Mass Effect
Mass Effect
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That's not Mass Effect 2
me with mass effect 2
Parnack Negotiations sequel when
Commander, what can I do for you?
You can call Jack up on your way out, thanks Ms. Lawson
>"Not the first post from this IP"
for me? it's red
because Anderson's favorite color is red
I played through ME3 for the first time when Legendary Edition came out, and while I get the criticism I don't understand why people don't like it more when compared to Andromeda, which was so relentlessly shit that I couldn't ever force myself to play it past the first planet
...I'm second, fifth and whatever that post was....poster. What of it?
your post is pointless. people at least still talk about 3.
*sixth. I'm drunk, I can't count.
>I'm second
user, please go be retarded somewhere else
Counting OP. Assmunch..
>Counting OP
Does 'fpbp' mean OP? Come on user, you've been around
posting it
I've never seen anyone pretend Andromeda is better
Sorry, lost train of thought. What was the problem here?
This place isn't exemplary of the Internet as a whole. A decade ago, sure; nowadays and especially with the LE bringing in newfags with all DLCs, ME3 is seen more favorably than ME2.
a paper bag
>Part 1
>Part 2
Same as the games lmao
Literally every single narrative arc in the game is affected by past choices, are you one of those that thinks "ending" can only mean the last five minutes? Mass Effect 3 *as a whole* is the consequences of past choices, and it does a far better job at it than ME2 did with ME1's choices
>half the "consequences" are in literal radio messages
>forced to join Cerberus regardless of your interaction with them in 1 or your Shepard's backstory
>saved the Council, sacrificed the Council as a nice guy or let them die to replace all of them with humans, none of it is shown so they can simply change a couple lines of dialogue
>even shopkeepers that are pissed if the Council is dead you can get a discount from
>the Shadow Broker's interest in the Cerberus files from ME1 is not brought up in the fucking DLC revolving around him
>every single choice is handwaived or passed on to the next game to handle
Mass Effect 2 is a horrible "middle chapter" of a trilogy
You walk into a bar and this guy slaps your girl's ass, what do?
>be me
>play each of the games back at release
>pick tali as romance option
>replay the games last year in the remaster as a 30 year old and find tali romance cringe
Andromeda was insufferable. I don't think I got past the first planet either.
Because she reads like a self-insert's highschool crush
I still don't understand why Shepard was killed and resurrected at the beginning of ME2
Like why? That was some of the most shit writing I've ever seen.
>renegade except when alone with squadmates
>standard male shep
They should pretend Mass effect 2 and 3 didnt happen and just continue where Mass Effect 1 left off
Literally marketing
so close
because bioware romances are cringe.
The Normandy, too.
If they wanted a timeskip they could've simply had him fall into a coma. Would've still been retarded but at least it wouldn't have required Cerberus to cure death
I don't want to imagine what fucked up experiments they must've done to give her those scars
Heart surgery maybe?
>Mass Effect
Great setting, atmosphere, aliens. Only to be ruined by a garbage plot and horrible, boring, combat.
who says that? me3 has great atmosphere and stakes to it. andromeda has nothing but mega cringe dialogue invading your ears constantly
can you elaborate more on your feelings? maybe it's because of how young she is and behaves, and you find it annoying
ME2 should've been a spinoff about the Terminus systems and the merc war stuff
I actually found that stuff pretty interesting
Hey user
I think I really pissed that one off
Maybe because I shot it in the face
Oh boy, are we starting that shit again?
Don't forget this one, it's never posted for some reason
Destroy-chads where you at?
It always blows my mind that 1% of players could handle insanity in 2 but not 3
Like what?
femtrannies on suicide watch (like always)
>most people chose Destroy
>it's the choice that makes the most sense
>it's the only one that gets the 'Shepard breathes' scene
>Bioware will still not declare it canon and ME4 will try to dance around how the Reaper War
Is it worth playing this for free as part of Game Pass, fellow XChads?
did all these faggots really cure the genopahge and NOT kill wrex?
lmao pathetic
throw her out of the airlock
For all their talk about war and murderboners, the Krogan are suprisingly reasonable people, I'd rather help them integrate into galactic society than genocide them at the behest of the backstab-happy, glownigger faction. Killing Wrex is likewise a stupid decision I never make if I can help it.
jesus fuck it's been 11 years. just pick an ending and make it fucking canon you stupid hacks. nobody gives a fuck anymore about their original 2011 me3 choices.
Plus they play through all the games at once and from a story perspective 2 doesn’t accomplish much so it’s seen as filler. Retards can’t judge them for what they are.