Hey kid, wanna buy some emotes?

Hey kid, wanna buy some emotes?

Attached: 1649422141909.png (821x752, 278.57K)

whats the point if most anons wont see my obnoxious albeit funny emote spam

That's why we are shilling it.

It's just a matter of time before most anons have it


Anons need to first know there's a way to enable it. They can't see your emotes, but they will see :baw:. And then they call you a fag because the event is over, and then you point them to the link.

I don't trust Yea Forums scripts

ok fine you convinced me. ill install it

Most people here are phone posters, unless it works with iPhone 7832 only 10 percent of the people here could ever get in on this.


based null:troll:

I'm not a fucking faggot so no.

>I'm not a fucking faggot so no. :AngryWojak:

if you want to join us


Have an emote idea?
Emote suggestions go here

Attached: 1628941084486.gif (270x178, 2.02M)


When will nichijou get a good video game? :nichiProfShock:

whoops, meant to post this on the /g/ thread.



I'm good go back to twitch normalfag


jannies gonna freak :basedfrog:

:knuxchuks: i hope i actually see this be used unlike the script who will not be named

Attached: 01f0c9f4255f2b89a5a6ba834beb7e80.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)



this gay emoji shit was a mistake fuck you gookmoot

i didnt participate at all in this years april fools and still dont understand what it was
i miss /vint/

ripip /fitlit/

Attached: file.png (760x291, 272.64K)

>frog after frog
god this website is a normalfag cesspit

well you can filter any you don't like now. But i agree

now what would be great is if someone made a filter to filter out posts with emotes so fun-hating faggots don't have to deal with them and everyone else won't have to deal with them as often

Shit doesn't do anything, none of these emotes are actually showing.


refresh the page or install 4chanX as well

It's a click away if you have the script installed

Attached: file.png (585x50, 7.14K)

Bros teach me javascript so i can get a job

>people who want to use emotes will install the script
>people who don't want to see others using emotes will install the script

>having to install the emote script just to disable emotes

Attached: 1547702174062.jpg (423x408, 61.22K)

you can just use \:.*\:

let me guess its CP

i was on Yea Forums before emotes were thing :BOOMER:


>emote faggotry
Go back.

Attached: 1645168029109.jpg (477x324, 66.08K)

>the script who will not be named
did something happen?
because the script is obviously still working

The diference is that this will hide the entire post, instead of just hiding the emotes.


I only care about this one :baw:


well if you don't like them, i figured you wouldn't want to see any post with them, but fair point



DAMN :punch::punch::proud::proud::anger::anger::anger:


I can't see it on my iphone



>tried this myself earlier
>realize I forgot to add the fucking two \ and ended up using /\:([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\:/


I'm not downloading your crypto miner.

I love 4chanmotes :marylol:

you can look at the source and tell us if you find anything wrong

>I'm not downloading your crypto miner. :FeelsSpecialMan:

:BOOMER:is dat some of that russian crypter programs? I saw a facebook article about that, scary stuff.


well you technically don't need the \'s, but it's just more explicit