Gundam Evo thread?
Gundam Evo thread?
Overwatch, but without the trannies. Sign me up!
guntank chads wy@
>sazabi is literally mercy
wtf is this soulless overwatch clone
but that's overwatch
Tell me more about BO2 instead.
post your favs
i like this guy and DOM
Forgot my pic
But Overwatch gameplay is dogshit. Nobody wants this.
Should've been CoD
Based RX 78 2 dabs on barbatos zoomers
GM Colony Type and Rick Dom
Dom and Turn A
>got in
>can't play until this evening
How's Guntank?
Gun tank absolutely shreds, its just too bad you get one shot by the sniper on the enemy team because you have 0 mobility.
Suppose that makes sense. Are headshots instant kill on everything?
by the GM sniper yes, its a one-tap into a downed state
i hope they add the moon gundam
that one is cool
he one shots everyone 1200 hp and lower lol. I actually don't think he's op since he's got one dash, garbage movement, and no ability to fight close. Any Zaku or Barb should be bullying him into non existence
Man, I haven't even watched SEED ever and yet DOM has become my favorite this test.
>planting mines
>blowing up people
>lasering overconfident duelists
>shielding your bros
he's fucking aces
I love when people don't shoot my turrets!
I guess it makes sense from a gameplay balance perspective, but that's pretty silly for most mobile suits.
Anyone want to group up?
I will after this game im in post your ID.
10/14 characters get 1 tap headshot by sniper
it's kinda hard to land in this game because of the fast movement so it's not so bad
the bad part will be when all the cheaters crop up and 100% they'll use that guy and Pale Rider
is the test going on only on PC?
I think console test is next
Where my Exia nibbas at? It's pretty strong once you learn how to dance in and out of combat and execute squishies. Even managed to outduel some cocky Barb players when they waste their RMB and stomp.
REminder you can customize reticule
does mouse up or down even do anything?
for me? its blue dot reticle
Got it
Zaku is a better version of Reaper. I think if you're good with him and headshots, you can clear a room in one clip.
I am not that man.
what do you guys think of the balancing at the moment
>Voice Type K is literally Goku
No one wants tank/healer dogshit roles and forcing playstyles. Nothing wrong with cooldown based abilities and an ult.
Anyone else want to join up?
absolute garbage. mobile suits should have weight to their movement and not this floaty overwatch bullshit
Federation vs Zeon is still the greatest gundam game.
I change my mind more as I play. I don't think anything is overwhelmingly OP actually.
I feel like Exia, Methuss, and Turn A are kinda weak.
I am still deciding about Asshimar. His plane form is only good to run away
>Roster is 90% UCwank
>SEED's only rep is... fucking Dom Trooper
What were they thinking? of all the SEED suits they decided to go with the one, that's a 1/1 copy of a UC suit? Now don't get me wrong, Doms are one of the coolest grunt suits, but seriously what were they thinking?
Leo's are a seriously underrated design
How do I play GM well? I keep sucking ass
Don't worry, they'll add some Astrays later on. All the Astrays.
>Gundam game
>Headshots instnat kill
what the fuck why? Only cockpit shots should instant kill, Headshots should blind you temporarily until the system switches to some kind of Radar display.
>signed up for beta 3 days ago because I'm a dumbass and forgot to earlier so haven't gotten in
>Even if I got in I'm too busy to play
I just want to play as a Zaku...
>complaining about realism in a game about fairy magic robots
just have fun man
Turn A's suplex is so fucking jank, if it worked better Turn A'd be really strong. As it is, I can stay in a firefight forever but trying to grapple even what appears to be an easy target will get me killed.
SEED and G suits plus F91 should definitely get in at some point, just gotta wait.
It's difficult to tell right now. It feels like even the "strongest" suits like Barbatos have counters and ways to play around them, so I think we'll need more time.
Use your shield for both yourself and your teammates, bash retards who fly into you, and shoot gun. People don't expect a GM to do well so they'll underestimate you, especially your bash.
does this mech need buffs?
he cant 1v1 for shit
How does Dom's ult work? I just fly around like a retard playing bumper cars
do headshots matter?
No, he's strong as fuck. What do you mean he can't 1v1? That beam rapes ANYTHING in the game if you keep it on someone which is admittedly difficult. You also have mines to cover your retreat
I'm not complaining about realism you tard, i'm complaining because the game is supposed to be about fairy magic robots not just humans in robot cosplay. The ROBOT part is important.
it's like the devs never fucking watched any of the shows
>no beam sabers
what the FUCK did they mean by this
yeah, more damage
it's a gameplay thing obviously. This is the fast paced shooter. They announced BO2 also for what you want
because its a overwatch reskin
Why does the leo look like it's on steroids?
I see Grandpa get MVP in like 7/10 games so clearly he's good and I have no clue how to play him
>"these mechs move too fast! MS are slow!"
>DOM is 240 kph when hovering in the show
I think people got too fixated on 08th MS desu
>wont have a pc for about 3 or 4 months. Only own a switch.
Man I just started but I hate this, I just wanna show zaku superiority.
>it's a gameplay thing obviously
right, but there's no reason "headshot" has to be the desired target. Heartshots being the critical hit instead is just as much good gameplay while maintaining the themes better.
>Engaging and disengaging by flying towards your knife
>Killing people in 2-3 hits with an easy to hit shotgun
>Huge ass shield
Yeah it's Sazabi time.
Fuck anyone complaining about speed.
Speed is fucking life
they are supposed to have momentum, they're fuck heavy machines