It wasn’t that bad

It wasn’t that bad

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I agree, although I do prefer HM1's level design.

Is HM a controller game or m+k? I think imma try to beat both this weekend

Who said it was bad?

It was much better than not that bad. It was fantastic.

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Should have been better.

better story and lore than 1 but level design is shit sometimes
son and pardo best characters

Controller if you're a person who ever hopes to have sex (with a woman).

Level design: 1 > 2
Soundtrack: 2 > 1

they made every character in it unlikeable, it's honestly impressive


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Beard levels hit harder tone-wise after you get the flamethrower imo. Listening to "The Way Home" while the sprites run around on fire is a religious experience.

personally have done m+kb and I've 100%'d the first one and half of the second


fpbp. HM2 was still with a replay for me a couple of years ago. it's better than 95% of current indie shit, even if it was a letdown of HM1. and even then, it had the custom levels when I replayed, which it did not at launch and I was quite pissed about.

It's still fun but I hate the stupid ass levels that are so big you can't see the dudes shooting you.

It's not bad, but still vastly inferior to HM1.

yeah im thinking its kino

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KB/M 100%

levels too big

Soundtrack and lore shits on the first one tho

lorefags are the worst

are you kidding? the first ost is way better. miami club?

Objectively true in every genre and medium except bible study.

It has the best and the worst to offer compared to 1
When it's good it's really fucking good though, evan wright levels are kino

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You're right. It was worse

too much fucking glass
decent sequel though

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The problem is the levels with The Fans are built around whatever new mask is introduced on a fresh playthrough,trying to replay them with a different character is a fucking bitch. Beard's levels turn into cheesing walls and luring everyone in a line to get shot.

They focused too heavily on guns for a good portion of the game without allowing for a fair chance at melee playthroughs. Pardo's missions did this better

>make groundbreaking beloved game, Hotline Miami
>add vague but present story elements
>players enjoy the vague but present story elements
>flip the fuck out and make the second game shit on you for caring about the story
>the story that the developers themselves created, intentionally, and added to the first game

I just don't understand

The story was never the point. HM1 was specifically made to show that story is irrelevant when you have violence and good gameplay.

It took all the speed out of HM and forced you to peekaboo constantly.
Remember the "recklessness gets rewarded" hint from HM1? Yeah, HM2 is the opposite.

I miss the Pardo poster.


And that ended up making people care about the story because the gameplay was good. They dropped the fucking ball with HM2

>god awful music
>god awful lolrandom gameplay
Both HM games are fucking awful and you all fucking know it.

Do you like baiting other people?

Yeah, Hotline Miami: Level Editor was pretty good, the bonus story mode also wasn't half bad

Then why the fuck was 2 so story heavy, to the detriment of gameplay

How long are the games? I have them in my library

To show you how the story isn't what mattered and that it would hurt the game if they focused too much on it, of course
you can easily finish both of them in a day. They're very replayable though

ending of two was such garbage

depends on your skill level. but i would say HM1 is around 3 hours first time, if you suck like i do. HL 2 is much longer and difficult, so around 2 times that or more.

Violence just isn't the same in 2, everyone can easily rambo their way through hundreds of people because they put on a mask or took their shirt off and it's just another normal day in miami. After the 6th epic murder death killer it just gets boring

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played the first one with controller, haven't played the second

How did this game become buggier than the first one?


lmao no, kys you dumb fuck


if you havent completed hm2 on hard on the ps vita, you didnt beat the game

it was kino, the fuck are you niggers being contrarians for?

It wasn't awful, but it wasn't nearly as good as the first. Having huge open corridors where someone at the other end that you can't even see turn 180 and pop you like they are an owl isn't fun. Ironically the best levels were Richter's levels that took place during HM1, with the one that took place during HM2 being shit.

so uhhhh.... why did we never get a third one?

creators didnt want to make another one, and for once the publisher respected their wishes.

Why do you need a third one? Idiot.

because the games are good? dumbfuck?

>mooooooooooooore moooooooooooooore feed me mooooooooooooooooore
You're not ryback you're just some morbidly obese consumer faggot with no life. You don't think you don't analyze. You just need the next thing. It's pathetic.

holy projectory cringe. kys now.

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It’s one of the best games made

Only bad thing was too much story, but the custom campaigns and levels made up for it. Great game

just play custom levels and campaigns. I know it's not the same, but they fill the void and some are legitimately good.