How do you feel about games with Egyptian characters?

How do you feel about games with Egyptian characters?

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theyre good

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They make my pp feel funny

Define "egyptian"

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they have good aesthetics

of, relating to, or characteristic of Egypt or the Egyptians

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They're cool, Egypt has a fascinating history. And who doesn't love a brown girl?

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Egyptian-themed characters are literal perfection

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Why aren’t they black? Egypt is in Africa.

>wears skimp outfits that look vaguely "egyptian" themed
>sex incarnate

hope that helps

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Egypt is also Mediterranean and modern day Arabic, so making them brown is more accurate than outright black. Not that there's anything wrong if they were depicted as black, but brown just makes more sense.

I love sex with brown women. Their skin always seems to be warmer than that of their white counterparts.

I'm glad this aesthetic is still alive. I used to love native American/tribal/feral designs and I don't even remember the last time I saw them.
Shadow hearts 3 wasn't great but God damn that girl was hot

I will never be a woman...

>no hips


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very based


We need more

Went to uni with an Egyptian girl that was hot, wanted to fuck her brains out every time I looked at her.
That's all I have to contribute to this thread, I suppose.

Moon Knight game when?

i like egyptian characters

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Egyptians are brown like a good chunk of Africa in general. I like Japan's take on Egyptian babes too even if it's not very accurate.

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skin dartkened by the sun =/= black
they had no fat ugly lips nor squashed human pug noses

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>lust provoking image
>irrelevant, time wasting question

I love them and their are so cute :3

Also how do i get a cute nitocris wife?

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if you say so.

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Cope and seethe retard.
We've had technology that can accurately reconstruct faces from mummies for a while now and retards like you still go "AYO *SMACKS LIPS* Cleopatra was BLACK"

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There is no such technology.

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>Want to post Pandora
>Not only am I beat to it, she's first post too
This board is alright sometimes.

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Egyptian characters are great as long as they're extremely depraved and perverted horny sluts (female) that are 90% naked at all times. If they're anything else I don't like them.

I love brown girls so I like them.

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Except there literally is.
There's an entire forensics branch dedicated to shit like this.

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They make my dick diamonds. Egyptian mythology is also cool as hell

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>JUST TRUST THE SCIENCE (which I fucking love)

egypt had multiple dynasties, some from the north and some from the south. northerners are closer to arabs, and southerners are closer to ethiopians
also there was plenty of intermarrying between the two

I'm a fan.


>a random algorithm did something
That is amazing but it isn't the technology you're talking about. It's just a random algorithm.

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you never were kangz blackie

fuck man I haven't thought about Negima in years. What a ride that series was.

The only good Egyptian themed game is going to be God of War once Kratos goes there to murder Ra

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Are you implying sculpting is more accurate?

he looks comfy

This is what an egyptian looks like.

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Storytime on Yea Forums, but we're close to the end.

Yes of course. You're also conflating two very different reconstructions.

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That's the beauty of it.
It's not just a random algorithm, it's a whole branch of forensic science aka people reconstructing faces from things like bone structure, genealogy lines, etc. and they all agree you wuz not kangs.

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too rare

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Try ys 8, ricotta is prime wild child

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What is with nips love of egyptians?

Incredible stuff. I'm awfully weak to chocolate.


menat better come back in sf6

I thought so too.

That's all it is. It's an approximation brought about by algorithms that are based on opinions. There is no science behind it, one team can easily produce entirely different reults.
And to begin with you're looking at mummies not bones, you can see what they look like just by looking at them.

Attached: Nebiri.jpg (570x700, 51.18K)

>And to begin with you're looking at mummies not bones, you can see what they look like just by looking at them
user that is very racist, I know a lot of africans are starving in some countries but you can not compare them to literal mummies.

Need more fur

Sucks that that Mona Lisa girl didn't have eyebrows.
For real though my man, there's such thing as artistic liberties let alone the hyperbole intrinsic to art. Just look at the eyes in all of your pictures. It's a bad basis for your perception of the past. Then again, I'm aware of worse foundations so, you do you

To add to that, this is a greek-roman era mummy.
I guess they wuz greeks too.

Attached: Mummified_man's_head._There_are_traces_of_gold_on_his_face._Find_spot_unknown._Greek-Roman_Period,_332_BCE_to_395_CE._Kelvingrove_Art_Gallery_and_Museum,_Glasgow,_UK (1).jpg (491x599, 52.94K)

Heh. That's another thing, on what basis does one decide that they weren't really bony fuckers who didn't have a lot to eat? There are some fat mummies too.

There's less reason to distrust contemporary depictions of people than to distrust some guy or computer program in the 21st century. Especially when the mummies don't look like the reconstruction.

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Ancient queen Ch 1-3

They're just really cool.

>Especially when the mummies don't look like the reconstruction.
This is a certified hood retard.

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Like I said, there are worse foundations. Computer modeling will naturally also have flaws, same with texts of the era, or art. You need multiple sources to get a clearer picture, but even then it won't be perfect. Hell genetics and interbreeding would certainly have them be different to any race of today you could compare them to

Honestly the whole argument has been interesting to me. I don't get how it would matter either way but it's so damn important to some people. That's intriguing to me.

>if you say so.
Nebiri's is off too.

They're not flawed, like I said earlier they're just algorithms. They have no bearing on reality. it's just an automated process to save the artists time and to hopefully give you a decent understanding of what the person looked like. But there are no guarantees, bias plays its part like in any piece of artwork, and other forces can meddle as well.
It's good to keep an open mind and it's definitely bad to place blind faith in "science" like that other user was. Especially when it comes up with laughable results like that Tut reconstruction haha.

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