I love shotguns, give me games with good shotguns

I love shotguns, give me games with good shotguns.

Attached: How-A-Shotgun-Works-In-Video-Games.png (700x325, 82.03K)

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Madness: Project Nexus

Killing floor 1 and 2

shotguns fly mostly straight in irl for hundreds of feet


In SOCOM, you can use shotguns as snipers.
Ah the good ol psp multiplayer games.

Everyone knows. They work like this in vidya for balance reasons

Escape from tarkov, you can blast people with magnum buck or slugs from across the map

Hunt Showdown

Guns were never meant to be balanced. They're guns.

So you're saying shotguns are objectively the best kind of gun irl?

Auto Shotgun from L4D2 is insanely satisfying

I'm not nearly k enough to majeca definitive statement like that. They are quite good though

I've always found shotguns in Source games pretty satisfying and they generally work well even at far ranges.

For me, it's the combat shotgun. There's something about that reload.

Original Resident Evil 2's upgraded shotguns blow the zombie's entire torso, only the legs are left.

Unironically fpbp

MW2 has some really great shotguns.
Striker, Model 12's, AA-12, Spas, Remington
They all sound and feel great

Doom II's super shotgun is not only the best shotgun in video games, but also arguably one of the greatest weapons in the medium

any game that let's you use various ammo, like slugs turning it into semisniper, white phosphorus into semiflamethrower etc.


What's a good left-hand friendly combat shotgun Yea Forums? I have my college graduation coming up and I want to get one with my money, I already have an AR-15 and a 9mm pistol. Benellis are awesome but charging the bolt is awkward as hell as a southpaw.

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If you could swing around/ aim a shotgun as fast as you can aim a pistol, reload 3 rounds a second, and penetrate armor like they're balanced to do in videogames then sure

IRL a rifle shot would incapacitate you, in video games it doesn't. IRL also has a working suppression system because people are genuinely afraid of getting shot and dying, whereas in video games catching a stray bullet or two will heal 10 seconds later. These factors give automatic weapons an edge in some situations over being all shotgun all the time. Ultimately neither rifles nor shotguns work realistically in video games.

PAYDAY actually has real life accurate shotguns. You can snipe enemies from hundreds of feet away

No, because of limited ammo capacity and the recoil is a bitch. Video games can only balance this by flailing the gun around like a spaz, while in real life they punch your shoulder like a donkey's kick, especially if you're firing slugs. Birdshot is fine and lighter buck is a little rough, but heavy buck and slugs are something else. To contrast AR-15s are actually really comfortable to fire because of the buffer spring system. 9mm pistols handle eerily close to how they are in Resident Evil 4, console versions of that game are practically cheapfag indoor ranges.

Ithaca 37s are reasonably ambidextrous (other than the pump release depending on how long your fingers are) but an old pump action probably isn't what you have in mind. Ithacas are pure sex regardless though.

>game nerfs pump shotguns by making them shoot slowly

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The game will never ever receive a conclusion but the shotguns are pure pandering to vidya shotgunners.

The large majority of military fighting happens at ranges where rifles/carbines are better, and they are more versatiles overall so they are the standard issue everywhere.
If you could guarantee that all fighting would be in close range (not vidya level but still) using shotguns wouldn't be a bad idea. Like in WWI trenches, but then Germans got all butthurt because they couldn't compete. Shotguns are also used as on ships for the same reason.

warframe sucks, but the shotguns are good

Attached: Corinth.png (512x512, 23.71K)

The reason shotguns are designed this way is to add variety to the gameplay. Video games generally have to make concessions in order to make them actually enjoyable. If games functioned like real life, then shit would be way different. Getting shot would probably completely incapacitate you if it didn't kill you. Getting hit by a sword would at least result in you losing a limb if not worse. Getting hit by a mace would kill you. The entire concept of HP would be fucked.

And, look, I'm sure there are people who would want to play games like that, but it would kinda suck if every single goddamn game worked that way.

goddamn the Corinth feels good.


I forget what it's called but I like the one that's basically a flak launcher with a charge time. Warframe is horrible but the weapon design in general is shockingly fun, it's just a shame all the content you get to use those weapons for is garbage.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 had my favorite shotguns. They felt good at a distance and with slugs it was an actual sniper tool.

Hunt: Showdown

unironically Planetside 2 with the recent "Arsenal" update
made shotguns more accurate at range and gave them several new attachments & ammo tailored to give them better range capabilities and tighter spread at range
been owning the fuck out of people with the default semi auto shotgun the mercenary robot faction gets
hell, PS2 even has a faction thats ALL shotguns, shotguns on aircraft, shotguns on tanks, shotguns on bikes, heavy shotguns, pistol shotguns, NC is out of control

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lol come on user

Apex legends has the peacekeeper, effective up to 100 meters, it was nerfed to the ground but its still very good

Isn't that precicely how it works with a sawed off?

Apex poopy

12 gauge recoil isn’t nearly that bad. If you’re an adult male, it’s perfectly managable.

No, it was a common misconception that was codified in early shooters that game devs automatically assume is true because they're usually cityfags who have never held a gun in their life.

yes this one, it's like the unreal tournament flak cannon
digital extremes also designed that gun, which is where the drakgoon comes from

Attached: Drakgoon.png (512x512, 51.02K)

Insurgency Shitstorm has a good one
Rising Storm 2 as well

Pump shotguns should all be manual pumps not canned for this reason

Same in halo ce

max payne 1 and 2
destiny 2
Doom 1 and 2

I will never forget shooting shotguns at boy scout camp and watching my buddy who was 4'6" and 80 pounds soaking wet hold the shotgun out at his elbow braced against nothing and got knocked back flat on his ass several feet back from the recoil

When did this happen? Doom, Quake, build engine games and Half Life have functional shotguns (their immediate sequels too). Who is the culprit for this?

Payday 2 has a bunch of shotguns and they're all great.

If you can’t manage a right handed charging handle, then I’m assuming you’re going to want a pump. I’m a lefty as well and have no problem with the safety and pump release on the 870. The mossberg 500 and 590 have awkward pump releases in my opinion, but their safety is ambidextrous.

Unironically Payday 2, if you make a shotgun build.

unfortunately they are payday 2

My guess is Medal of Honor

Maybe if you're shooting low load birdshot, after a few slugs your shoulder will start feeling it

Halo 1's shotgun was really good. You could practically snipe with the effective range it had.

Yeah, if you’re a 10 year old and you don’t know how to hold a shotgun, you’re probably going to have a bad time. But I regularly shoot my shockwave (no stock mossberg 500) with full power buckshot and slugs with no issues, and I’m skinny as fuck.

the jews, isn't it obvious?

Who even still plays PS2? Just skiddies and whales?
>shotguns on aircraft, shotguns on tanks, shotguns on bikes, heavy shotguns, pistol shotguns, NC is out of control
You forgot the shotgun with an underbarrel shotgun.

Maybe I’m shooting 9 pellet 00buck and I’m just not a pussy.

Well go fucking figure, that explains it. I can't believe a chunk of the talent behind Unreal Tournament still has something of an edge all these years later, even if other skills they used to have have atrophied.

I hope this illustration explains things, both why video game shotguns are unrealistic and why medium caliber rifles rule in real life

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The Drakgoon has the Flak ricochet and pattern but is killed by the charge time. The Corinth is ironically closer to the UT Flak cannon in actual operation (shotgun primary fire with a short range lobbed grenade secondary fire).

You also don't typically use tiny birdshot for shooting people.
No because a single bullet will kill you as well.

holy shit this game is still alive??

Alright, I'm posting it.


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metal slug

I don't doubt they're involved. But what games?

I never played that one but it was influential.
Resident Evil was also an early case of shotguns as melee weapon.

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You can get custom extended pump releases for the Mossbergs, since the little pea shaped tab is so annoying to reach if you've got a pistol grip instead of a regular stock. The tang safety is also goddamn impossible unless you have orangutan thumbs.

Hotdogs, Horseshoes, & Hand Grenades.

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nah, theres healthy amount of players on my server (Miller EU), usually a full continent and half worth from near primetime until bedtime, new players too
game is very much still alive, no thanks to the devs
>You forgot the shotgun with an underbarrel shotgun.
ah yes of course how could i forget

I was too poor to have both, so I can't really definitively comment, but I know the drakgoon was super fucking fun to use. It was, unfortunately, slow and bound by gravity, so I usually had to swap it out with a good old-fashioned sniper rifle most of the time.

It isn't. The current Digital Extremes has no one in common with the DE that helped with UT99.

Oh. Then why does Warframe have all these super fun weapons? It feels like the kind of output I'd expect if they really did share DNA. Is it all shameless plagiarism?

Man, sometimes I think about reinstalling but then I remember everything about Heavy Assaults and vehicle swarms and client-side hit detection and implants and the total pointlessness of fighting and go back to playing BF4 instead.

>Is it all shameless plagiarism?
Literally yes. Creative director Steve is well known for having the team add shit to Warframe that just rips off whatever other game he was playing recently, or anything in the back catalogue they can file the numbers off of.

99 maybe not, but steve was around at least as early as 2004

>Is it all shameless plagiarism?
Steve often openly admits as much on devstreams.

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On the one hand, being shameless enough to just add what you enjoy to your game is kind of based. On the other hand that would explain the amount of "new thing! aaaand it's dropped" I witnessed in literally a year of play.