Starts as a 9/10 game.
Turns into 6-7/10 by the lategame: still has some highs, but fighting regular mobs becomes a chore.
Whats your Yea Forumserdict?
Other urls found in this thread:
10/10 at first
9.5/10 by the end
Typical lazy Fromsoft slop. Clearly a big budget cash grab. 5/10 at best.
7/10. Was lied to when I heard content creators say this would be the densest open world game yet
farum azula is fun.
At the start 15/10, now 1 out of 10. One of the worst games I have ever had the displeasure of playing. Get Horizon instead. ;)
love it, great game. haven't been playing much else since Feb.
What's the point of these threads?
10/10. First time I've been entirely engrossed in a video game in years. It is flawed, but nothing had rekindled the magic quite like this game has.
Honestly, 6/10. This and Dark Souls 3 are tied as my least favorite. I might like this less.
-Too big, too empty map.
-Nearly impossible to find/complete quests without using the internet/guides
-Leveling takes too fucking long in the first 30-40 hours of the game and the stat requirements for some weapons are absurd.
-upgrade materials are a fucking bitch to get after 1-7’s
-it feels like there’s not a lot of bosses. Idk if it’s because the map is too big or because so many are reused.
-the least amount of story for each boss, the most confusing lore for me in a from game so for.
-music is massively lacking.
-beating enemies and bosses doesn’t feel special
-exploring is pointless because most chest do t have any special items, just more crafting materials.
Didn't read.
>Get Horizon instead. ;)
will do
No you won't. Even in your most ironic form not even you're dumb enough to buy it.
9/10, only reason it isn't 10 is because of the snow zones. Then it redeems itself with Malekith, Godfrey, Radagon, and Elden Beast (fuck you it's good) back to back.
9/10 having not made it past Limgrave and remade my character twice already.
Might become a 10/10 if I can get past the first area.
i think horizon might be a good buy for people saying elden ring is 5-6/10. so they can experience what a 5-6/10 game really feels like and stfu
A good game that I enjoyed a lot, but a game that gets severely diminished for falling for the open world meme. Second worst Souls made by From Software. I have resentment for it because I have a feeling every Souls game they make from now on will be open world. All open world does is spread the content actually worth doing apart, having you trawl through filler to get to it, and making you choose between spending hours on boring padding so you get the cool optional shit, reading a wiki, or missing out.
9/10 -> 7/10
5/10 boring snoozefest in limgrave, liurnia, altus
8/10 caelid, mt gelmir, mountain tops, underground areas
10/10 haligtree, mohgwyns, catacombs, volcano, crumbling
The end game saves ER
8/10 game
Good but they should stick with linear games.
10/10 and I will preorder every single fromsoft game.
Horizon is 2/10 ubishit that wouldn’t even exist if people were the slightest bit discerning. Elden Ring is unironically a 6/7 out of 10, it’s not bad but it’s not anywhere near as good as the best Soils games that are 9 or 10 out of 10.
unusual opinion, thought its the other way around for most people
Can't wait for DLC and Elden Ring 2
But you replied, that’s even better. Means your feelings extra sensitive and fragile.
I forgot how utterly trash the lategame is. Ive mostly just been pvping lately. But I decided I wanted to get all endings so this is the first time Im doing Fire Giant/Maliketh/Hoarah/Radagon again. My god I almost forgot how terribly these bosses are designed. Its not about the difficulty, they are just not fun to fight. Really some of From's worst shit.
Most people seem to enjoy crumbling/haligtree and the final few bosses. So it's not unusual for that so much as disliking Liurnia which most people love.
Horizon is a 10 out of 10. Shut the f up.
"The late game is bad" is a forced Yea Forums opinion that won't gain much traction. Really all that was bad in the late game was the big empty snowfields that could've been trimmed down.
The open world frankly doesn't add much to the game. It feels massive until you realize how much they copy pasted with the extra dungeons/caves. It would have been better as a semi open world like the earlier games, just with some open areas in between.
Why do people bitch about the late game so much? I get not liking consecrated snowfields or maybe even mt. gelmir, but elphael and haligtree are 10/10 kino areas.
And if you're just gonna respond with "damage sponge" enemies, I'll just tell you to git gud or play another game.
>My god I almost forgot how terribly these bosses are designed
filtered. fire giant is questionable, but therest are the best bosses
It's because they die and it makes them mad. That's about it.
Im not "filtered" dumbfuck. Such a terrible Fromdrone argument. I have 400 hours in ER and 6 characters. I can easily beat all those bosses in under an hour without summons or ashes, they are
They are the worst offenders in the game of the trio of cancer
>Infinite stamina
>Aoe attacks on everything
>Massive delayed attacks into instant wonky hitbox attack
Ive had plenty of bosses in From games that I was stuck on for hours but still enjoyed myself. But with these cancer bosses you just want to cheese them to get it over with asap.
I think the snow area/farum azula should've been post game content. The capital feels like a great finale area with morgott being a pretty kino end.
git gut
>"The late game is bad" is a forced Yea Forums opinion
i hear it on youtube
Elden Ring 7/10
Dark Souls 3 - 6/10
KING'S FIELD - 10/10
Bloodborne - 10/10
Sekiro - 10/10
I've been holding off on getting it but a friend just convinced me. Which build is maximum fun if I'm not hung up on doing much online?
No you don't.
do you have any independent thoughts? have you ever made a decision on your own?
It never reaches the highs of the first half of Dark Souls 1, or Bloodborne/Sekiro. It's kind of "Dark Souls 2 with a huge budget and actual focus from the A-Team instead of being a contractually obligated side-title to Bloodborne". It's way better than Dark Souls 3, and its weak points are never as bad as the weak points of previous Fromsoft games.
It's a 10/10 relative to most other games on the market. Western devs attempting to make open world games for the past 15 years have been thoroughly shamed by Elden Ring and Breath of the Wild, which is why you get all the kvetching from gender-confused Californians on twitter about "bad UX" or "zanzibart".
mt gelmir is kino i loved exploring it . nothing felt like bullshit or too op
>Breath of the Wild
>good open world
Can this meme finally die?
>old good
>new bad
I knew I was going to get it, I was holding off because I had a really busy month. He convinced that our mutual work is slowing down enough that I'll have enough time to enjoy it. Go outside or make up something else to be mad about.
Sekiro is newer than Dark Souls 3
Best bosses are the end game bosses. Early bosses are braindead and forgettable. They also have infinite stamina, aoe attacks and delays, but you just have higher dmg so they go down easily.
You can't out damage late game bosses forcing you to actually learn the fight. Hilarious when coop seeing ppl try to bleed radagon/elden beast with their flies and rivers
you didn't understand my post. you are an NPC. kill yourself and hope to be reincarnated as human instead of a side character next time
You're like a reverse-Buddhist monk, instead of meditating to find peace you are 100% dedicated to being an angry shitflinging retard at all costs, no matter how little reason you have. You are literally a Hollow.
Very good but I’m more excited to see what Miyazaki and S team will do with the open world assets now. It reminds me of DaS3 mainly which I’m not a huge fan of but ER is better. It’s almost as good as DaS really it even has the latter part not being nearly as good as the beginning.
Seconding this. It's got plenty of flaws but they're drowned out by the combined quality and quantity of the good stuff. Exceeded my expectations in every way except the OST.
I'll take a waterpark that someone urinated in over a pristine hot tub almost any day of the week.
the good parts are when its "legacy" dungeons and the bad parts is everything do wih the open world and the dogshit horse, crafting bs. liurina is a complete dogshit zone that serves 1 purpose, being screenshot skybox hate, I sincerely hate this oversized waste of time fucking zone. it all comes down to how much you weight the good parts again the singleplayer mmo parts, and no i dont hate all open world games either, i just hate ER's open world
Haligtree, mohgwyn, capital of ash all are fantastic. Farum azula is seriously god tier. Even mountaintop of the giants is pretty decent too, though way too short.
Snowfield is the weakest level yeah, but its not that bad all things considered just uninteresting. The rooftop archers section is truly a chore to go through though but I think having an area that bad is just written in the Fromsoft charter at this point.
I will say you can see parts of it, especially in the two snow levels that you will feel has been rushed, snowfield and the second half of giants in particular feels very rushed to me. Haligtree and Farum Azula feels incredibly polished on the other hand.
n-n-no you
another stock NPC response. how have you not killed yourself already
Motherfucker thinks its acceptable for Radagon to have AOE delay on the ground after every attack, basically cucking over melee once again.
Motherfucker thinks its acceptable for Hoarax Lux to have an insanely delayed grab that triggers instantly and grabs you with a terribly wonky hitbox with perfect tracking.
Motherfucker thinks its acceptable that Maliketh once again cucks over melee because hes out of range to be hit after almost every move.
If you thought those fights were enjoyable, you probably didnt play melee.
My overall rating is 9/10. Like Sekiro, it could have used some more original minor bosses in the late game, and the Mountaintop areas could have been more fleshed out, but it's otherwise edging close to Sekiro for the single best game at-release From have ever made. The chalice style mini-dungeons got repetitive by the end, that's probably the games biggest flaw.
The legacy dungeons consistently match From's very best like Central Yharnam and Castle Ashina, many of the minor dungeons like Caria Manor and Nokron/Nokstella even surpass the optional content like Upper Cathedral Ward for simply not being two rooms.
Also, I'm as of yet undecided as to whether they exceed Sekiro, but Elden Ring EASILY has the best roster of bosses they've ever released in a base-game (and probably including DLC too) traditional souls title, which includes BB and DeS.
Mohg, Lord of Blood, Radabeast, Radahn, Maliketh, Placidusax, Hoarah Loux, Morgott, Malenia, Rykard, Godrick, Astel, Rennala, Margit, Fortissax, Alecto, Lansseax, Black Blade Kindred, Sword Crucible Knight, Regal Ancestor Spirit, Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella
Any other non-Sekiro game had maybe 4-5 bosses around that quality in their base game.
>another stock NPC response
Not him but I have never seen anyone call someone else an inverted Buddhist Monk dedicated to achieving anger instead of peace. That was pretty original.
The fuck?
Rhadogan is easily the most satisfying melee fight in the game, think you're just trash.
You'll have to wait a few months until the extremely vocal shitters die down.
The irritating part is that they'll be back for the DLC whenever that comes out to fellate the bosses for being difficult, now that they're used to the gameplay mechanics.
i like limgrave, mt gelmir volcano manor, leyndell,
farum azula, atlus
caelid medium tier
What part of what I said is it that's upset you so? That I mentioned having a friend? Having a job? You must find peace in your own miserable-ass self my retarded brother. I wish you peace and hope that you don't get so mad you shit yourself and have a stroke.
I beat radagon and elden beast with a heavy greatsword +25 and a heavy zwei +25. You can jump every aoe from radagon, but theres a delay in one of them. You can dodge every hammer aoe by rolling behind him as it hits except for his single 360 slam, giving you time for a full charged R2. Ive guard broken radagon every time even in 3 ppl coop. You just need patience, spacing, and learn the fight
I played melee and I disagree with everything you said.
10/10 at the start, 9/10 at the end
more stock NPC responses. triggering a meltdown in a mindless NPC is too simple. if only we could figure out the kill word and permanently remove you cancerous stain from the world...
If ER was a regular Souls game instead of a le open world it would be the GOTYAY for me.
Liurnia was godawful, I don't know why it has had such a positive reception.
Most bland, empty area out there, and it felt very similar to limgrave, it didn't honestly feel like it added much even though I like the academy itself and the setpieces a lot.
The massive featureless swamp with nothing worthwhile in it for the entire center of the area is a blight on the game.
I agree with your list almost exactly but u loved liurnia.
What didn't you like?
Maybe a 6/10. It's just another open world game but still enjoyable.
fucking EPIC bros
>If you have an opinion I dont like, you must suck at the game.
>If you didnt enjoy this fight, that must mean that you died alot
I get the hate against Fromdrones now. I probably have 2000 hours combined in all of their games and I still hate you insufferable faggots.
That's literally every Souls game though. The first half is always better than the second half because most people won't actually play enough to get that far. Literally half of Dark Souls 3 players don't get to Irithyll, From noticed this and put most of their effort into making everything before the plateau good, and just reusing assets for everything after.
Bloodborne is the sole exception for this because they shoved half their content into optional dungeons so it wouldn't make the main game drag.
ER 8/10
DS3 8.5/10
Horizon FW 9/10
DS2 9/10
Sekiro 9/10
Horizon ZD 9.5/10
DS1 9.5/10
DeS 10/10
BB 10/10
Not him, but I've already said what I dislike about Liurnia, I'm actually more curious about the other perspective.
What is it people actually like about Liurnia?
What do you enjoy about it?