Ubisoft is a bunch of talentless hacks though. Look at the Assassins Creed series.
6 games in 14 years is nowhere near the same level of rehash we see from Ubisoft. Not to mention Sekiro is really more of a character action game than a souls game but that's a separate topic
This is like saying that FIFA and 3D Mario are equally derivative franchises
as opposed to rehashing the same fucking game?
>by the numbers Madden-esque openworld shit by a self proclaimed "AAA" studio that does nothing but shit out generic garbage
>artistic, high integrity studio that mostly does experimental or niche as fuck games and, after many, many years of refinement on their one series that got popular, turned out the literal game of the decade that ignores all of the generic open world shit
And Yea Forums still seethes because they think the game they helped popularize is now popular.
How is Bloodborne and Sekiro not shaking up the formula?
>muh grimdark fantasy zanzibart hallway dodge roll simulator
ubisoft couldve made a better elden ring unironically
The amount of hyperbolae and reaching you have to do is truly hilarious, but please, continue being booty blasted in front of the entire world day in and day out with these threads. They're good masturbation fuel.
honestly people will eventually get tired of souls games to. i fucking loved far cry 1-3 but i got bored of it by 5, didnt even bother getting 6.
Everytime they try the "same game again" and leave those two in, I always know it's just some low tier bait
Of course bro!
Hard to get tired of a game series that comes out every few years, VS one that farts out copypastes every other week because all AAA dev's do is copy one another constantly. Funny part is they want that Souls success but fuck it up every time because they only know how to copy other AAA's line for line, for some reason they go full retard trying to copy some tiny JPN studio.
I guess western pigdogs truly are disgustingly retarded.
>add pause button
Defending a single player game not having a pause button is retarded, nothing more to say
And to be fair, a well made quest journal could be good too
the rest is just hyperbolic garbage added to make people criticize the game look retarded
every entry had introduced new mechanics that build atop the old ones like Monster Hunter has been doing for much, much longer
the problem with Far Cry is it actually does not change or add anything
the fact that this meme has to keep getting reformatted means it's bad
Fun fact, some people rage at EVERY mechanics that get added to monster hunter,just to usually reconsider it a couple of generation later
TLDR: you will never make everyone happy
There isn't a new dark souls every year, if there was people would probably be sick of them by now
souls has changed more in 7 games than farcry has changed in a linger time period across 12. You litterally don't have a stub of a leg to stand on, get fucked, manchild
they're never making dark souls again
>ubisoft devs are still seething
Make your own quest journal faggot. Ubisoft won't make a good one for you.
Stop seething over video games you faggot
why does everyone jerk off fucking dark souls despite it just being fucking dead rising without a time limit and dying in 3 hits it was nothing special when it came out and faggots still jerk it off to this day despite being nothing special
>soulsfags calling other manchildren
Shouldn't you be talking about how a video game changed your life sweetie LOL
Elden Ring BTFO all of the shitty people in gaming.
>Ubifags and "AAA" companyfags mad
>Borderlands writer so butt brutalized he became the Zanzibart meme
>journo's crying nonstop even though the game is literally only as hard as you make it, sorcery being a literal instant win retard proof button and still they bitch every single day
I love From games at this point because they just make every fucking scumbag in the whole industry feel just how tiny and flaccid their cocks really are.
I think Monster Hunter is actually a pretty bad comparison though.
Dark Souls 1-3 -> Elden Ring aren't actually that much different mechanically. Bloodborne is actually a step forward towards something different, but even still it's not a huge leap.
For years Monster Hunter was treated like a budget title on handhelds and people were fine being essentially ripped off by buying the better version of the game a year later at full price because it was just accepted baggage that came along with the budget title territory. But XX to World to Rise was huge leaps forwards for the Monster Hunter series in gameplay that changed so much and refined so much of the gameplay experience. You can't with a straight face play XX and claim it plays anything at all like World.
From totally could
And in 2022 no game should require you to stop playing the game to get info
Souls players will defend it but also flock the wikis searching for the drop rate of the most useless item anyway
3U and 4U added a lot user, don't brush them off just because they didn't use a big budget on the graphic
>Muh grimdark
You mean a wholly original and well writen fantasy world?
>zanzibart hallway
Yes the series does avoid exposition dumps from characters, thanks for somehow turning this into a flaw, you retard.
>dodge roll simulator
You can also block and jump in this one.
But yes combat is a big part of the game.
this, how the fuck do people not get that the critisisms of "pumping out the same game every year" is because it is literally every fucking year?
not to mention BB, sekiro and elden ring are all pretty different to dark souls in very big ways compared to how ubi's yearly ass creed release is largely the same, yes ass 1 is very diff to ass 99 but not very different from asses 96,97,98....
FC4 was the last game with ubisoft towers, then FC5 added companions, New Dawn added a cool new ammo system, mini-missions like Destiny and "levels" for outposts. FC6 added Just Cause and went even deeper into the mini-missions to the point where they're the most fun content in the game., added heroshooter-esque mechanics and another ammo system
They've done plenty.
3U and 4U added a lot but they still played very similar to their respective predecessor. I'll admit that 4 was a pretty big leap up from 3/tri, but the gameplay still felt very similar and the core of how Monster Hunter controlled was still there. XX was really the beginning of Capcom experimenting with changing everything that made Monster Hunter feel familiar outside of the standard gameplay loop.
It's not just fancy graphics or whatever that I'm talking about, it's fundamentally how the gameplay feels and how your character controls from XX forward that changes how Monster Hunter handles. The souls games/elden ring have clutched to very familiar movement and gameplay systems forever, so much so that the biggest change to actual moment to moment gameplay to appear in Elden Ring is a jumping button.
Fromsoft has made gains in other places with their games, but Elden Ring, to me at least, doesn't feel feel exciting because I've done it all before with just combat encounters. The thing that really carried Elden Ring for me was the sense of exploration, but after I beat the game and started to play again I just didn't find anything else to latch on to.
Why over exageration is allowed for Assassin creed but not for Dark souls?
7 games vs 12 (but Demon souls is 2009 while ass creed 1 is 2007), and if you check you'll notice that with DS2(2014),bloodborne(2015) and DS3 (2016) they litterally did wha you say
AC did some pretty bad games because they rushed it, but the are starting too to take more time
>be fromsoftware
>release game directed by unknown hidetaka miyazaki
>absolutely mogs all arpgs in quality, soul, and innovation despite its low budget and gets popular purely by word of mouth
>13 years later entitled AAA cucks are now jealous of from's success and praise
This but with yakuza games
>not to mention BB, sekiro and elden ring are all pretty different to dark souls in very big way
How is Elden Ring that different from Dark Souls III outside of the Open World?
unironically threw sekiro in there for good measure lol
>open mouth
>insert cock
The only small jump was from 3U to 4U (but 4U delivered with crazy content)
If you actually believe FreedomU play like 3U...
Wow,just wow.
>wow now we can dodge roll slightly faster
>truly this is the best of times
>make combat faster and less clunky
On that i can actually agree.
Playerside ER combat seems like a downgrade from DS3.
And buttonpress buffering needs to go.
you can jump
I've been playing every soulslike I could get my hands on and I'm not sick of it yet. And I have ADHD so usually I have no patience for repetition.
I get what you’re saying but you forgot that far cry sucks and dark souls is good
Dark Souls is a great refinement on Demon's Souls, Bloodborne has more than enough differences to justify its existence, and Sekiro isn't even a Souls game because it doesn't have a stamina meter which completely changes the way it's played. The rest are super gay though yeah
none of these are bad things
The difference is that Far Cry fucking sucks
It would be fine if they never changed anything if it were good to begin with, but it's not
Same with AssCreed, none of them are good and fuck any nostalgiafaggots who say otherwise. Assassin's Creed blows.
all of these are bad things
some of these are bad things
this soijak is legitimate
the conclusion should be the problem with ubisoft isn't that they stick to the same formula, but rather the formula is bad in the first place
make something great and you can iterate endlessly on it without people getting bored
Quest log and faster combat is a good idea
Quests are needlessly obtuse and too easy to fuck up by doing unrelated things
Combat would be fine if the enemies followed the same rules you do. But they don't. They're allowed to be anime horseshit with infinite stamina, so why can't you be too?
Unfortunately the game FromSoft is rehashing is actually fun. Your pic is very much related
>make something great and you can iterate endlessly on it without people getting bored
No, you can't. Part of the reason Souls works is not just the quality, but the fact it isn't being shat into your face every single fucking year like "AAA" publishers do.
This is why people endlessly shit upon Madden/AssIsRed/CoD/etc. Because they're not very good games in the first place, but they also shit out a new version almost every single fucking year.
One releases every year, the other releases every 3-5 years.
The only reason this is true is because ubisoft releases games every year or 2 while from takes 3 to 5.
Ubisoft's rehashing can't be tied solely to Far Cry, they have started to blend multiple IPs that play the exact same shit. Far Cry 3 carbon copied the hunting/crafting system of AssCreed 3 down to the number of 2 pelts of the same type that you need to craft more bandoliers and such. Then you have the towers and the area liberation shit. All their open world games became a rehash of similar features, but hey now it's a FPS, now it's third person but it's a shooter not a melee focused game.
>Video games can never be art. Having once made the statement above, I have declined all opportunities to enlarge upon it or defend it. That seemed to be a fool's errand, especially given the volume of messages I receive urging me to play this game or that and recant the error of my ways. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never," because never, as Rick Wakeman informs us, is a long, long time. Let me just say that no video gamer now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form.
sounds like a (You) problem. i play and replay souls games more or less constantly, as well as the half decent soulslike games. never getting bored
a good formula is a good formula. it's like saying you'd get bored of having sex if there weren't new bells and whistles to distract you
every developer should remake the thing they are good at over and over again. I dont care for Farcry but if people enjoy the formula I could not care less if they made Farcry monthly
This'd be correct if only it didn't put in Sekiro and Bloodborne who radically depart from the formula.
Same. The only valid point. If anything it should be sekiro speed and faster. Also some builds should allow you to outtank bosses.
Just how much longer will the butthurt ER causes go on for? I've put like 150 hours in, got two endings and It's now on the backbench waiting to be replayed maybe a couple months from now. For some of these people it's like Miyazaki came into their houses on Christmas day, pissed on their turkey, killed their cat and laughed about it.