Elden Ring Lore

Who is most and least moral in The Lands Between?
Remember to ignore b8

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Most moral: Goldmask
Least moral: Diallos

Morgott is very moral, in his own blind belief

Is Rykard being controlled by the serpent or did he corrupt the serpent?

You could say the serpent fucked up his body and tried to consume him, but he was so strong in will and messed up he BECAME the serpent.

so is vaati a rannifag?

A little from column A, a little from column B. I think the only difference is he now uses his own people to grow stronger rather than just enemies, but otherwise he's basically the same good ol' Rykard.

Based on how he shoves his/its hand down its upside down throat to get his sword for second phase, I’d say Rykard is more in control, though it seems clear that it’s somewhat shared

Thanks. It's just something I wondered some time ago, and never found an answer.

most moral: miriel

leadt moral: elemer

Them cutting the whole Rykard ending is bullshit

Sleep tight
Bound tight
By mother's amber
Sleep tight
Fight light
In mother's umbra

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no he is a blm fag

>most moral
Miriel, not even a question
>least moral
Guideon. Manipulates everyone around him, tries to have you assasinated then uses you for information. Betrays you in the end. What a nigger with a capital N.

they 100% say "find life", not fight light


he murders innocent merchants and teachers for no reason

why are they so retarded and also cute ?

cause you know deep down inside that this is the only type of woman you could get

most moral: dung eater
least moral: marika

I just completed the rogier black knife imprint quest again and was surprised to find out he literally tells you the numen bkack knife women are descendants of the nox from the eternal city

the dung eater feels like a character that's there just for the sake of an evil character being there.

Most moral: Morgott, that sense of duty towards what he honestly thought as right, despite that very thing's rejection, is very commendable
Least moral: Mogh, the shit he's done to Miquella is fucking messed up

He's a caricature for people to make memes about, and it seems to work pretty well

>there’s lots of evidence to suggest Marika helped steal the rune of death fragment
I am irrationally frustrated that this was his take, now normies will all parrot this shit

he stole my posts, it was all me, i did it all

Seems like it lmao
prepare for more Ranni whitewashing

Ranni haters are becoming more deranged and annoying than Rannifags at this point.

whats with the church of marikas?
>1st in the mountaintops
>2nd in altus
>3rd in limgrave
>4th in weeping

Why the heck is the first one on the mountaintops though?

Why do the foot soldiers look like Nox/Nightfolk? The better equipped surcoat wearing soldiers are all wrinkly and sickly looking, but the poorly equipped foot soldiers are just gray skinned.
Are the lords conscripting nightfolk into their armies? I guess it would make sense for the nox/nightfolk to still live in the Lands Between, since their Eternal City (capital of their empire or something?) was there.

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It was bound to happen. It’s the path of a contrarian.

>most moral
Prawn selling guy
>least moral
Everyone else

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The church spread in influence from the capitol outwards?

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I think their faces are just so dirty that it's formed a layer of grime over their skin, the rest of their attire is pretty gnarly too cleanliness wise

Clearly another user was ACTUALLY behind it all because vaati said he has close ties with otheranon. I will now ignore your direct confession.

t. Rannifags

They show the timeline of how Marika worship evolved and spread southward, starting from the mountains where they fought giants

I especially like how Vaati did not at all explain or theorize why Godwyn was murdered.

what a coincidence, you're a fag too

I would say it’s too obvious but based on previous lore threads…

How is it obvious?

Because Ranni tells us why. Right to our face.

We'll, yeah but considering he implies Marika was behind it I don't know how he's going to spin it, unless he's just going with the whole "Ranni was just a coincidence" thing. But I don't think she wanted to just straight up kill herself because muh fingers be fingering me. It's pretty clear that Ranni and Rykard harbored deep resentment towards the Order to the point they collaborated with eachother.

Yea thats what I dont get. ya expect the one in Altus being the first church. Also I dont think there are any clues indicating marika came from the mountaintops to begin with, and the mountaintop is probably the area least likely to have marika worshippers.

She didn’t want to kill herself, she wanted to be free of her Emyprean flesh and so came up with a way to destroy her body but not her soul.

So Vaati got honeypotted by the Marika planned Godwyn's death being spammed here? KEK

Their first big battle was against the giants and could’ve been before the capital was founded

That's what I mean but it would imply killing Godwyn was her plan and not Marika's which he was implying. Unless Marika was helping Ranni for some reason but why would she punish her shadow for letting a fragment be stolen?

Question, how does destined death "kill" a soul? Does it just obliviate them? But if souls can stop existing how do they start existing?

DESU I never got the impression that Marika killed Godwyn. It always seemed to me like Ranni was resentful of the GW for deciding her fate for her and of Marika/Radagon for ruining her mother, so she plotted to both kill Godwyn and free herself of the GWs shackles simultaneously. I guess they're taking that because the black knives are all Numen and Marika leads them that she ordered it? This doesn't have to be the case since Marika seems to have been taken by such surprise by this event that she shatters the Elden Ring and gives the shards to her children to protect themselves from future assassins. It seems to me that the Black Knives betrayed Marika.

It removes it from the cycle of reincarnation. Otherwise you either get sucked back into the Erdtree before being spit back out again or you choose to remain in death and become a skelly boi.

Do you really go to space with Ranni on her ending? Why the fuck are people saying this?

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Yes, you literally fuck off to space to fuck Ranni for all of eternity.

>It seems to me that the Black Knives betrayed Marika.
Maybe but Rogier says they are scions of the eternal city, implying the Nox are actually also numen.

But why what's the point? Do the bitch really want to fuck over all the other outer gods just to be the only god for humanity herself?

>It removes it from the cycle of reincarnation.
Where does it go then. Whereelse would a soul of something go except where it belongs? It says Godwyn's soul was *killed*

She wants all gods to fuck off forever and leave humanity alone. If she can't have that then she wants the most hands-off apathetic god to be in charge. Her whole thing is about obtaining free will or getting close enough to where she can't tell the difference.

So what's the difference with gold mask ending? That we don't have a smurf wife?

I don't think that's really explained. It's just gone I guess. Oblivated as you said or maybe there is something that happens with it in "true" death that got cut from the game. Lord of Death and the alleged outer God that rules Death are one of the speculations for DLC, so maybe we will find out then.

It's not really sure what the Fuck Ranni does or how life in the world will look like

Are the soldier enemies humans or are they some form of undead?

There's undeniably a lot of things POINTING at it. But that's what makes the lore interesting. If we had a clear answer it would generate no discussion

Gold Mask ending still has the world ordered just with the GW influence removed. Ranni wants no established order except for the one humans create for themselves. No Elden Ring. No Golden Order.

What evidence is pointing at it? Why would she punish Maliketh for letting his guard down? Why would she want to kill Godwyn?

This. I don't understand this mountain of evidence that says Marika helped kill her kid. It's simply far more believable that Ranni told the black knives what was actually up with Marika and the GW and how she had a plan to fix it. Otherwise, you have Marika and Ranni colluding when Ranni resents Marika for stealing her father away and ruining her mother.

Convince me why the Frenzied Flame is bad

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>I don't think that's really explained.
Nothing about this game's metaphysics is explained. Dark souls was more concise and clear than what we have now. It makes it worse when you realise that a soul, as a possible essence, by any means should not be able to be destroyed if time is eternal as it will eventually return.

In Melina's own words: "no more births." Imagine a world where you can't knock up 10 /10 babes.

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it just is, okay?

Life is worth fighting for