How big is his Ultra Greatknot?
How big is his Ultra Greatknot?
Realistically blaidd would decline fucking the player because he's too dedicated to serving Ranni.
Are all shadows beastmen? I might have just not paid attention to any others because I'm a massive furry but
>Maliketh, Marika's shadow
Large dog thing
>Blaidd, Ranni's shadow
Large dog thing
Does the Greater Will just have a fetish for beast men?
No one is safe from trurning into a furry, not even gods
i want to have sex with him
its a shame fromtroon made him ugly, he could have really been a yiffy wolf companion.
>we have to make everyone ugly and corrupted you can't be horny
this is why i like Capcom devs, even though they make shit games, there is a level of horniness you can make art from
If you think Blaidd is ugly you DID NOT BEAT your meat to him
the beastmen were the original guardians of the dragonlord you see this in Farum Azula, after the gods/demi-gods stole the elden ring from placidusax they worshiped the humanoid gods/demigods.
Youre actually brainrotted if you think hes ugly. He just needs bath.
I just want him to lick my face honestly.
Why do women have such a turn on for him?
Consider a beast of burden instead
he's tall
Why are his eyes uneven?
Pales in comparison to Maliketh
He has Thome Yorke eyes
Why do homos like him more, anyway? Is it because you can actually see his face?
It’s because he’s Welsh. Americans don’t know enough to be repulsed or understand the irony of sheepfuckers being represented by a furry.
Conceptually it is interesting. It is a boreal warrior perfected. An animal in armor.
whats the full pic
The Wolfmen are created by the Fingers to serve/watch Empyreans.
Steel is heavier than feathers guy
What would his breath smell like? What would it taste like?
I have both wondered and written about this
I like his face design
not too human, not too bestial
Dog breath smells like death so i doubt it would be pleasant
I don't know, but I'd be willing to measure it with my mouth.
Wrong and wrong
use yandex my dude
Rangeban Asia and the Americas.
He got that INTJ Beastars stare
Is a great song.
What does he look like under the helmet?
>they even lewd torrent
i shouldn't be surprised...
Just take proper of the dog and it doesn't
seek God
is he blaidds father?
not the guy you replied to, but I got a sensible chuckle out of the results of trying to find Torrent.
я нe гoвopю пo-pyccки
whos the lucky girl then?
Radagon (forma de macho)
user, yandex is for reverse image search
Speaking of this how do I, a brainlet, add yandex reverse image search as a Yea Forums X sauce option.
Marika or the Dusk-Eyed Queen.
why would the semen in his ass transfer to her womb when she switches persona?
his womb is connected to his ass
He'd look worse if he was "pretty"
Probably from all the scars and wounds on his face.
does he give birth vaginally or anally then? is this the source of the cursed children? where they anally birthed?
The birthing canal is connected to his penis actually
well that explains miquella
Why do I visit this god-forsaken website?
Shut the fuck up, wuss.
What exactly is the shadow you fight at the Lake of Rot?
For the deep thought provoking dialogue.
Red dog, everyone has a red version of them self.
>that Blaidd comic by dangpa
Like shit
Does he make comic pages zoomed in 600%. I can never decipher what fucking order to look at the panels or read the bubbles.
Who cares, I see cute dicks and butts and I fap.
Well the helmet can stay on then while I devour his ass
I guess that's fair considering you're not really supposed to see that.
Is it the year of the wolf or something?
Surprised he even has that amount of geometry and texturing underneath. But that does kinda settle that he's mostly canine. Some people have said he doesn't have eyes due to the helmet and the beast eye item, but I dunno.
yiff in hell furfaggot
He looks asian desu.
>lol have sex
Is this 2016
Subhumans like you are incapable of having good teste, do everyone around you a favor and shut the fuck up about matters of good and bad
go to sleep europoor
He's also built significantly less human than Blaidd.
I want to cum inside the shark.
Strange, i thought he had a much more pronounced wait to hip ratio, to the point that i thought he was a secret female at first. Guess it was just his armor.