What is the purest genre of gaming?


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Cancer check this 5

Go back

Clearly not shmups if you choose an image of a waifu rather than a screenshot or even a webm of a game.

If 5 op will get testicular cancer tomorrow

>fumos cause massive amounts of seethe just because they took off among secondaries

>nobody likes my cancer
>therefore i'm a retard

Seethe and cope friend

I'd say shmup and racing. All the other genres have alot of variation compared to them

Friends your cancerous wannabe plushies not me

>seething user so assmad that he has to defend his redditmos

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RPG maker games

Whatever Vampire Survivors is

Rhythm, as it strips away everything other than the act of pressing buttons. Fighting games could be the purest genre of multiplayer though.
Anyway, what's with this thread being catastrophically derailed immiadetly?

either rhythm or shmup.
my bet's on rhythm because it's fundamentally just hitting inputs at the right time and there isn't really much variation you can do on that. the very essence of that genre is fundamental whereas something like platforming or racing can have further abstractions.

Vampire survivors is kinda its own genre - no name for it yet

>waifu = anime girl
what did he mean by this?

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>a waifu
normalfag tourist moment

Are we feigning ignorance like there isn't an entire board dedicated to worshipping the goddamn touhou girls?

you mean the vtumor and 3d pig board?

>fumos are reddit now
Newfags pls go and stay go.


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Forza Horizon proves that racing games can be corporate and pozzed.

Dumb fumofag maybe you should dilate more.

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Shmups are the purest. Rhytm games aren't even games. Fightans and platformers are extremely impure and pozzed.
t. slowshitters who only discovered Fumos after scalpers and twitteroids infestation

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I would really like to see how you even can conclude that rhythm games aren't even games.


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>Rhytm games aren't even games.
Dumb retard opinion.

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I hope the babushka Ukrainian granny who made these is doing okay


Extremely low levels of interactivity. Zero decision making. You just repeat inputs shown to you. Same amount of gameplay as copying text or flipping book pages if not less.

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>Touhou character = anime girl
what did tertiaryanon mean by this?

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I genuinely fail to see how this is any different than shmups if you're willing to take such this much of a reductive approach.

Puzzle Adventure game.

It's not reductive. Rhytm games literally tell you what buttons to press. It's just a barrage of quick time events, not gameplay.

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None of what you're saying remotely even maps to them not being considered games. I don't even know where to start with your argument because it's nonsensical on its face to anyone taking this seriously.

Depends, some inputs can be complex like the games that require drawing or twisting knobs, etc on top of button pressed. To put down rhythm games as not being skill based is almost akin to saying learning music takes no skill.

>muh skill
I didn't say anything about skill. They aren't games, that's it. Flipping pages very fast requires skill too.

Neither have you said anything actually spelling out why they aren't considered games to you but shmups are. Both play similarly in terms of input execution and muscle memory requirements.

with rhythm games you have set win/lose conditions. you interact with the screen via physical controls. there's a high degree of pattern recognition involved with the notes/inputs you see on the screen which is fundamental to the gameplay. they're simple compared to something like RTS but so is Asteroids.
flipping pages isn't even remotely comparable to traditional video games nor is it comparable to rhythm games. you arent making an argument that they arent video games, you're making an argument that they're simple games. you may as well make the argument that the original space invaders wasn't a video game

2D platformer

based, trannies seething

Now they are not you dumb fuck.
Shmups require actual decision making, thinking multiple steps ahead, adapting to situation at hand, balancing risk/reward, managing resources. The video game stuff aka "gameplay".

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Pureness of a genre is inversely proportional to the amount of mentally ill people attached to said genre.
This puts racing games head and shoulders above everything else, perhaps excluding simulators.

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>Shmups require actual decision making
And so do rhythm games, even if they are simple decisions to make. they're often score-based much like shmups are and you have a tradeoff between being able to time patterns exactly to the key presses for a higher score at the cost of further execution stress. or you can simply ignore timing and just go for full combo'ing but at the cost of accuracy. You have to figure out what your reading windows are on the fly depending on the patterns flying at you- just like in a shmup. Rhythm games show the inputs you need to press on the screen but this doesn't mean a random newbie will be able to even interpret what the hell he's seeing on the screen, it takes time, muscle memory, and thought- again, just like in a shmup telling you where the bullets are gonna be flying at you telling you where to go to not die.
You honestly fail to realize just how similar the two genres are when you compare them together.

shmups are just inverted rhythm games

Expert page flipper prioritizes keeping the book intact and has to decide when to slow down to flip pages gently. Mmm yes gameplay.

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post more yeah

Expert page flipping involving physical books are not the same as rhythm games in any shape or form, so this is a nonsense comparison.


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The other ones are for gigantic faggots especially touhoutrannies

Would you prefer peeling potatoes as analogy? Dull purely mechanical task that requires certain degree of mastery to perform well.
Interactivity of a game still isn't there though.

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I would prefer you to make actual analogies, for one. Instead you keep asserting this wrong idea that there absolutely is no interactivity in rhythm games. I already talked about how the games tend to be inherently score-based and cannot be challenged without taking a level of thought in your approach which counts as interactivity. Someone who tries to play iidx will fail miserably unless they actually adapt and learn the game's mechanics, despite the game showing you each input to take.
You're conflating limited interactivity with no interactivity which is blatantly incorrect. You take the fact that rhythm games show you the inputs as a mark against it when all it does is make them explicit-every game implicitly tells you what the inputs you must take for the simple fact that all games are state machines with beneficial and non-beneficial conditions-including shmups.

It has anime, so yes, they're anime girls. Cope.


Fighting games and starcraft style games are probably the most pure.

Gentlemen, behold.

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fighting games sure, but starcraft style games? you mean RTS? lots treated those as city-builders rather than an actual game of strategy. mechanics-wise it isn't something you can really say is 'pure'

I was thinking of Starcraft when played competitively and at a high level.

I guess that works, yeah.

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GT7 and FH4/5 prove you wrong.

Katamari Damacy
Not a genre but the most videogamey videogame to ever videogame.

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>all games are state machines with beneficial and non-beneficial conditions-including shmups
Yes and legit interactivity comes from ability to manipulate those conditions. Like in shmups you can misdirect or restream aimed bullets.
Conditions in a rhytm games are completely static. Rhytm game does not respond to your inputs, it just logs them and outputs the summary of how accurate to ideal standard they were.
You might argue that a shmup also becomes a rhytm game once its routes become so optimized that top players just have to practice the execution. And I would agree that at this point shmups stop being games. Solved games aren't games anymore. Rhytm games already come pre-solved.

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Game infested with gook cannot be pure.

Sounds like you can't compete.

If your game can be completed by a TASbot, it is not a videogame