I am Malenia. And I have never known defeat

>I am Malenia. And I have never known defeat.

Uuuuhm ... did her memory rot?

Attached: malenia vs radahn2.jpg (1365x767, 165.94K)

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she won though

She said "I have never known Dufheet."
He must be some other lord of something

No she literally has no feet.

Of course she doesn't remember, Miquella is the only thing in her brain

kill yourself

No but Radhan's brain did lol.

Redditors literally think morgott beat radahn based on some picture

She's been in a coma since the battle where she unleashed her crotch rot on the world and needed to have her simp army drag her back home. She's either unaware or she's delusional and coping, especially over the fact that her hissyfit against radahn resulted in mohg kidnapping miquella for himself. The one thing in her life that she cares about is defending Lil Mickey and she dropped the ball

She pegged Radahn

You know memes aside she probably did, Millicent's questline ends with you giving the flower the needle to "restore her dignity and sense of self" when she emerges from the bloom, so when we fight her she probably barely knows what the fuck is going on and is pretty much the Rot Gods fleshpuppet.

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Imagine letting a pedophile kidnap your little brother.

Mohg was the real winner of that war.

This is great.

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Attached: Mohg.png (1280x720, 1.84M)

>tags: instant loss

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>removed all the spirit summons from his quick assigns
radahntrannies are a fucking joke

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>Redditors literally think Radahn didn't lose to Morgott even with a picture
Reddit literally slobbers on Radahn's cock 24/7, you should go back there

Attached: MORGODS.jpg (1331x1344, 378.88K)

Dufheet... forgive me...

who gives a fuck about these two children lashing out and having tantrums

The Omen twins would heem both of them

Hell Malekith could murder both as well and prob Ranni too

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>Autisic redditors invade Yea Forums
>Spam wojaks in retaliation
Well handled boys, keep it up

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Thats not Radahn user. Anyone with eyes can see that.

This is actually just an illusion of Morgott and a mimic tear copying Radahn.

That's a cleanrot knight false-flagging as Radahn, you fucking idiot.

you must be blind, that's clearly a leonine misbegotten. they have red hair.

This intro doesn't mean anything, it's just concept art. Anyone who takes it seriously is retarded.

We have gone over this many times she won.
But she did it in the most cowardly way its like a child throwing a temper tantrum and breaking the family console or a country launching all their nukes out of spite. Its a fucking pathetic way of winning and it just makes you look like an asshole.

So yeah she won but at the cost of her pride and honor. And a bunch of you probably don't care about that but in game its a bitch move and is rightfully dunked upon.

But still she was the Winner.


>resort to False Flagging and back pedaling

Why would someone have three summons equipped when you can only use one?

Matter of fact anyone of the golden lineage except godrick would mog malenia and radahan.

Pretty sure Malenia and Miquella are the strongest being Empyreans
>Miquella refered to as the strongest, can literally make another erdtree
>Malenia's power requires her to restrain herself, if she pulls the pin the world explodes

Strange, why does Rykard have a picture of himself in such cool armor in his manor?
It looks really familiar...
Witless user

Attached: In case of Morgott gaslighting, break glass.png (1145x668, 1.2M)

Malenia is the strongest standing demigod as of the game's events. She is the strongest boss in the game for a lore reason.

Someone unironically made this image. They decided they wanted to be LE EPIC CHAD LE EPIC REDDIT BASEDJACK

How does someone like this even breath? Anyone who posts a basedjack or giga chad should be rangebanned. Do that for a week and Yea Forums will improve by at least 104.66%

do radahntrannies understand the very basic concept of family?

>Rykard have a picture of himself
>Uhhh... ACKSHULLY... it's Rykard in his halloween costume...

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>dragon seal
almost perfect

is vaati a radahn or maleniafag

do melariatroons understand that this family was straight gutting each other for power?
Do you also understand that Radahn is many times larger than Morgott so the famous picture you 42%ers love to post so much wouldn't make sense unless it was Rykard?

reddit is actually fully on board with this being radahn, they are currently big morgottfags

That's Radahn pic, you dork.

Godwyn was such a Chad he had to be taken out of the story. Godfrey was so strong even radahan claimed red lion modeled his entire life after him.

Malenia and radahan where claimed to be the strongest demigods to remain, not the strongest of all time. But by the time they fought no one the masses didn't know morgott and mogh existed.

>Redditfags is Morgott poster all along

>>Rykard have a picture of himself
>a picture of him wearing identical Radahn's armor
>likely what he was wearing when he failed his attack at Leyendell where Morgot pinned him because Morgott is stronger than Rykard
>Though Morgott is not stronger than Radahn, so it makes even more sense

he wasn't always that big, moron, that's why his horse is still normal size

The average Radahnfag has to be sub-90 IQ. That's Radahn, you dumb retard. Rykard has a portrait of him, because newsflash: he's his fucking brother.

Even if you wanted to believe Rykard made armor identical to Radahn's just to force your headcanon, you still can't explain the gravity symbolism on the armor.

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Friede would mog m*lenia

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>A picture of Radahn
>In Rykard's manor
>Where Rykard only has portraits of himself

What's more likely
>rykard and radahn for some reason have the exact same armor despite being lords of their own domains with the resources and drive to look different
>that's a painting of radahn at a different point of his life

>I have never known defeat. Radahn was a tie. Doesn't count.

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He uses magic so he didn't actually beat the duel

Are you false flagging or legit fucking retard?

Good morning, radatranny, sir!

Attached: Gravity mag-ACK!.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

why is he so small and where are his cheek horns?

Yeah, a draw isn't considered a defeat in every competition I can think of.

Based Mohg poster.
He got away with everything and even bagged himself prime bussy.

even more based tbqh

Attached: meteor-ACK!.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

I friede scythe and outfit visual mod when...

I'm doing friede ng+ playthru using the traveling maiden robe + black knife hood and vanilla scythes (one dogstep, one hoarfrost) and it plays fine but just looks off

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So, larping as Maleniafags and Morgottfags didn't work now you larp as Radahnfags themselves? Lmao. Anyways, thatis the picture of Radahn period



>Rykard, Radahn's brother, was a normal sized human: turns into a snake
>Ranni, Radahn's sister, was a normal sized human: turns into a doll,
>Picture of Radahn looking like a human in his brother's house, next to Rykard's pictures of being a normal sized human.
>Intro has a picture of Morgott fighting someone that looks identical to Radahn but small
>next picture shows Rykard in the process of being eaten showing a timetable
>Radahn's items allude to him being smaller in his youth
Not trying to be mean, but did you read any of the items?

It's much easier to explain that the beginning cutscene illustrations and the rest of the game contain no continuity in any form, and that whatever you see is are just cool drawings for the sake of art.
One could argue it's not Radahn simply because the armor in the Morgott image doesn't posses horns like the in game version does.

That portrait is Radahn no doubt, but the guy that got stabbed by Morgott in the intro is not Radahn since there’s no tusks on his helm. Most likely one of Radahn’s knights.

Upvoted, sir!

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So Mohg was gay?

ayy lmao
get dunked on

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>Reddit raid are Morgottfags all along
Top fucking KEK.

You lack the capability to think and hold such contrarianism for Radahn you simply ignore what's in front of you

the armor is literally Radahn's. The horns are either hidden by the crest or an oversight by the artist. The gauntlets and pauldrons are Radahn's, there's no wriggling out of this one.

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sub 60 IQ

He actually reads the lore so he probably likes them both equally.

>no horns on helmet
>i-it was an oversight from the artist!

Item described as him growing LARGER in his youth, user. Also, Ranni was a big bitch in her demi god body, probably Malenia size.

Pretty accurate desu. Idk why horserino fans are ALWAYS so upset about Malenia. Is that a single like of dialogue
>I have never known defeat
That drives incels crazy? Not a single Maleniafag would give a shit about a wholesome horserino daddy if it wasn't for their constant shitposting. There is literally no point.

>Wakes up in the haligtree with Amnesia
>"Hmmmmm, I don't remember losing?"
>Goes back to sleep
>*snores in undefeated*

>bloodhound step

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I'm sure she is the hardest boss From created. She's filtering me hard. I've played every single souls game, and I've never felt so helpless.

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Rykard would devour them both low difficulty.