If it's not fun, why bother?
If it's not fun, why bother?
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It's fun though.
I'm only missing two cheevos, for just two of the endings. It's not fun so I didn't bother.
I had spent all that time, I wasn't going to stop just shy of the finish line.
I enjoyed Radagon but I summoned a player for Elden Beast and uninstalled. What a disappointment
The main problem with Elden Ring is that it simply isn't fun. Maybe I'm just tired of the Soul's formula but I feel like the amount of unfun enemies, gank squads, and bullshit encounters you run into in elden ring far outweigh any other souls games. I've since stopped playing it but while I was I always dreaded dying because every time I did I would have to go through the slog of getting back to where I was.
Stormveil was a great area but past that I just lost the will to play, and even stormveil had its issues. Like in what world are those stupid fucking birds good enemies? They just fly around and fucking with your camera and are absolute cancer to fight. The best way to deal with any enemy in Elden Ring is to find the easiest cheese for it so that you have to interact with it as little as possible since none of them are actually fun to engage with.
I'm currently playing Jump King and while taking a large fall is super punishing I always end up coming back because I know I can do better and make it further. With Elden Ring it wasn't about doing better or getting further, it was just about how much bullshit I was willing to put up with.
>going from chadagon to this
genuinely what were they thinking
That boss is gay ngl fr
A big blob of shit that spams AOE attacks woooow great final boss
>gets fired
The fact that this thing is literally a tree spirit with a sword sours my mouth after fighting 90 of those things beforehand.
kys yourself
>Get to Mohg
>Use free FP usage and magic damage increase physik
>Comet Azur
>He goes down in 5 sec
Nice game.
I really enjoy Elden ring, and have recently started a 3rd playthrough that I'm excited for.
The recent popularity and success of the game has not made me feel like I need to dislike it to feel special or more discerning than the normies.
You're losing your grip on what's important
this is specifically about the elden beast, you overly defensive drone
If I don't beat this faggot in the next hour, I'm uninstalling. I'm not having fun, and no I won't cheese him with some meme build that doesn't let him move, doing so would be no different than giving up. I have two fully upgraded halberds, 77 STR and I'm still just chipping away at his health with L1, this is bullshit.
The hardest bosses in past games really made me want to beat them; Midir, Gael, Friede, Orphan, Isshin.. these were the best fights in their games. ER isn't like that.
You tell him! I for one will not stand for anons saying they enjoy a particular video game and if we don't stop them who will?
Jesus, talk about defensive.
His pattern is really basic, after a few attempts the only damage you'll take is from his little golden orb that follows you around.
I just smacked his belly crack a few times and he died. throwing glow stones to heal your ash also helps.
my post is already pasta
Kek, holy shit
It's unironically a good criticism and similar to how I felt with the game. Bullshit : fun ratio is wildly off.
>an incel drew this picture
The sound effect when you smack him is satisfying as hell
Might be just my autism
>throwing glow stones to heal your ash
I have an average of 500 hours in each souls game, except sekiro and BB they were my holy cows, everything had to be autistically explored and fought 1v1 no summons no spoilers etc
I beat the elden thing with 2 player summons after fucking around with lke 5 different builds over 2 days with him solo
and I don't even care
Oh you meant warming stones, forget it
You're being hysteric again
That gum you like is going to come back in style
warming stones. theyre pocket heals
I beat the Fire Giant yesterday, I'm currently against the 2 guys in the tornado castle? The wizard and the blob, you know. Game was good for a while but I find it boring right now, can bother playing further, I think I'm done
if you happen to have the recipe book to make sleep potions, you can knock one out very easily and focus on killing the other guy over and over
>I have two fully upgraded halberds, 77 STR
you didn't beat the game
Bla blah words words
Git gud
For folks out there having trouble
No I'm incorrect.
>stopping over 90% of the way through
Nah he's correct
just rush through the end. You're basically at the final boss rush, just run through a few corridors and ignore everything else. Beat those 2 guys, then 4 more boss fights back to back and you're done.
>using a shield
Might as well use summons at that point
Nta I tried it with sleep arrows and it just wasn't very effective; they barely stayed down. I ended up killing them with the mimic tear. If they are going to gank AND gauntlet I'm bringing my shooters idc lol
I didn't bother. I summoned Tiche the moment I saw it, knowing it would be yet another retarded fight. I was completely correct.
Yeah fuck this piece of shit game. Godskin duo is fucking retarded and I'm quitting this game forever
>using the invincibility button
Is there anything more embarrassing
>Using a Sword
You didn't beat the game unless you used your fists.
>The main problem with Elden Ring is that it simply isn't fun.
Going back to the older titles will reaffirm this, Elden Ring is just a massive repetitive slog.
wait no you can't say that
You didn't beat the game.
I had fun
Dude, they're really not that hard
I am shit at videogames, I couldn't even beat disc 1 of ffix nor could I even reach the first boss in bloodborne for something more relevant. It's a frustrating fight but you just gotta push through it
I miss ds1 and 2 boss fights, sure the bosses had more health than you and did more damage, but not to nearly the same degree.
In elden ring it feels like you're playing as some trash mob in devil may cry and just end up tickling the actually cool bosses with your shitty boring combos, while they flip all over the screen and only die because you slowly grind them down.
*blocks your path*
I used both.
>i beat the game!! It counts the developers put it in there for a reason
>you know what?! I don't CARE what you think, fuck you
>okay I-I did beat the game b-but maybe it was on easy mode..
>this game is fucking bullshit, he just doesn't make me want to beat him, i think im just gonna give up
>I didn't beat the game.
Lol elden ring bosses are the player as seen by enemies in most games, and tarnished are those fuckers who catch us slipping
I know that bleed ashes of war make your weapons scale with ARC, but does it scale up weapon damage or just how much bleed you inflict?
same energy
No, arcane only ups the bleed buildup on blood weapons, if you want arcane to give damage you need an occult weapon
Thanks, that's what I needed to know. Does it scale point for point? Like, will 40 ARC add 40 to the total bleed?
I can't believe we went from Sekiro to this garbage
They should let you use torrent during this fight, it would help a lot in making the fight less tedious and annoying since the faggot boss wants to run from you so much
it's fun until he shoots elden stars
it's never fun to lose ya fuckin loser!
holy shit Miyazaki is too fucking lazy I can tell that is the horse riding animation