>just jump attack
I hate sekiro for the jump attack shit alone.
most everyone here already knows that jumping heavy attacks are broken and can be abused, why are you posting a video that references reddit?
I'm not watching your video faggot
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Thanks for making another Elden Ring thread.
Soon there will be 70 threads up.
seethe more
maybe if your game wasn't shit it would be more popular lmao
cool and any decent Dex build would have killed that shit in half the time without spamming the same attacks like a fucking retarded caveman
Elden Ring has some of the most dogshit balance I've ever seen in a game
now cope and seethe
Video doesn't start until Malenia, the other bosses are among the slowest in the game and still has to cheese it with a weapon art, massive health bar, and is super slow to kill her
A bunch of cherry-picked clips doesn't disprove that a lot of bosses force you to play like a passive pussy if you want to avoid getting fucked by RNG with a strength build.
This happens with every souls game. It comes out,Yea Forums cries that it's too hard, people prove it's not, then Yea Forums acts like it was always easy.
Remember on release week when Yea Forums was saying Radahn is a bullshit unfair boss and now he's considered a favorite? It's because the shitters shut the fuck up out of embarrassment for being exposed.
I think when people want to play strength weapons, they actually want to swing around this big lump of metal around and not just repeatedly jump r1 over and over because its the fastest and builds the most stagger.
>Strenght builds are bad in elden ring
From the same people who brought you
>Shields are useless in Dark souls 3
shitter cope
str is literally broken, if you made a full str build you didn't really beat the game.
Yeah, I wanted to use the Royal Great Sword, but I just ended up jump-attacking and abusing the WA.
>don't use game mechanics
The point is those are bosses people complain are impossible for slow heavy weapons.
dark souls 3 was my first souls game i was able to get past the first 3 hours on and i did it by abusing shields with 100 percent physical prot.
eventually i just went two handed great club though
The guy in the video never uses jumping attacks.
Strength build users want all the benefits of BIG DAMAGE without playing like a strength build. No, you can't just be a tank and trade every blow. You need to pick your openings because every hit you do outdamages all the dex light touches they do. Stance breaking is powerful so throw on that talisman and do some jump attacks. Follow up ripostes with a charged strong attack for wakeup chunking.
Only think about trading in PVP
Really? Dual crucible knights was one of the only bosses I beat first time with a colossal because they have a different moveset to normal crucibles and are easy to space out. Maliketh does a lot of damage quickly, but then has a massive recovery time where you can do at least 1/3 of his health with a colossal before his next attack.
Had way more trouble with Margit, Radahn, Fallingstar Beast etc
I hate western women so much is unreal
you didn't watch it?
> because every hit you do outdamages all the dex light touches they do.
Except that's not even remotely true with how busted bleed is
He does in the first minute my dude. THAT FUCKING SAID, people who refuse to use jump attacks are morons.
You'd be surprised. Apparently crucible knights are too hard for a strength build according to people who expect to be allowed three hits before having to roll away and don't have the patience to create or wait for an opening or even learn an enemy's attacks. Oh no, he has a shield and always swings at least twice! That means I can't just keep rolling and hit 3 times before rolling again!
Do plebbitors really?
Oh sorry I missed the one time he used a jump attack at the beginning which was totally him abusing an OP mechanic.
Watch the video, dipshit.
user pls, I've seen shit like that on this board all the time. It's probably the same people bitching in both places.
Why the fuck does Elden Ring generate so much shitty generic zoomer youtube content that gets 1,000,000 views?
It is for enemies bleed doesn't work on. The funniest thing about bleed builds is that because the mechanic is OP then you're underleveled for anything it doesn't work on because the extra power from the bleed was a big upgrade.
>It's probably the same people bitching in both places.
Not only that, 4cuck exclusive retards are also this stupid.
people in the fucking kiev warzone didn't leave their homes because elden ring came out, why feign surprise or confusion over this
"popular thing gets a lot of attention in general" and other things that don't need saying.
>only works if you are overpowered
This is like those troll strats people do in matchmaking games with their smurf accounts.
>"l-look, I'm technically doing damage, that means strength builds are on par with dual katana bleedfaggotry!"
Gonna be a "do not recommend this channel" from me, fag
"strength builds don't work" is unironically a skill issue
That's not incorrect for single crucible knight encounters, but the dual one is terrible example as they aren't anywhere near as aggressive. The sword one of the two of them has a different moveset to the single ones you encounter elsewhere in the game which lets you get extra hits in
>bleed fags don't realize they're underleveled because of how OP their katana is
>when they see what the normal level for all other builds is they think it's overleveled
>it's not meant to be a counter to the 10000000 people saying strength is underpowered, it's a response to one guy I made up who said it's literally unusable!
So a fucking useless video
>10000000 people can't be slack-jawed idiots who say they're playing aggressive and clearly aren't
>playing on easy mode
Good reading comprehension, try again.
He's having fun with the extra challenge of self-imposed limitations by showing that you don't even need a shield to beat these things just fine, so obviously if you do use shields it's even more viable.
Yes so you are accepting that strength is much weaker? Well that didn't take long.
>it's not meant to be a counter to the 10000000 people saying strength is underpowered,
I think this video does a good job of showcasing those people as morons, you chunk bosses like a motherfucker with STR. Who cares how it stacks up compared to DEX/bleed if the whole complaint is it's not "viable" and it clearly is viable?
But the whole complaint isn't viability. Literally no one has said you can't beat the game using strength weapons. This is a retard video for retards.
It's debunking something no one has said.
I WILL use nothing but a single un-upgraded dagger and there is nothing you can do to stop me
He uses jumping attacks all throughout the video.
When was "is weaker than rivers of blood" what this thread was for? There are hundred idiots saying strength builds aren't viable. This video shows him being about as successful as I've seen INT and FTH builds be. DEX being super duper special for cool kids isn't relevant.
>debunking something no one has said.
Do you not see the Reddit and forum posts floating by on the screen? Use your eyes.
>Literally no one has said you can't beat the game using strength weapons.
He's playing a whole series of reddit quotes in the video and I've seen almost daily threads on this board saying the exact same shit. you're retarded.
Why don't you use yours
Where does this say "strength isn't viable hurr durr"
Dexfags wrecked
Strength builds are viable in the sense that you can beat the game. But you need to be able to deal more damage than the boss itself while having high (E)HP. It's rpg number game for people who do not like action games. But some people who like action games wish they could play big swords too. Unfortunately ER doesn't allow that.
>grabs the most retarded takes he can find
>makes a video to btfo them
that's basically like bullying special needs kids, it's nothing to be proud of
>"strength seems weak in this game but maybe I'm playing it wrong" = "HURR STRENGTH IS LITERALLY UNUSABLE"
Wow, he's dabbing hard on all those dumb people saying strength isn't viable
Yes, for the love of G-d.
Damn, look at all these people literally saying strength isn't viable
To be honest most builds are broken/can play in a broken way. It means that if you beat the game you didn't beat the game.
Nobody has beaten the game except for me, faggots.
Whathever I use is skillful. Whathever you use is shittier retard game play.
Not a true STR build, sorry. You did NOT beat the game
Here is all but one other comment throughout the video
Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2 Jump R2
"enemy felled"
wow great game
Nah you don't need crazy amount of damage but you nailed the problem with the complaints. They want big sword that moves fast and looks cool. They don't want the logic that big and heavy means slower and fewer hits to get that big damage.
>just jump attack
>beats Malenia with warcry charged r2s
Can confirm, as another lobotomy patient I found the game incredibly easy AND I beat it as it was designed to be beaten.
Strength seems weaker than other builds and I felt like I had to compensate?
No that's wrong, he's actually saying it literally isn't viable
>Be Fromsoftware
>create a unique and innovative combat system with multiple layers Sekiro
>crumple it up and throw it away for a repetitive combat system required to be abused for a balanced and viable build Elden Ring
mimic summon is not "compensating" lmao
it's admitting defeat
Yes so? You need levels. Like mute the epic funny meme video for a moment and see whats actually happening. He has like 10+ flasks and then when he cuts to the end of the fight they're all gone. Meanwhile a dex build can do the whole fight without taking a hit. Nice fucking viability.
try playing it for a change, parrot
>just jump attack
>heckin jumpers attack
>DS3 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1
that's a mote and bailey. People are bitching it's literally unusable on this board. You pretending they're only politely suggesting it's 'not optimal' is disingenuous bullshit.
The guy in the video is doing just fine without a shield or heavy poise. Add either those two factors and it goes from viable to effective. Sort of like how dex is less practical without something like blood or status effects.
why'd you post the guy that agrees it's a skill issue for dipshits expecting to giantdad in elden ring
>""""STR"""" build
>same gameplay as a DEX build but with a slower weapon
>played the game as strength
>beat all bosses i came across within 5 attempts
>get to the final boss
>die for hours a day for 6 days straight, fuck that flying mother fucker
>google it
>get Tiche +10 and switch to a mage to do the Carian Retalation bugged/exploit build
>win second try
did i beat it?
>make a spiritual sequel to tenchu
>every galaxy-brained certified MENSA member thinks it's a dark souls game for some reason
>I don't know I just feel like beating the entire game with your fists feels a little weaker than using dual seppuku katanas
No faggot, they work exactly as intended, now stop bitching about trivial shit and utilize them.
>you need levels.
yes this is an RPG you do in fact need to level up unless you're going for a super challenge no leveling run. This is true for dex builds too. What kind of retarded point are you trying to make?
The guy in the video is not overleveled for those bosses. I've seen overleveled STR on them, the crucible knights he fought would be three hits each.
>same gameplay as a DEX build
Gameplay according to STR players
>R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1
the game let you do it so therefore you did
who the fuck is saying strength builds aren't viable? you can literally beat these games at SL1 with a club, ANYTHING IS VIABLE, the point is strength is underwhelming and forces you to basically use one attack over and over to be effective, it's not about viability, is about fun
>heh stupid STR fags you only know how to jump R2, crouching R1 and charged R2. why don't I show you how it's really done
>L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 ! B L E E D !
>L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 ! B L E E D !
shame that none of them talked about fists, they talked about STR in general
Yes. Instead of doing 3 hits you do one hit for 3 times the damage. that is the key difference.
several of those redditors he displayed are saying it's not viable
Oh wow, he's doing a fraction of the damage bleed does.
that's a great exaggeration, but even if it wasn't, what's the difference from the r1 spam of the previous games?
>this is true for dex builds too
I can beat most of the bosses just fine without leveling anything and with a +0 weapon as dex so... Seems like dex is just much better.
if i can use strength and stumble through the game with my rampant alcoholism then its fine. i need to quit drinking mang
>people are bitching it's literally unusable on this board
Fucking where? In your head?
You'll find one in a million people saying it's "literally unusable :((" and even then they're likely being hyperbolic
Your video is shit, faggot.
> You pretending they're only politely suggesting it's 'not optimal' is disingenuous bullshit.
That is literally what people are saying you hemorrhoid
>who the fuck is saying strength builds aren't viable?
retards on this board every single day. There was literally one an hour ago here. "You can't beat the game with a STR build you can only beat it with OP blood builds that means the game is broken" has been a regular idiot complaint for weeks.
>layers to the combat
str builds take longer time to kill boss
And you can do the same with STR in the same way. What kind of retard are you. Both options depend on how the scaling works on the weapon you pick.
Assumedly you're using bleed which does a %age-based chunk of health no matter your level or the amount of bleed involved, so yeah no wonder. "Bleed is better!" is a no-brainer, it's been good across the whole series and the main difference is in what bleed works on and how many bleed options you actually have in this game.
To be fair bleed works in majority of enemies and bosses.
>That is literally what people are saying you hemorrhoid
IT's not, you pretending there haven't been regular threads bitching about this is just cope. Why else would you be defending it so hard.
No, the point of this is to show that strength builds deal shit damage for their speed.
Any retard can beat any boss with no stats if you just learn to dodge everything and chip away.
When people say "not viable" they mean it can't melt a boss in seconds and the video literally proves them right.
Lol look at this fag he thinks strength is literally unusable
Time to make a video where I kill bosses on a STR character slower than I would with other builds, that'll show him
>Fucking where? In your head?
I guess we're done with the 15 daily threads with
you literally abused a bug
Same is true for magic damage, but they slightly nerfed the moonveil and all the threads about that katana being OP swapped to other katanas being OP. They are, but it's just funny.
Sekiro did not have jump heavy attacks. No one uses regular jump attacks in Elden Ring its essentially a different ball game.
good news, your other moves still have uses like the video is showing
Keep arguing with fantasy people living in your head, easier than replying to real arguments.
holy fucking seethe
How the hell do you die to the final boss I beat him with a colossal weapon STR build easily by shooting him with a greatbow
>one build has higher DPS than another so the other is "unusable"
minmaxers are mentally ill
>die for hours a day for 6 days straight, fuck that flying mother fucker
Why didn't you just equip a holy defence talisman dude
Str weapon is so slow you have much less safe punishes per boss. Str weapons don't have bleed by default so you need to find some stupid tool. Because of the first reason have fun trying to proc a bleed. And scaling? I just said that I don't even need stats to make "dex weapon" viable. Actually it's not even a dex weapon at that point, it's just a weapon that has more suitable moveset for the game.
>pfff, casuals using all buttons on a controler!
>I'm totally not mad because I didn't figure out how to use STR properly by myself
>it's just not FUN to use the same attack over and over
>unlike pressing r1 r1 r1
>even though I specifically worded multiple complaint posts as strength being "too weak" and it's provably strong when played correctly
ah yes, the legendary STR no-jump gamers
the legend says they develop their giant muscles with moving goalposts alone
>99.9% of people saying strength is underwhelming and unfun
>0.1% of people saying that strength game makes the game unplayable
>focus only on what the 0.1% are saying and ignore the rest
Compared to the extra work you need to do to get the same results, it might as well be that.
Technically an SL1 naked punch only build is also fine because it's "usable".
Dexfags trying to cope hard and pretend their shit isn't OP as fuck and won't be nerfed next patch
>l-look, you can technically beat the game with strength too, p-pls don't touch bleed
Multiple people and are telling you that this is a common thing they see and you keep going "nope it doesn't exist la la la I can't hear you".
Even the fucking OP has a youtuber showing post after post of redditors saying the same shit. Yeah 1 or 2 of them are being "reasonable" in what they're saying, but most are just outright saying STR builds are impossible.
You're desperate to deny this though which is weird. So I wonder which of those comments was yours.
>Keep arguing with fantasy people
Yeah true 15 threads every day for the first 4 weeks is fantasy people those threads never existed
All this shows is that jumping attacks are too strong. Most of the legwork is done with them and different builds would have handled all of this much easier and much faster
I'm more sad about how bad quality is than strength though
why do you play games you clearly hate? oh right because you're a mentally ill minmaxer
That's not what cheesing is though.
Why isn't he doing his wack ass wave dash attack that goes through your shield and hits you from behind?
Because he does that and its fucking bullshit.
>jump attack nonstop
>still deals less dmg than a mediocre bleed build, let alone an int build
>Str weapon is so slow you have much less safe punishes per boss
Not really there are some quick weapons that scale with STR. The difference is they don't do as much damage later on so in the long run when not doing a "no upgrades or leveling" run then they're not as good as actual heavy STR weapons.
Keep damage controlling dexfag, your shit is getting nerfed
>the same engine
>the same mechanics
>the same concepts
>the same gameplay
>the same goals
>the same world tendency
>the same designs
>b-but you have a Maidan! not a fire keeper!
It's a souls game.
>actually filtered
Lol. Lmao, even.
Don't get what the big deal is. I beat ER with a STR build pre-patch. Then again, I used a shield and abused the counter.
no mimic, dual wield starscourge greatswords, radagons armor then later switched to veterans me through the majority of the game after i got those swords idk just couldnt do it
i actually did eventually after i started to look the fight up but it felt like every time i got the beast to low enough health hed go sicko mode and start launching out random attacks like crazy
Nigger please, everyone knows that by "STR build" people mean "Colossal weapon build".