Ameribros, why are your game devs like this?

Ameribros, why are your game devs like this?

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only faggots still care about borecraft

How can this balding globe-faced manlet(presumably) betray his own kind like this?

Oddly enough games were better when the devs were almost 100% men, and they didn't have retarded diversity requirements. I wonder why that is....

>wow in 2022

didn't this dipshit get hired because he played everquest and threatened to boycott WoW or some shit?

Ngmi, once you lose your SOVL... you can't get it back.

No. You're getting two very different stories confused, and a story about another person entirely to boot.
I refuse to elaborate further.

This is just basic PR talk

if you think about it this is actually a good thing, it will make the new videogame crash happen sooner, so everyone who's here for the money will move to something else, without mainstream appeal they will stop trying to brainwash people with their agendas and we will be left only with the people who like videogames because of the videogames

hes a spook, they do that.

No, this is the lawyer who got hired on to ruin the game and filibuster dev Q&As and interviews. I've never seen a man talk for an hour straight and convey absolutely zero information like he can.

how much better would doom have been if they werent all white males?

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>Implying that behaviour is limited to warcraft and not the entire western industry

Romero is Italian. He wishes he was white, but he's not lol

that nigga is mexican

Even turbo-nerds were jacked compared to zoomers today. Those estrogenic chemicals in the food/water really did a number on them.

These look like normal slightly skinny men

Why are whites so loathsome to their own kind? I’m beginning to think that a good portion of whites are just aliens in disguise with an agenda to warp their perception of wrong and right, and ensure their race dies out.

He should step down and a disabled LGBTQ+ POC should be put in as his replacement.

>their own kind

This guy is a dudebro who says nigger in private.
>why are they like this
Because America's economy is centrally planned and it has been mandated in the current 5 year plan that all corporations must be "woke".

revert all the china tier censoring
drag metzen and a few of the other blizzard ogs back
reboot the entire setting back to the wc3 era

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Wow has so many issues yet they focus on the problem of white male dominated viewpoints.

>Game is stagnant
>Story is just ripping off old FFXIV content
>People are leaving
>We need to hire more women and minorities, also turn more characters black or gay, turn more women into men, remove problematic imagery.
>W-What? New content?

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Gaming died with greed and its body desecrated by politics.

God is dead.

>Literally hiring based on physical/biologial attributes.
Isn't this supposed to be mega illegal? Or is he just wording it in a sneaky way to make it seem like that's not what he's really saying.

Its america lmao. The holy center of trannydom.

The USA has many race specific laws and will only get more in the future.
>but what about hypocrisy?
They don't care and any argument is defeated with "they were oppressed so its fine"

the USA is not like Europe, it is a racial state.
They decided Jugoslavia was the model to follow

It's not and in fact it's encouraged. I am currently looking for a job and I sent in a resume to a company, got nothing. Two weeks later I see it pop up again on indeed, refreshed as if they were still hiring. I applied again with the exact same resume but on the EOE or whatever it's called I marked I was Native American and literally got called back that day.

they will not hire white people because the are white? Isn't that kind of racist? What the fuck?

Ever heard the term Dysgenic Spiteful mutants? Heavy mutational load? Resentment?

lmao cope and seethe disruptor shill

>Why are whites so loathsome to their own kind?
Why are you not, nigger?

Trannies took over, just let it die.

>We aren't racist, we purposely don't hire white people based on their skin!

>men are women are the same
>so we need more women to give their perspective on things
I don't understand feminism,

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it is positive discrimination
you will not get hired and you will be happy

>I'm willing to reject the best resumes if they turn out to be white and male
No wonder the game is dying, lol

ion hazzikostas is a lawyer who, prior to being hired by blizzard, had zero experience in the games industry and instead worked as a clerk for former CIA director raymond randolph, before later moving to wilmer hale and working alongside former CIA general counsel jamie gorelick and david cohen, the current CIA deputy director

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whites throw each under the bus all the time

They'll lose their job if they're not like that.

And what was the purpose of placing a glow in the dark in a failing franchise?

white people don't have civil rights

Did he just admit to discrimination and open his entire company up to a lawsuit?

This is the answer. Look up Blackrock and Vanguard if you don't understand.

Just Carmack.

Video games?

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there are benefits, social or otherwise this person is earning points in his woke clique

When can we stop pretending that video games aren't a primarily male hobby?

they genuinely believe that it is not racist to discriminate against whites

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It wasn't failing when he joined

I'm not sure, but most of Blizzard's c-suite are former government.

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Very interesting. I wonder how much of the rest of the video games industry is staffed by glowies.

It's racism for a good cause. Hypocrisy is only real when it's not the ones in power doing it.

I'm really genuinely happy that even moderate leftists in Germany are starting to reject "American identity politics". Gives me a bit of hope for the future.

The world doesn't respect, depend on or look up to the USA like it used to, and that's a good thing.

It almost reads like it's satire.

Yep, American is a weird place. I feel sorry for Americans that get affected by this, their countries elite have decided that balkinisation and racial conflict is progressive.

nothing is illegal if no one is willing to prosecute

Fucking hell, this is the most racist shit I have read all day and that comes from someone browsing /pol/.

Cant come soon enough

to be fair, it never did. It was just something USA spread through its media and it trickled around. With the internet and anyone being able to get an opinion on anything from anywhere.

>outright admitting that hiring in this company is based on race and gender first, competency and qualifications a very distant second
>nothing will be done about this
There is literally no saving America at this point. Only a complete restructuring of the country from the ground up would put you people back on track.

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Yeah, this. Just wait it out and endure, support non-pozzed stuff if you want.

Because (((they))) trained us to be loathsome to our own kind through media infiltration and years of white hatred.

Here's my schizo-tier theory:
Remember the Corrupted Blood Incident? The one a lot of people in the scientific field got interested in and made accurate predictions with?
My theory is that the government caught wind of a great opportunity for experimenting on what's basically a sandbox society. All the LGBT, tranny and whatever other shit they're putting into the game is done to gauge peoples' reaction before doing so in real life.

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You're already full of Muslims and Africans. It's too late.

we have plenty of amazing game devs, but they get buried under corporate shill devs like this that are hired to save a penny and ride on the coattails of better devs work while preaching quotes that make investors happy.

>pretending this hard and finding excuses to add more propaganda

It's not :)

Because ever since the end of WWII, outside forces have been at work steadily subverting white societies and culture. Gullible people were indoctrinated and turned against each other. Now the rot is really starting to show.

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>before doing so in real life
Do you live under a rock?

Heres your (You)

This, once Europe imported all those immigrants it was over. Their demographics are irreversibly changed.

>Now the rot is really starting to show.
internet forced their hand and accelerated things. And technically the internet is still barely an adolescent in terms of technology, look how many decades it took for them to really nail the ratio of ads to content for television. the internet is going to be so much worse in 10 years when more people forget (or never knew) what it used to be like

>open up a local retail store in africa
>mostly africans apply for a job

>the internet is going to be so much worse in 10 years when more people forget (or never knew) what it used to be like
God the fucking thought of that kills me on the inside. Nothing is ever gonna get any better, everything I love will die on and offline.

>Why are whites so loathsome to their own kind?
Not whites in general (far from it), only one kind.

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