Game dev

Game dev.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>made a game.
>some autist posted a download here on Yea Forums
>sales plummet
>everyone likes it
>faggots who never bought the game come to the steam forums asking when im going to add more content so they can keep playing
>more pirates than buyers
>thinking about delisting the game and getting into another career

only retards use singletons
change my mind

There are people who are actually playing your game, no matter which way they got it, and you're not satisfied? The fuck wrong with you?

that sucks andrew

Singletons have their place but should not be a dev's default solution for everything.

Too bad he can't sustain himself on people's emotions

Then post about it on the discussion tab, you fucking retard.
If the majority of your audience isn't willing to support you financially, then you don't you need to put up with their bullshit, unless you're a pussy.

but if true, post link and I will give you a sale if it has cute furs

making games as a career instead of a hobby

>no onscripter

Is 28 too old to shift from webdev to a career in gamedev? What if I'm also retarded?

shitty sticky fluid shooter

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you'll fit right in with game developers

What kind of retard doesn't diversify his income when he's an artist?

I have no motivation today
Surely tomorrow I will gamedev

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How do I stop wanting to make games that I know I would dislike to play/would be annoying to code? I come up with a lot of ideas and very detailed systems but I don't want to actually want to make them real.

I've been giving explosions to battleships and such, but also just finished up the monthly devlog.

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Just come up with better ideas lmao

>have a cool idea
>plan it
>code every game mechanic in less than a month
>time to start drawing sprites/graphics and writing dialogues
>zero motivation

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Iktf, asset creation is boring as hell

Creatives are artists.
Not all artists are creatives but all creatives are.


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Indie devs are money-grubbing pond scum. They don't make games for any artistic or fun perspective, they see it solely as a cash machine and get mad when it fails.
Funny thing is their games are always just older, pioneering games stitched together with some pixelshit art.

Indies are the cancer of the industry.

You say this as if AAA care deeply about the artistic integrity of video games.

AAA developers are world-class engineers (and artists usually). It's sad that they don't have any control over what they make- the publishers do.
Indies are the direct opposite to this except no money either unless they fleece the public from a Kickstarter.

java is more for your backend than frontend
hence why a ton of sites and games suffered from log4j

games don't really have a front-end/backend architecture like regular software does. the rendering and game logic are all packaged into a single binary at the end. backend stuff is just for networking backend shit really, separate from the game.

I wanna make a game, but also I want to work on some real projects and get a job so I can move to Japan eventually.

ya sorry thats what i meant

>things that never happened

immensely popular games built w/ java
been following this guy's tutorial, he posts pretty regularly.
I completed version 1 of the game and had a fun time with friends trying to speedrun it even in its bare minimum state.

Based if true, I pirated every indie game I can just to spite you, I don't actually play them.

It's great until you need 2 systems with different dependencies.
Then you're fucked forever

I don't care about pirates, I just want people to play my game.

I'm 25 and have thought about pissing out a visual novel/text adventure. I really want to write screenplays, but vidya seems easier to break into.

>upgrading to UE5 broke everything catastrophically
>have to wait for Epic to fix an issue that may take years before I can step up from 4.27
>don’t get to play with my new toys
This is bullshit!

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its a difference on if it can be done or should be done
java lacks a lot of libraries youd want for game dev so its a very hacky solution
java has its purposes like how we mentioned networking, but the game itself shouldnt be java if you can help it

>pirates game multiple times
>developers bank account goes into negative

You always stick to the versions you started your project on till it finishes because of your very reason.

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Was never meant to get to the scale it did. It's why the bedrock edition (or whatever they're calling the C++ version) is the de facto version now.
Another good example but it's very tightly scoped.

Garbage collection very noticeably affects both of these games.

I'm going to download UE5, and make a fucking boomer shooter.
I'm using the biggest, most powerful engine. To do the most pointless of things. A fucking billboard hexen clone, but you're a cute witch. Because I fucking like cute witches.

In all seriousness, constantly buying and refunding actually can cause developers to lose money because of transaction fees. This is why I'd prefer you just pirate my games (or better yet, just try out my free demos) instead of buying and refunding if it's not in your tastes.

good luck getting rid of the 'unreal engine' look that every game has

Yes but there are things in UE5 that would be very helpful to my project and I wish I could use them.

Thanks, user. I'll need it.

Working on it.

I'll make more content soon.

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What's the unreal engine look?

i wanna make a simple 3d platforming adventure collectathon game featuring splatoon inklings, all modeled myself so i cant get into copyright trouble + distributed free
dont think ill ever actually finish it but i enjoy working on what i am working on

Has anyone unironically finished a project on RPG maker? Is it legit worth using over Gamemaker if all you want to make is a relatively simple turn based game?

>unironically finished a project on RPG maker
where the fuck have you been the past 20 years?

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depends of the turn based game, if you mean a FF clone then yes.

the default bloom and motion-blur values mostly. also the jittery movement of the player controller, ugly fog and the 20 megascans assets every game uses

yeah keep me updated if anyone actually does this

wolfRPG is where it's at

I'm taking the minecraft server gamedev pill.

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Based Intellij chad.
You should've considered atleast making a game in C# though, it's cleaner and used more for making video games if C++'s too complicated. Especially for indie games. And it's similar to Java.

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what font do you use for the title?

I did do some dev today. Was able to pass the ball between two teammates.

My camera work is flaky still but I think I can refine it.
It has been fun to work on so far.

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Reminds me why I stopped using java
Hope your game goes well

looks comfy, what kind of game is it?

I've tried using both, many times, but I don't think I can stand making anything from scratch.

>tfw started a new project and am refusing to make areas for it until all the mechanics work properly

Is this a good strategy? I cancelled a previous project because some mechanics just didn’t work out with the levels I designed.

>"You slave away hundreds of hours of your life for the amusement of shitbags like me, right Yea Forums?"


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Fredoka One.

It's a puzzle game. I'm working on the mobile version at this moment, it plays quite well on my phone.

There's a lot of work to be done.

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user, that's called making a prototype...

really cool user, great work!