Horizon Forbidden West outsold by Tiny Tina Wonderland and Jedi Fallen Order (a game from 2019)

>Horizon Forbidden West outsold by Tiny Tina Wonderland and Jedi Fallen Order (a game from 2019)


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Because they put it 4 days before elden ring. It's like releasing your movie the same day as an avengers movie

Uh oh.
Time for some bundles Sony?

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>American pro wrestling game more popular than FIFA in Europe

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go woke

Ugly women and niggers don't sell. Simple as.

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even withh all that bundling sony can't make it into this list
not even one fucking game

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They took a game about hunting robot dinosaurs and made it about matriarchal tribal politics.
Fuck them for that. This has the bones to be the coolest setting ever and it's a post apocalyptic.... paradise with very few robots per square miles?
Fuck outta here

Because the game is average at best, I don't know why Snoys try to shill it that hard, they shill it hard than better games like even Returnal.

Garbage ubishit design with fat women, niggers and trannies, California needs to understand the real world market isn't like their Twitter echo chamber

Sounds just like how they took TLOU's apocalyptic setting and turned it into some kind of lesbian drama.

Princess and the Frog is one of Disney's best and Mars Needs Moms would do worse than it financially a few years later. Also racism isn't allowed outside of Yea Forums.



I dont even care about whatever politics the game may have, its just looks so fucking blaaannd.

>no vidya sales detected

>>Yea Forums

Wrestling games have always been more fun than the yearly flopball release, especially with the character creation modes that practically print money thanks to wacky youtuber abominations. Plus, the PS5 is still unattainable for the vast majority of Europeans, and not just for stock reasons. We don’t call them “yuropoors” for nothing.

Its fun and less jewish that fifa

And what you gonna do about it, you stupid nigger?

It's bland because devs are spending all their time working with marketers to make sure the games they make have the "right message". They aren't spending that time to improve the game like good devs do.

Maybe trying to take Elden Ring wasn't a good idea

Anyone wonder how Sony "sells" games KEK

>GTA5 has consistently been in the top 10 gaming sales since it game it
how do they do it bros

I never watched it, but isn't the princess and the frog chick actually pretty cute? He specifically stated ugly chicks don't sell.

>tfw got GTA5 and doom2016 for free on release for buying the uncharted 4 ps4
sold GTA and uncharted to my sisters bf straight away lol

Vidya will get its own test case for this when we see Forspokens sales.

here me out
this might sound crazy
but the game might actually be fun

If you're 10 sure

>Game released that month and game which was on sale outsold a game released the month before
It was the second best selling game of February after Elden Ring. It sold well.

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The princess and the frog really was a good movie but it was released too late and at a time where CG had taken over as far as feature length animation was concerned. Facilier was a god tier villain

Not to mention Horizon is only on one console whereas those games are multiplat

Wow second it beat out
>Dying light 2
Pfffffffff KEK and

I mean I don't doubt it sold well, but what's weird is that for game that is as successful as it is, no one really talks about it.

People won't like it women. I would've bought it if she has got and all the woke shit was gone.

I refuse to believe this, nobody here bought that piece of garbage

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Because it's just the first game again with a few more bells and whistles and shinier graphics, there's nothing really remarkable about it. Meanwhile ER is essentially the best open world game made to date and managed to make a stale formula feel fresh and fun again


If you try to talk about it here, everyone just spams "snoy" so there's no point even trying to talk about it.

It beat literally every other PS5 game expect Elden Ring.

>every other PS5 game expect Elden Ring
Wow it beat all 5 of the other previously released PS5 games no way!

What is there to talk about?

Listen though aren't video games for 10 year olds?

I don't know. I didn't buy it because I didn't like the first one.

I guarantee you there wasn't a single person who wanted to play Horizon and then went "Oh wait, Elden Ring is coming out, I'll get that instead."

It's so sad to watch. Sony went from being the rising star of the industry crushing it with PS1 PS2 even PS3 was good.The library for those consoles was out of this world. Now it's just a lifeless husk pandering to the most casual of casualfaggots.

Nah just some of them

I literally did exactly that

Why? They're two different games, two different experiences entirely. You're missing out on one experience if you don't play both. They're truly not competition.

I actually heard a lot of streamers went through that thought process.

Does horizon have builds or any customization at all? I've only seen people shoot at enemies with a bow so I wouldn't think it had many options. ER having the fuckload of weapons and skills with ability to make your character sure would seem like a better choice over Horizon to the average gamer. I do unironically feel that if Aloy had more sex appeal, the games would have done better and even discussed more, but we all know why she wasnt.

I dunno, I rather just replay ER than trying Horizon. There's really nothing about it that seems particularly interesting.

>Elden Ring only had 2 days tracked in February
>Horizon Forbidden Flop nearly 10 days

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protag should be a dude

dont worry sony bros, those horizon ps5 bundles are going to push the games sales over elden ring in 2 years from now and then we'll have the last laugh

Because it is in direct competition with Elden Ring. I don't have much time since I am an adult who is working full-time and I don't have time for 2 open-world games.
I bought Tiny Tinas WOnderland and Elden Ring this month because they cater to different interests and I own them on different platforms.
I think many other people are doing the same exact thing.

I would settle for a female to male tranny, it would both make it less ugly and satisfy the typical crowd

Because you only browse Yea Forums, an anti-Sony community.

Stop posting this fake interview. Fable III does not allow you to be black at all.

fallen order is actually pretty damn good for a pew pew johnny lightblade game.

They took something like cyber-Turok with robot dinosaurs and ruined it with bad writing and politics. They just need to bring Turok back.

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People talked when it came to PC. I'm not 100% sure snoys actually play the games they buy.

>Blaming Elden Ring
- Not everyone like Soulslikes
- Elden Ring, Horizon Forbidden West and Tiny Tina's Wonderland aim at completely different consumers and audiences. HFW and TTW wouldn't sell any better or any worse had Elden Ring not been released.

>People talked when it came to PC
I don't really recall anyone liking it though, it was usually just bait threads.

The only way i can make sony stop making games €80 and making them woke is by not buying them

>Epig exclusive
>Boredlands 3 sucked shit
It's what Timmy Tencent and Randy "Child Porn Magic" Bobandy deserve.gif

>Elden Ring, Horizon Forbidden West and Tiny Tina's Wonderland aim at completely different consumers
Tiony Tina MAYBE, but Elden Ring and Horizon? Same shit in the eye of most people.

Plenty of people liked it but it was barely above mediocre. Now that you kind of know the mystery of the first game, I'm kind of not surprised the sequel hasn't been a huge hit. What pushed it along is now pretty much gone. If it ever comes to PC, I'll buy the sequel on sale and see how it stacks up.

It's 80 europoor dollars

EU sure likes racing games

those are the playstation sales genuis

No, not at all.
For most people ER is "one of those super hardcore Souls games" and most people don't like that, while HFW is seen as the gaming equivalent of a Marvel movie sequel, which are extremely popular with their target audience.

>Also racism isn't allowed outside of Yea Forums.
wannabe jannies are the absolute worst.
I bet you apply every round, you faggot

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They still sold despite you posting that shit and best part is, only one console plays all those exclusives and multiplats. So wheres the loss?

>comparing randy bobandy to fucking pitchford
Frig off.

The first game only "sold well" because Sony immediately began packaging it in with Playstation unit purchases and counted those as sales.
Maybe Horizon Zero Sales will become a "sleeper hit" when they begin shoving every unsold copy into the PS5 Slim Redux units.

The sales beg to differ. I am very sorry, but there is CONCRETE evidence which refutes your point but you STILL cling to your narrative. Just fucking accept the truth.

Someone post that Zanzibart mspaint comic.

Nah. Elden Ring has nothing to do with Horizon Forbidden West's sales. The truth is something more mundane: people simply don't like the Horizon intellectual property, or Horizon Forbidden West is just a bland game.

normal people dont have the time to play 2 giant open world games at once

Yeah, the IP is actually great but the game itself si just soooo bland. I could never bring myself to finish the 1st one and making a DIRECT sequel to a game, which was applauded by critics but forgotten pretty fast is... not the smartest move desu.