Should I give the King's Field games a try? Elitist keep talking about them saying you're not a true fan unless you play them. Are they really that good?
King's Field
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In the PC version you can create your own maps
Is the second one better than the first?
imagine darksouls with tank controls and you'll get lost without a map by your side. It's interesting but actually borders on not-fun at times.
do you like slow ass dungeon crawlers and generic mazes?
Yes its more streamlined it eve has an automap
Define not fun. Because I'm a weirdo and enjoy losing to the same boss 80 times and getting lost. Can I play if on KB or should I play with my xbox controller?
>Elitist keep talking about them saying you're not a true fan unless you play them.
That's only one jackass being an obnoxious faggot. No one else thinks you need to prove anything by playing these games.
should I play the first 1 or 2econd 1?
>tank controls
Im a huge KF fan but you play them if you want to. The 3 ps1 games may be a bit harder for most to get in to because of the graphics but theyre still good. If you cant handle that then play 4 on the PS2 or pcsx2. It looks great, isnt connected to the ps1 trilogy and best of all the gameplay is untouched from the ps1 games. If youre ok with slow moody dungeon crawlers. Give the series a shot
The best part is it doesn't even have tank controls, 90% of the combat is circle strafing.
No they fucking suck
so should I play 4? I don't have the time (I do but really shouldn't) to play all of them so startign with 1 unless it's the best or necessary doesn't appeal to me. Which is the hardest? Also I don't mind old graphics.
>youre ok with slow moody dungeon crawlers
That does sound fun.
So theres three of them KF1 was a japan exclusive, KF 2 is called KF1 in the west and 3 is called 2 in the west. If you like the world style of Dark Souls then play the western KF1. But if you want a more streamlined accessible game play western KF2.
Anyone play Eternal Ring? I did a few months back, was pretty cool.
Honestly they're all worth playing but I wouldn't bother with 1, it's cool to see where it started and it was a graphically impressive game for the time but even by late PS1 it looks like shit and it's the most basic dungeon crawler to exist.
KF has the same difficulty curve in every game. You get your ass beat in the beginning then you start snowballing in power half eay through until your unstoppable by the end. If you want a more dark souls styled interconnected map but with pretty graphics then play 4. If you want that same map style but are ok with the ps1 graphics then play the first one released in the west. Also id consider 4 to be the best one overall.
i mean they have that mysterious "get lost all the time"/abundant secrets appeal that souls games have (re)popularized, but they're too janky for me to go back to.
ok so KF2 (KF1 in the west) is the good place to start. And if I like or dislike that I should then play KF4. KF3(KF2 in the west) I should play only if I'm itching for more and have played the other two. KF1(KF0 in the west) can pretty much be ignored unless I'm some superan. Any tips on WHERE I can play these? Are they easy to emulate?
only play them if you think it looks interesting.
90% of Yea Forums has never heard of Kings Field until after Dark Souls became so popular
>Any tips on WHERE I can play these?
google you retard
KF4 goes back to the west KF1 style of map design. They are all easy to emulate. Use whatever preferred ps1 emulator and pcsx2 for 4
It's a browser game?
The only ones worth playing are KH4 and Shadow Tower: Abyss and they both still suck and just get propped up by contrarians. Play them if you want but don't expect anything more than a 5-6/10.
Legit, somebody here called this combat "more engaging than any Souls game."
Duckstation or retroarch
Vimm's lair for roms
There's also 2 Shadow Tower games, and KF3 is also nice to start with, I think it does a better job of easing you into the game style and its more open world. KF2 early game is like if ER started in Caelid lol.
My grandfather loved King's Field 1 on the PS1, he must've beaten it 10 times. I posted a copy of his journals on Yea Forums maybe 6 years ago after he died, he had meticulously mapped out areas, a full list of the inventory of every shop keeper and the price that they'd buy every item at. He had a piece of poster putty in place on the center of his tube TV so he'd have a reticle but he knew so little about games outside King's Field he didn't even know the word reticle was used for that. He'd smoke Marlboros and he'd get so invested in his game that he'd put a cigarette down, start playing, forget he had a cigarette going and start up another one. He never played Dark Souls, he wouldn't have had the reaction speed anyway. Cherish the people who are important to you Anons, I would give anything to sit on his couch and inhale second hand smoke for hours on end watching him methodically check every wall in King's Field.
>btfo all the effort ITT trying to trick idiots into playing the old games in a single post
God damn i love KFIV
Cute story user, do you have a link to his autistic journals?
I use an emulator for it and just use my xbox wired controller.
Sorry user, I don't have them anymore, they're in a box in my dad's basement halfway across the country.
Holy soul. Call me reddit but I love posts like these. Also you ever notice how on any old song's comment section you always get comments like "my dad love this song and I used to listen to it on the radio with him. He'd dead now :(" A real downer
Eternal Ring is pretty mediocre, but actually enjoyed it far more that Shadow Tower: Abyss
Up to you. It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.
I thought they were a lot of fun, but whenever I streamed these games to my friends they just seemed frustrated watching. It's a game where it starts off pretty challenging and clunky, but you start to get really into the controls and the environment and a lot of it becomes second hand after a while.
My closest example would have to be the MGS series. Those games can be a little hard to master for the control scheme, but once you get into them the controls are perfectly fine.
My advice would have to be save often, like really often.
In King's Field 1 (JP2) you really need to be careful because you could walk through a door and then not have a way to get out leaving you soft locked. This is intentional and the game's manual specifically warns you not to walk through doors you don't think you can come out from. Always have an escape route planned.
Other than that these games are pretty fun if you like starting off weak and exploring. There's very little in terms of hand holding so if you get stuck/lost/etc just walk around literally anywhere and speak to NPCs often. It will take multiple conversations to completely exhaust dialog. By the end of the game spells you obtain are really powerful and you feel like a holy mage knight slaughtering hordes of demons. The game is metal as fuck in that regard.
The game is simply just an adventure. If you like getting lost and combing through things it's fun. There are trick walls everywhere in these games as well so it's not a terrible strategy to literally hug every wall and repeatedly press X(playstation control) until you hear the walls move. Warning some of these walls will contain traps that will one shot you.
based gramps. I hope you can find that journal and post it again.
No, you should start with KING'S FIELD. If you read a book do you skip a few chapters and "start" with chapter 5? Don't answer that question because it's obvious you don't read.
Start with KING'S FIELD. It's the first game. It's the best game. Then, and only then, of you are not filtered, you can play KING'S FIELD 2 (aka KING'S FIELD (USA)).
Because it is more engaging than anything in Shart Souls.
If you called your dad and asked him to mail it so you could share it with Yea Forums you could acquire the rare title of "not a faggot OP".
You've never beaten Kings Field.
>Elitist keep talking about them saying you're not a true fan unless you play them. Are they really that good?
Nobody told you this stop being a victim and looking for something to hate.
If you uploaded them to Yea Forums why don't you just look them up in the archive and save them on your PC. Just try and remember a few key words and type them into the Yea Forums archive. I imagine you could just write "King's field grandfather" and sort by oldest
That's not whatever one else is saying. Also only faggots who don't read compare books and games. Do you need to play TF to play TF2? No. I'm a busy man, I got games to play and books to think about reading. I can't play them all
>true fan
Stop conforming to embarrassing ass fanbases
Why do you feel the need to make baseless claims which can be proven wrong in mere seconds? Is this your desperate attempt to feel in control?
KING'S FIELD is the first in a trilogy of games. Why would you skip the chronological FIRST game in a series of THREE?
Why does the boxart look like the album cover of a 60s boomer metal album?
>tank controls
This is the most misused term by underage posters.
Only take advice from anons who don't write Kings Field in all caps.
There are plenty of great games in FromSoftware's back catalog. However, none of them have "King's Field" in the title.
>Is this your desperate attempt to feel in control?
yes and now i have made you boot up a game, write a note about me and posted it all on this thread.
i am in control.
>you're not a true fan unless you play them
This is wrong as it suggests you need to play KING'S FIELD to be a "fan" of Dark Souls or From Soft. You can be a Soulsdrone or a Fromtranny without ever playing KING'S FIELD.
If you do dare to play KING'S FIELD you will quickly grow to hate and despise Dark Souls and Miyazaki. You will hate From for allowing the plagiarist king to steal so much and offer so little in return.
jesus christ that image lmao
yeah it's from my Yea Forums folder
You can make the criticism of all Dark Souls games except Dark Souls 2.
DS2 is literally directed by the guy that made King's Field 1-4. Play KF4 and DS2 you'll notice a lot of blatant copies. (the designs of the automated golems in KF4 and giants in DS2)
Don't be thick, KF1 was an early PS1 tech demo and feels very barebones, it will simply disgust him off the whole series. Be glad some zoomer is willing to give retro games a chance, when even PS2 era graphics still filters some shitters. It's better for them to work their way backwards.
Pic rel
Shut the fuck up retard. KING'S FIELD I is a masterpiece in game design. A PS1 launch title that excels because of its simplicity, not in spite of it. KING'S FIELD is just as playable now as it was in 1994, in fact it is more so because now there is an English translation. Only a moronic retard would skip the chronological first release in a trilogy.
how much money are you being paid to shill for kings field?
I don't need to be paid to talk about a masterpiece in game design on the video games board.
Why would a company pay for shills on a series that has no remasters or re-releases. These games will never make From Software money ever again. The only money being moved around is second-hand sales, the dude is just a dedicated fanboy. This everyone is a shill mentality is pathetic.
A lot of things I didn't notice on my first KF4 playthrough. I guess I just really did not want to remember DS2 at all lol. Thanks for the compilation though. I'll always appreciate Naotoshi Zin for his work on KF, but I'll always hate DS2 with a passion.
at least tree fiddy
kings field is boring
remember when miyahacki just lifted seath = guyra twist from kf3 for elden ring