>Activision will not give raises to Raven QA testers, who are unionizing, "due to our legal obligations under the National Labor Relations Act,"
Activision will not give raises to Raven QA testers, who are unionizing...
>Jason Schreier
>Jason Schreier
Trannybros... How can we afford HRT now if they won't raise our pay?
>Jewson Cucker
Protip: They are giving raises to all the non-Raven workers in order to persuade them not to unionize.
wow I dont care
how is that a pro-tip? show me your credentials
>Jason Schreier
in english, doc
$20 is still chump change. They should keep the union going. Minimum wage is $15 here in Cali. Maybe $20 is a big deal in Wisconsin.
they have to negotiate with the union for the raise amount, its just how it works.
$20 is livable in Wisconsin and most rural/midwest states.
Workers succeeded in getting better work conditions by threatening to unionize. Yea Forums tards, who've never had a job, think Activision somehow outwitted them.
They already got the contractors to be hired full-time. Just have their union fight for raise later on. Their priority was met here.
Damn, they must have have sonant employees when 1100+ of them are QA. I can't imagine having to pay millions of dollars a month just to employees whose job is to play Vidya. No wonder it's a big disappointment when a game "only" sells a few million copies.
How much do you big publishers devs spend on yearly wages?
$20 is shit but it's a considerable raise for gamedev QA
it's still just bait to discourage unionizing so I doubt most employees will give a fuck unless they're financially in ruins
Better than the $13 I got back when I was in college. That's for sure. I don't think anyone but the leads were in it for a career though. It's a glorified summer job.
>20 dollars in California
Oh cool, they can afford metal poles for their tents now. why the fuck does anyone live there
They shouldnt give anybody QA testing for CoD games a raise as they simply have not done their job in years
this is precisely why there will never be a WoW 2 or even a warcraft 4 for that matter
Who gives a shit, non of this will make the games better
Fuck off, kike.
>the National Labor Relations Act
Can some law user help me understand what bullshit loophole they're using to justify not increasing wages?
they have to negotiate any changes with the union they're trying to form. they'll likely give them the same benefits and offer if they don't unionize, or they'll negotiate a similar rate with these 34 employees once they do unionize
I can't wait for all the game related jobs to be outsourced to the 3rd world.
Soon every video game will be a chinese video game.
Because we don't have the money to escape
Why do Americans seethe about workers having rights?
Outsourcing already a big issue for asset creation and with WFH its easier than ever. Unionization will kill the industry. Poos will be coding all AAA games if that happens.
Is there a reason I should care?
I don't. I believe workers the right to form a union and I believe a company has the right to tell the union to fuck off
>Unionisation is LE BAD
meanwhile your state's law society/bar association and medical board are legislatively mandated (as in not optional) unions with sweeping powers to enter premises, investigate allegations, negotiate conditions and mandate minimum wages for their members.
It's almost like its one rule for johnny workman and another for the upper/middle class.
Because these people's "skill" sets aren't marketable anywhere else
Imagine giving 20 dollars an hour when a skilled jannie could do it for free
Non-American but I will answer.
It's not about workers having rights. It's because when you increase the costs of hiring, companies don't put up with the cost. They outsource to China, India, or whatever 3rd world that they can get better prices from.
Rather than getting better jobs, the jobs disappear.
Based the conflict between the workers and the bosses is the energy that sparks change and keeps both adaptable. If one side wins everything stagnates and goes to shit.
Captcha:KAHRN (blood for the blood god!)
Why do you need a union to negotiate for you? Why not do it yourself?
Born here and a lot of game jobs are here and in pre covid days you needed to be in the studio to work. Weather is good, housing and politics are garbage.
>literally just recycling old-timey robber baron nonsense
>claims not to be a burger
Highly unionised countries have more leisure time, better conditions, and higher wages than less unionised countries for similar positions.
>Why would you want to be able to leverage power in a negotiation?
so why haven't the jobs vanished from Germany despite powerful unions?
do you know what the words legislatively mandated mean?
if labor is a product, then what's wrong with collective sale of your product?
I mean if we are going to forbid collective sale then we're going to have to disband pretty much every single corporation
In such cases, one of two options:
>those countries were already highly developed and had high wages before unionization happened(such as nordic nations)
>or else all the production jobs are gone and everyone works on the service industry
G*rmanoids are a cucked people beholden to jewry
Once you start talking about creating a union, it's to prevent employers from just giving everyone a fat raise and ignoring the rest of the union benefits like healthcare, unemployment, maternity time, etc
Its the difference between one guy with a 9mm pistol trying to make a difference and a whole army of people with actual combat hardware trying to make a difference.
this is 100% the reason. theyre just trying to be petty to raven for unionizing
unions are the prime way to tell mister Goldberg to go fuck himself with a rusty rake
jewish tactics for the goys are always the same: divide and conquer
put them against each other, distract them, and make sure you always negotiate with ONE of them at the same time, that way they don't know how much they're getting fucked over
So do we, as customers, now get to hold them to a higher standard? Can we expect the quality of work to rise an equal amount?
No? Oh. Seems like an effective raise.
>Bro labor movements aren't a thing
>unionisaltion during a nation's development never happens
>It just can't work
>Also please ignore Australia and New Zealand's labor movements mogging the shit out of burgerland in the 20th century.
Just admit amerilards bought the embarrassed millionaire lie and became cucks.
You do realize that americans are the only retards who have a thing against unions, right?
New Zealand labor is fucked.
The minimum wage keeps going up.
If you can't see how that's a bad thing you need to stop posting and really think about what that does to the entire economic landscape and who benefits from it.
>He still thinks consumption leads the market and the market doesn't lead consumption
The biggest joke of all is you guys don't even realise modern capitalism isn't even capitalism, multinational corporations are so powerful they killed capitalism.
except jews are in charge of american unions
they'll claim that they're fighting for you to get you better conditions when in reality they're sitting on their ass collecting a paycheck
Yeah, Australia, there's a country who's economy i want to imitate
Activision has QA testers?
The same company who have, over 2 years, made Modern Warfare 100% unplayable by accident about 5 times, the last one lasting almost an entire month?
Every developed nation has a problem with production jobs escaping to 3rd world.
I'm actually speaking from an outside perspective. I live in a 3rd world shitole.
Cars made in my country are more expensive than the exact same cars also made in my country but shipped to other countries.
as opposed to bosses who are actively fucking you over
We're talking about QA testers here, dumbass.
I wouldn't do my job either if I was being paid scraps while my boss lives like a king for doing fuck all
Why do americans hate unions?
QA tests for bugs, not good gameplay/design decisions
They also don't care unless you find something that is going to cost them more money than it would cost to fix
union fees come out of the worker's paycheck. if the union isn't doing anything to help, then why allow them to take your money away?
I didn't realise Activision was a small mum and pop shop user, my mistake
Oh wait
they have done their jobs
their department is just so underfunded they can only check about 10% of the game while working fulltime
this is basically the most common thing in every part of the IT world, nobody invests in QA because there's no value return, right up until the point their program blows up in their faces
it's like asking 10 guys to build a skyscraper and wondering why after a year they've barely finished the foundation
>Become an MD
>money stolen every year by local medical board so I can keep practicing
WTF America I thought you hated communism?
Join the military. Oh wait you're a faggot.
I find it weird how companies seethe about unions but then will collectively bargain with the government and act like it's different.
Interesting how Australia's economy went down when an anti union government took over.
then get better unions
you're acting like it's better to rip up the road than fix it because it has a pothole
It's QA everywhere. Bosses hate QA because it's seen as an impediment to profit not a guard against being sued so they're given the legally minimum allowed resources to comply with w/e regulation (that already has a bought and paid for low bar said bosses bribed in).
They are only getting the raise because of the union, while at the same time not giving them to union people so they show you "how unions are not needed, they were getting the pay rise all along". Nobody can be this stupid.
Anyways national socialism is the only way.
It’s not Wisconsin is getting fucked here with new tax laws being pushed and them trying to turn areas into “smart cities”
because germans are still nationalistic and hate everything not german made, so the companies that want to pander to the german market have to produce in germany
Unionising and collective bargaining are different things no matter how much trannies try to conflate the two
Difference one: I don't need to pay an obese black woman a portion of my monthly wages in order to collectively bargain
I hope this backfires on them and all 1100 newly hired testers join raven's union.
You don't need to with a union either.
Also no idea why you brought up trannies.
>quality testers
hope at lest they do their job now
Oh no, wherever will they find people willing to get paid to sit on their asses and play videogames and "break into the industry".
>it's like asking 10 guys to build a skyscraper and wondering why after a year they've barely finished the foundation
Not even close. A better analogy would be it's like asking 10 guys to create the foundations but they spend most of their day bothering the architects, site managers, etc asking about how they can get promoted or trying to share their "totally epic" idea for a new building instead of doing their job (creating the foundations).
QA testers are bottom of the rung white collar laborers, but almost all of them have dreams of becoming bigshot coders/producers/artists etc. and only see QA testing as a temporary stop gap.
oh I know
QA contractor, about half my jobs I get my contract terminated halfway through because someone upstairs needs to balance a budget
only to hear the horror stories that show up later and have to be emergency patched
Yes you do.
India has already been toting some unionizing efforts which pissed off the big wigs like you wouldn't believe
>Be a solicitor
>literally require by law to be a member of the law society
>money stolen
>and they bargain for me and enforce a minimum wage for all solicitors
communism did this
T. has never worked in QA anything
there's not a single properly funded QA department anywhere and most QA workers are consistently overworked heavily
Therefore, that pay raise was CAUSED BY the threat to unionize.
It shows how these efforts are helpful, even for the workers who don't have the guts to contribute.
Activision Blizzard is a top 10 megacorp like EA, UBI, Ninty, Sony, MS, etc. Blizzard themselves are stationed in Irvine (an area of land that is highly expensive to live in). They probably made more than enough money on WoW subs, cash shop and expansion purchases from the mazed players that they won't have to worry about any failures for at least a decade. It's partially why all of their projects are slow to release (besides dev teams themselves being a sinking ship on creativity).
Unions are stupid in industries like software development. Collective agreements and equity policies basically mean that the underperformers get rewarded and the people who actually do their jobs well get nothing to show for it except a pat on the back and an "Attaboy!"
At least in the States you can generally fire useless sacks of shit. Where I live it's almost impossible to fire someone. Even assaulting another employee can't result in instant dismissal.
Why don't burgers have everything unionized with a neutral party overseeing the conduct of both the union and company?
When workers form a union, any changes to the wages, hours, or benefits of an employee who is part of the union not already outlined and agreed upon in their employment contract –such as this out-of-the-blue pay raise– has to be approved by the union first, as per labor laws. This is to prevent companies from hushing up workers who are demanding things like better workplace safety or parental leave with some quick cash
this is the kind of talk they brainwash you with since childhood in america to make you anti-union.
"unions are worthless, they're just a scam to collect dues from workers while they do nothing." that's the only thing i had ever heard about unions for most of my life.
>I'm an idiot who'd take a $500 paycut so someone else has a $1000 paycut
QA is the most thankless job.
They meticulously document every single bug, only to have an executive mark them all as "Known, Shippable" before pushing the game out in a broken state.
They're the last people you should blame for games being released broken.