It's been exposed that they paid money to make more consoles. So them claiming that they sold more then the ps5 is fake news again.
Microsoft played dirty again
>It's been exposed that they paid money to make more consoles.
So they paid money... to make more consoles?
Wow, that's crazy dude.
You gotta give it to them, they have a pretty efficient production line.
They didn't outsell the ps5 if there are far less ps5 being made. Overall ps5 sales are bigger because they are smaller.
overall my dick is bigger because yours is smaller
That's not how it works.
>they sold more because there are more to sell
>therefore the one with less production sold more because there were fewer available
Fantastic bait
This is some type of theft wtf. Stealing production lines from Sony due to them paying more money and not allowing more ps5 to be made. The consumer will be forced to buy an Xbox if there are no ps5 until the shortages stop in 2024
Sony are just a bunch of kikes who refuse to pay more. Free market faggots.
I can see the mental gymnastics you're trying to use to cope, but if one guy sells 5 tshirts because thats ALL he has, sure he sold 100% of his stock, but he can't be said to be winning against the guy across the street who had 10000 tshirts and sold 7000 of them.
So why doesn't Sony just pay for more PS5s to be made?
>Thinking this is (((shortage))) is ever gonna stop
I wonder who tipped Toyota off to start hoarding chips for their vehicles.
They are building new chip manufacturers in the US.
I mean it depends on costs vs sale profits as well. If I sell my 5 $3 T-shirts for 6k each that’s more than the guy selling $5 tshirts for $10
>"Hello TSMC? Yes this is Microsoft and we would like some chips for our xbox."
>"Sorry we have a limited supply and can only produce so much at a time. We can offer you X amount for $, the same rate that Sony has."
>"Well what if we were willing to pay a higher rate say X+1 for $$?"
>"Oh well in that case yeah we can give you more chips"
God forbid basic supply and demand economics becomes cheating.
Because they're the good guys, unironically
>supply constrained by APU shipments
>AMD has limited amounts of TSMC 7nm manufacturing capacity they they've already negotiated
>Microsoft paying AMD a price premium for chips enables additional production of Series X APUs vs. other chips because the extra margin for AMD
>snoy seethes
It's not like the PS5 isn't selling every unit they can ship. I'm sure Sony could make more PS5s if they paid AMD extra too.
Isn't the PS5 sold at a loss?
Too busy getting fleeced by Bungie.
Don't forget the $30k in advertising to make the 5 t-shirts look like a status symbol for the rich despite being near identical to or worse than the other guy's t-shirts.
But that is an even worse analogy.
It's more like the guy across the street has sold 15 million shirts of his total 15 million, whole the first guy is selling two shirts, and has sold lots of his 6 million cheap ones in the last few months, but barely any of his 3 million expensive ones.
Globally, Sony is buttfucking MS in console sales overall. They even sell far more games, even ones that aren't on GamePass. RE8 sold twice as many copies on PS5. Guardians of the Galaxy sold 6 times as many copies on PS5 compared to Xbox. Elden Ring sold 40% of its units on PlayStation, but only 16% on Xbox.
Every console does, or at most they break even with it
They make money from games and subscriptions and accessories not consoles
But that isn't supply and demand.
Of Sony could produce the same amount of consoles they would be selling far more.
This is literally deny and supply.
Wow, so scummy dude! Can you fucking imagine! This should be illegal
Wow, just wow
The 5 T-shirts have amazing designs.
The X t-shirts have really shitty designs and most of the artists are leaving the company and their production line is falling apart and nobody knows what to do.
>Every console does
Not true
So, whats the article about? Cause OP is yet again a retarded faggot who can't explain shit.
Name 5
Anti-work bros, it isn't fair! Now I'll need to walk more dogs just to get a Pee5
Not faaaaaaair!
No, it's supply and DEMAND. Paying more for limited resources is demand. Microsoft is willing to pay more so they pay more for it. This is basic fucking economics.
What stopped Sony from doing the same thing first?
Microsoft is paying TSMC above market rates to make more chips for them than they do Sony
Not anymore apparently.
Lol, lmao even
I thought sony was some super powerful company with billions and billions to spend but decide to wimp out on the PS5 getting stock?
>According to the folks on the XboxEra podcast, Microsoft actually did a deal to get "chip priority" for the Xbox Series X and S last year, which resulted in the greater availability of consoles (especially in the UK) nearer Christmas time.
>"Around April [last year], I got a DM saying Microsoft's going to have a lot of consoles available this fall. And they did in the end, didn't they?"
>"Microsoft paid for chip priority at the factories, which is why we saw so much more, and are still seeing so much more Xbox stock now... to me, it's a smart investment."
MS is paying higher rates than sony for manufacturing so manufacturers are producing xboxs instead of ps5s and this in turn explains why xboxs are selling at a higher rate than ps5s.
Tell me why we didn't have a Demo of Stranger of paradise on PC but PS4/5 HAD FUCKING 2.
Is not that fun when it comes back to bite your ass isn't it?
original Xbox, Gamecube, Switch, Xbox One X, Wii
Every Nintendo system, save the early 3DS. Also, literally the PS5 which broken even last year.
you missed his PC in the back
Amazing mental gymnastics OP. Truly a high IQ post. I bet your mom is proud of you.
This is also supply and demand. Epic wanted SoP exclusivity on PC so they paid for it. There's no demand for Epic exclusives so they didn't bother supplying the demo.
So they paid more to ensure their supply line would continue without disruption due to world events and shortages.
This is news how?
Honestly Sony have been real kikes this gen. I saw Demon's Souls on sale on PSN...for the same price it retailed at launch. Suck my cock, never buying Playstation again.
So I think we can all agree that
Sony = Ukraine
Microsoft = Russia
Keep crying
>200% profit at $500 million
>5% profit at $1 billion
which is better?
Because children only understand the world through the lens of console wars.
They don't want to sell at a loss again. These kind of tactics are why GPU MSRP rates keep climbing.
It's illegal
So? They made more so they sold more. PS5 on the other hand is a purple unicorn.
>It's illegal
Only in snoyfag's minds.
Who would have thought that Microsoft engages in underhanded tactics? In a fair competition they'd be miles behind Sony.
>Microsoft played dirty again
>It's been exposed that they paid money to make more consoles.
Calling it now. This is gonna be the dumbest shit I'll read this entire month.
Not illegal unless they have a full Monopoly or they somehow restrict Sony from outbid them.
because snoys need to cope and seethe over shit that doesn't matter i guess
This isn't even illegal.
Apple and other mobile phone companies like Samsung do this shit all the time when they need to make new phones/tablets
Anyone saying it's illegal is 100% a sony fanboy.
I believe you're a genuine retard and not just bating. Thanks for the laughs user
TSMC will now de facto charge more for everything they make. Cool thanks Microsoft.
Sony can do the same thing, you fucking mongoloid.
Is never going to be a fair competition with Snoy because they have the media on their side ready to create a discredit campaign.... FOR FREE.
Woah... if you make more of something... you can sell more of it if there is the demand for it... they cheated..
Sony wins again xbots!
You must be at least 18 to post here
I have a PS5. Complaining about this is fucking stupid. They have more market share than MS and make plenty of money, they could just stop being greedy jews and pay more for their chips if they want to make more PS5s. And give us real backwards compatibility while they're at it.
convinced hiro sold this website to twitter and just collects royalties.
small company, please understand
Original Xbox is the best example of this. Microsoft lost millions to get into the market.
>they sold more then the ps5 is fake news
go check worldwide sales
>paid money to make more consoles
holy SHIT
it's almost like you can use money to pay for services or something! how DARE they!
Did they sell more?
Then they sold more
Imagine being a fucking shill for a company and this website, you are an embarassment.
Dude, we are on April 8th. There are like 3 week remaining on this month.
Imagine giving this much of a shit to corporate overlords of a masturbatory meaningless activity
if demand didn't exist they would be piling up in shelves, it may be true M$ is using their massive wallet to pressure AMD into making more XS consoles but they can't force people into buying them
TLDR people want more Xbox consoles and you gotta deal withit, Snoy
brown hands typed this post
Idk I just wanted people to know there’s a lot of factors that go into profiting from sales rather than just numbers moved.
Sony fans know that sony can do this too right?
This is what Sony does to your brain
PlayStation doesn't have a parent company with a wallet the size of countries. They'd pass the losses on to the consumer.