Play multiplayer game

>play multiplayer game
>get made fun of and called shit by tryhard incels

>play fortnite
>get praised as a gaming god by children

feels nice man

Attached: lara.webm (380x640, 155.91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>no build mode
You didn't get a win.

Attached: 41d71628aa6e9283977f3ded65ed65d3.png (585x579, 647.82K)

I didn't even win, I just got some kills

Attached: lara1.webm (1440x810, 2.96M)

Attached: 1589917584793.png (1196x624, 144.95K)

I only clicked on your thread because I thought it would be about tomb raider

It's not too late.

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Attached: 1631443355774.jpg (828x827, 641.72K)

Whenever I see a Fortnite thread all I can think about is EPI now

Stop that.

Attached: 1641476421230.jpg (556x1081, 79.77K)

Attached: 1649390588992.jpg (452x651, 74.46K)