do you run retreat to coralhelm and the tap put a land from your hand into play dude?
you can be damn sure there are more people playing Legacy than Vintage
Wurmcoil is a value machine in literally any deck
We got some new slivers a year ago in the first a modern horizons set. Some of them were really good.
few years ago*
>first Pro Tour of the season is Pioneer
they printed it into a standard format where it literally could not be efficiently removed on purpose to push mill hella hard
True but I was still thinking of this one.
Bolting Goyf is an old joke because if there's no instant in a graveyard and you bolt a 2/3 Goyf it becomes a 3/4 and survives. That's what it's referencing.
No one wants to play a card game where you can't play your cards user
wouldn't the Goyf die before the Bolt resolves?
Fun fact, they just printed a powercrept Zurgo last month. And he's video games, too.
Bolt is in the graveyard at the time of resolution.
but the goyf would've taken lethal damage and died before the bolt went to the graveyard
>legacy ruined by wotc
>modern ruined by wotc
>vintage didnt even exist for the past decade
>standard has always been shit
>now EDH is getting killed by wotc
fuck this gay earth
That’s not really powercrept for how my deck plays, for one he doesn’t have haste, and two giving up white for green is a really bad trade with how many board wipes, targeted removal, protection, and tutor spells I’d have to give up
When a creature has lethal damage marked on it, it remains on the field until state-based actions are checked (which typically happens whenever a player would gain priority). When Bolt resolves there's no 'gap' between Bolt dealing damage and Bolt moving to the graveyard, so Goyf changes from a 2/3 into a 3/4 with 3 damage marked on it. If this is blowing your mind just wait until you hear about layers.
>what the fuck is this real
>it's real
that's where my confusion is, I thought state-based actions happen immediately regardless of priority
>he doesn't know
I am gonna post the pony one because GR15
Your better off with green than white overall though. You'll have access to Golgari's suite of removal spells which are very good and you still have access to blacks board wipe while gaining the ramp and card draw of green, not to mention that for some stupid reason green gets some really good protection cards on par with a lot of whites.