No replayability

no replayability

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No maiden

Already on my 5th playthrough, cope shazamturd.

more like no playability

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Nigger the amount of builds alone makes this the most replayable fromsoft game, plus the fact only like eight bosses are mandatory helps

ratio + nobody care

that's not sekiro though

hang yourself

I already have 300 hours across 2 systems and 4 characters.

i am on my 4th playthrough. there are tons of viable builds and more side content than in most games on the market. so you are wrong

We should have listened, fromsisters. Shazam was literally right about everything.....

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Beat it 3 times, going through it a 4th now with my INT build, holy fuck magic trivializes some parts of this game

It has good replayability, but it would be better if there were even more flask upgrade materials around the world so that you dont have to do go to the same places every single time

Too much replayability, too big. I tried and it still took me 5 hours to get to Stormveil. I have other games to play, shit

it has no replayability if your first playthrough was 100 hours+ as it should be. As you can see Yea Forums is full of retards who rushed to endgame in 20 hours

>I have other games to play
Like what? Fortnite? Borderlands 5?

>"heheh i'm going to make a whoooole thread dunking on Yea Forumstards with my shit bait!"


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there’s plenty to do

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Stranger of Paradise, Ghostwire Tokyo, Omega Labyrinth Life, SFV (fuck off), also practicing Ketsui and Hellsinker. I haven’t even started Kirby. Goddammit user.

Unironically happens to me, just less severe, lasts about 5-7 seconds. Fucking hate it

>I tried and it still took me 5 hours to get to Stormveil
lmao what? Most classes can literally bumrush the castle, kill margit at base level, and run straight through the gate towards Godrick
Astrologer should go grab the meteorite staff first and the rock sling spell
What's taking you so fucking long?

>no replayability

there's multiple endings, faggot.

you can safely skip ghostwire, soulless ubisoft openworld, gameplay is looking at map and clearing points of interest

Touch grace

I knew that. I just kept finding other and new shit to do and try out. Doing some dex/int run now. I also suck at the game, but still. For example I never even met Sellen on my first play throughout. I love it but I can’t put 100 hours into another run with so much more stuff to play.
It’s not like DeS or Bloodborne where you can knock out a playthrough in a weekend and have a great time.

the gain on these are so loud that it causes clipping. pretty weak sound design.

Does this happen on console? I might just get PS version if I'm actually spending money on it

I played the PS5 version and it was great. There’s nothing in there that even approaches the horror-show of the unpatched PC port.

ps4 pro version, runs almost flawlessly. Sometimes I see some FPS dips in heavy areas but otherwise fine.

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>get ganked by some dude and 2 friends
>repeat this

>Different coloured end cutscenes

use your environment

sekiro is the only replayable from game because it's actually fun to play

das1 and 2 are also very replayable because build diversity and different approach to progression. id rate the replay value as das2 > sekiro > 1

>>Different coloured end cutscenes

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I play on ps4 and it doesn't happen.

>they camp the grace
what options do I got other than leaving if all 3 phantoms are using meta stuff

>over 200 hours in, still finding new shit to do and explore
>beat the game three times over, still having fun with it
>exploring new characters/builds makes the experience feel new all over again
OP is a faggot and probably likes DS2 the best

i was considering doing a NG+ until i saw you had to get Bell bearings again and then I immediately alt-f4 and uninstalled

nope, how about fuck you

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rotted draggon breath. Once someone gets rotted all patience goes out the window and they will gladly follow you around the corner into an iron maiden

alternatively dont invade at graces right in front of boss door


I kneel Shazam sama

I'll give trying out the dragon breath a shot
And I've been invading capital at 70, maybe I've been getting unlucky but most of the time it's been 3 man squads that run back to the closest grace

I've already replayed the game so many times that I've started experimenting with shit like Magma Sorcery builds and Golden Order builds and Beast Roar builds

I got every great run and explored every area decently enough all on my first run.

I now have 4 more characters with different builds and keep switching between them and I'm trying to figure out which one should get which ending based on the theme of their build. And I'm definitely going to beat the game with all of them. Haven't even done NG+ on my main yet.

I'm sorry OP I forgot what you were saying, can you repeat that?

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There's three alternate endings but then one of them has about 6 different color options.

Replaying as a fresh new character right now. The cool thing is that now I know where I need to go for my build and can skip the other stuff if I don't feel like doing it.

I honestly felt like Elden Ring has the worst NG+. Theres literally no incentive to explore so you just go do the main bosses. So then I made a new character which was fun for about 5 hours, it felt tedious to re-explore every inch of the map to get items all over again. They could have at least made items +1 +2 +3 or something

Wtf this has literally never happened to me in my 130 hours so far. Is it common?

>All enemies are placed in the exact same spots
>All enemies are the exact same
>Just higher numbers
Dark Souls 2 chads just can't stop winning.

you are not required to get all the items if you don't need them

You just described Elden Ring.

Yes but it's random

That's literally elden ring but not "hard"

KING'S FIELD has far more replayability. It's also a far better series as it isn't ruined by Miyazaki's black touch.

No going back after your imminent regret post bottom surgery

Pirated it since it runs like shit on PC. If you can't make a good PC port you're not getting my fucking money

just buy everything before starting NG+

Not that user, but I personally just did a bunch of pvp and co-op before starting ng+ and ended up with millions of runes I couldn't use, so I put those all into smithing stones. I think I started ng+ with like 300 of each.

you really gotta be patient when invading, you should never come to them if you can help it. Always hide and wait for the ambush. If theyre camping grace waiting for you to come, thats when you open up a youtube video on a different screen and wait for them to run out of patience.