Associate more than half the US voter base with nazis and white supremacists and telling people to kill them

>Associate more than half the US voter base with nazis and white supremacists and telling people to kill them

Game flops

>Your next game is a feminist power fantasy peddling the same leftist political propaganda

Game flops and kills off the entire franchise

Why do shitlibs have to ruin everything?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know, but the series is completely fucked now. Where do you even go from here?

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>make entire series about killing Nazis
>American conservatives conflate themselves with Nazis and blame the devs
>game and sequel are disappointing anyway
it is a shame

democrats have been calling republicans nazis completely unironically since 1940 because they wanted to vote for a candidate other than FDR, get your head out of your ass and stop pretending that normalfag conservatives see nazis in tv and think "wow they're just like me :)"

>ignoring the obvious pathetic marketing scheme by the publisher equating Trump supporters with Nazis

It's obvious it was a jab at them and it bit them in the ass, that's why in Doom Eternal they decided to shit on progressive ideas

That's exactly what happened. The game happened to come out at a time when people were memeing "punch Nazis" about admitted white supremacists like Richard Spencer, and conservatives started freaking out saying
>but wait, this'll encourage Democrats to punch us
which was basically calling themselves Nazis.

lol ok tranny

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Leftists call everything nazis, not just Richard Spencer, a fed faggot that most conservatives that voted for Trump disavow because of how racist he is, Trump supporters are not alt right

I miss when Wolfenstein was a middling, but respectable FPS series with some groundedness in how it handled its own sense of self-importance. The way normalfags treat this series now as a fuck you to Trump and the alt-right is so fucking cringe.
You're either completely ignorant or gaslighting on purpose.

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Why are you this dishonest, the marketing was an obvious jab at Trump supporters and Maga, it had nothing to do with the alt right


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The game is based around killing actual (fictional) Nazis. It's entirely based around supremacism. If conservatives were making that themselves, it was more of a red mark on them.

>leftist saying this unironically
It's like these faggots live in a different dimension and don't see their own hypocrisy, or they do and they don't care cause they just want power

You're so fucking pathetic you can't even admit the marketing sucked and made the game flop, you can't just call half the country nazis and tell people to punch them and expect your game to succeed

*about themselves

>wolfenstein: made by trannies
>doom eternal: not made by trannies
note the difference.

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It sold fine, well enough to make a sequel/spinoff that actually did flop but that was because a bunch of shit other than Republicans calling themselves Nazis

Rebooting, AGAIN.

Redpill me on the social commentary in Wolfenstein 3D

They can't, leftists have no nuance whatsoever, they pretend that every game has the same of heavy amount of political messages on it's surface because "everything is political"
They are that stupid

it spawned a shitty repetitive 6 hour spin off with looter shooter elements banking on you repeating the same levels because the previous game flopped so hard they didn't have enough budget to actually develop an actual sequel

So what was different about killing Nazis as a Polish guy in the 1990s compared to in 2016, other than that you were personally offended because you felt virtual Nazis being murdered was a slight against your conservatism?

>one makes heavy handed political comparisons between conservatives and homicidal nazis during the current political climate
>one is a game that has no story and is literally shooting nazis in blue hallways

Did you even play the new colossus and all the in your face anti white, anti christian crap in the game?
It's barely subtle and it's not just shooting "nazis"

It's not worth explaining it to this guy, user. He's just gonna gaslight and strawman everything you say by playing dumb. Just forget about it.

They're both shooting Nazis in hallways, and you're ignoring that a game about fighting fascism is inherently political.
>>one makes heavy handed political comparisons between conservatives and homicidal nazis during the current political climate
And that's a good thing. supremacism comes from the same basis as conservatism. they didn't say all conservatives were supremacists, but you can't deny the link's there.

Nazis are inherently white. It's impossible to make a game about killing them that isn't about fighting white supremacy, which is different from saying "all white people are bad". The games have heroic white characters too. But ofc, you see what you want and you're going to complain about niggers in the next thread you go to. Because there's a reason Nazis dying offends you.

>Where do you even go from here?

Soft reboot that picks up after the 2009 Wolfenstein game, and make it a world trotting adventure set during WW2 that would give it immense variety in levels.

Good idea, so it'll never happen.

So you agree the new game has more political commentary than the older ones?

New Indiana Jones game is being made by these faggots. I'm afraid to imagine how bad will it get.

You didn't address any of my points, nor you don't know the context, what you're saying has nothing to do with what i said, you're just arguing with yourself at this point

I think the end result's the same and the commentary is good. Why do you have a problem with the game showing the roots of Nazism? Other media with political commentary aren't exactly subtle so it's not like games are an outlier.

That's what people like him do, they argue with a concept in their heads and use it to strawman anyone they disagree with.

I answered clearly that a game about fighting white supremacy isn't anti-white, but you need to actually show people acting that way in a story. I'm sure the actual reason for you being angry is
>well, I think the Nazis were right, but I prefer to be silently racist
am i wrong?

I don't have a problem with that, what i do have a problem is leftists being dishonest on the marketing of the game not associating normal conservatives with homicidal nazis and telling people to punch them
For all the crying over dogwhistles from leftists it's hilarious how quick they are to not stick to their guns and say "Yes it was an obvious paralel with Trump supporters" but they don't even have the balls to do that

That and the cringy surface level hatred of christianity, anti white crap in the game

I understand that conservatives get uneasy when libtards call everyone they don't like a Nazi, and insist that Nazis need punching. But even if a libtard can't tell the difference between a genuinely concerned citizen and a Nazi, YOU should be able to tell the difference between a genuinely concerned citizen and a Nazi. If you can't, then that means there's something wrong with you.

ouch. i don't think there's any possible recovery for globohomo user here

>I answered clearly that a game about fighting white supremacy isn't anti-white,
Again you haven't even played the game, cause i never said the shooting nazis stuff is "anti white"

Play the game, watch a playthrough, whatever, and then talk to me

If your're telling me that being anti-white-supremacist is inherently anti-white, you're saying a lot more than I'd ever need to, Chuckles.

>YOU should be able to tell the difference between a genuinely concerned citizen and a Nazi. If you can't, then that means there's something wrong with you.

Who was calling Trump supporters nazis and associating Trump with the KKK for 5+ years again?

why are you arguing with yourself again?
Do you have any arguments or are you going to just strawman?

Both were correct, just not "all Trump supporters". He was supported by neo-Nazis

>story in an FPS game
>story in a Wolfenstein game that takes up 40% of the experience
Why do people have a problem with the game showing the roots of Nazism? Because that's not what the series is about. It's about gameplay and taking real concepts like Himmler's occultism and going crazy with it while adding in shit like Mecha Hitler, resurrected warlords, zombies, and alternate dimensions. Wolfenstein was never about showing the gritty underbelly of how Nazism rose to power, for god's sake.

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>If your're telling me that being anti-white-supremacist is inherently anti-white
Keep in mind one of the slogans of the alt-right is literally "anti-racist is codeword for anti-white", so yeah to many here those are exactly the same things.
>inb4 there are no alt-rightoids/nazis here

>>story in an FPS game
You may as well say
>story in a video game
This is a completely worthless attempt at critique.
>Because that's not what the series is about.
Irrelevant. A series can be about whatever the devs choose. 2009 wasn't *as* focused but had more story focus than previous Wolfenstein games. Both of the new games and Old Blood were fun shooters regardless of the story elements but just shifted from supernatural shit alone to robots and cyborgs.

So you agree the game's marketing was conflating Trump supporters that weren't nazis and telling leftists and liberals to punch them?

You're the reason games are so shit now. I don't want to be taught a history lesson about how bad Nazis are and how Trump is literally a Nazi. I want to shoot Nazis in a fictitious video game in a series that known for being fast-paced and fun.

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>implying leftists don't hate white people and celebrate them becoming a minority
You're not that empathetic person you think you are, you're just as bad as the alt right assholes that celebrate whenever a black person dies or gets shot

Funny how you think you're somehow morally superior to them because the current zeitgeist told you it's okay to shit on white people even if they nothing to you
Pretty pathetic

I have no idea if or why these games flopped, but does Yea Forums seriously still believe in 2022 most gamers hold their same political views? Because ultimately this is what this and all "go woke go broke" threads are about.

a tranny wrote that 100%


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Wanting racist white people to get the shit kicked out of them is completely different from wanting all black people to. There's no comparison there, you nonce. Nazis are not victims

Kek I knew that post would make you crawl out of the woodwork. Do you want to add something about Jews now?

>Irrelevant. A series can be about whatever the devs choose.
Sure, just don't be surprised if they don't buy your game. I like Quake Champions' approach to modernizing Quake for the most part because the core gameplay and philosophy is still intact. Wolfenstein II is a such a massive shift in tone and design from Old Blood that I still believe two different teams made them.

>get your head out of your ass and stop pretending that normalfag conservatives see nazis in tv and think "wow they're just like me :)"
Stop getting offended when Nazis are insulted then

Why are you acting like a Nazi right now?

>including doom eternal when it was on the receiving end of criticism over the mortally challenged joke
You guys get made over anything

How do you know every single Trump supporter is racist and needs to get the shit kicked out of them?


Why do you celebrate when white people are becoming a minority?
Minority implies there's less of them, why would you want to be less white people?
Explain to me user

Stop conflating conservatives with nazis then