What modern war games have you kill russian soldiers?

what modern war games have you kill russian soldiers?

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Stop with the puting disrespect. Why would you willingly side with globohomo jews?

>globohomo jews
but Putin made antisemitism illegal on Russia

They're falling for the Jewish propaganda. It's effective of course

A russian sneezes and a pole has a meltdown.

>"current thing? yeah im against that"

>Redditor make up

i just fucking sleep all day now not giving a shit. Never checked news too.
How the fuck is it going. Who the fuck is winning.

theyre called reactors over here ivan

I'm Russian and have a friend in a relatively safe area of Ukraine. Both of us can't give a shit anymore because it's not going fucking anywhere.

>Reddit supports thing?
>I know nothing about said thing and have hardly any personal investment in it, but I will be siding against it now.
>No I will not elaborate on my reasoning any further than "lol it's reddit"

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>Who the fuck is winning
brazilian politicians

The only ones winning in this shit are China and maybe some thirld world countries

Why would you side with people who kill white children

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letting reddit dictate your thoughts is cringe not based
What reddit thinks has literally no influence over me in any way, shape or form.

World of Tanks

the war was fucking already retarded at the beginning since most russians have cousins or family in ukraine. That already takes a hit in the morale of troops.
Its like killing your closest cousin. But hey im not russian so i dont really know what the actual history is.

Why do you side with the guy that sends muslim soldiers to rape and kill into a white european country? That has gay sex and slavery problems active in the military?

Putin is more "globohomo" than NATO, lol.

>Who the fuck is winning.

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shalom brothers. Kill those ukraine nazis!

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Making fun of reddit's shitty actions is hilarious, especially when it gets hundreds of people killed.

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The Ukraine War completely justifies the Marine Corps decision to get rid of tanks, yet here you /pol/niggers were seething that it was making America weak.

Russia has the world's highest rate of HIV/AIDS in its population outside of Africa

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Slav(e)s arent white

>support war
US government should ban reddit

I wonder if OP realizes that going this level of "Ironic reddit" ironically makes him full reddit.

>Oh my science!
This one always makes me laugh

because he knows the west weaponizes autism and incels by stoking anti-semitism. the playbook with ISIS and in xanjing with the Uyghurs when you've cucked their women. you want to defeat the jews you have to be smarter than them

What game has you forget why you want to go after the antagonist?

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The entire thread both countries wasting their war propaganda budget

ever since the original creator of reddit "killed himself" it's been run by glowies

>this is what Russia-worshipping burgermutts actually thought would happen

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Just because I see Putin as the lesser evil doesn't mean his side isn't also (literally) pozzed, multicultural, globohomo, and run by elitist jews. His invasion is merely a political convienece because it's causing Western globohomo to crack, but even then the fact that innocent slavs have to die is awful.

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Because everything bad the NWO can do to us, Muscovites would do ten times worse. The horrors of Soviet Union never were as much about them being commies, but more about them just being subhuman Russians.

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Name a single thing that I use which is made by russia. They don't make good video games. They don't make good movies. They don't make good music. They don't make anything from worth.

>The only things of worth are consumable media
I'm not that user, and I'm not gonna pretend I don't agree with you, but jesus christ get out of the house more.

>it's okay to side with Russia/China/India because they want to be the global homogenizing powers but aren't up there yet

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Most of them, that's why you have the opinions that you have

You're on Yea Forums, user. You know that? This isn't reddit.

/pol/ only sides with Russia because they are convinced that once Putin takes over Ukraine he will hand over a thumb-drive of all the proof needed to implicate Hunter and Joe Biden in a corruption scandal, which would then put Trump back in power by default.

All of it is delusion, of course.

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i Hate Ukranian Pigs
i Hate Russian monkeys
Shut the fuck up about your preachy faggot 3rd world dick waving competition and your gay retarded propaganda shit you disgusting slavic subhuman abominations

Pavlov VR has WWII weapons and uniform. From german axis to American, british, and russian allies.

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The person who made this will NEVER go to war.
They will, however, spend hours trivializing the deaths of thousands of young men for updoots on Reddit.
Pretty funny, huh?
Fuck Putin and Zelensky. Fuck the bankers, fuck the MIC, fuck the Russian oligarchs and fuck the Zionist warhawks.
Grow up.

Are you seriously asking this question?
Call of duty modern warfare 1 2 and 3
Flashpoint cold war

I find it funny how communists all over the world are fine with imperialism as long as it is done by Russia.

/Pol/ sides with Russia because Democrats in america are a regime while justice in any nation requires powerful nationality. Many Ukrainians natively speak Russian. More than half in much of far east Ukraine.

Uh based?

But Russia had such a manly, absolutely not homoerotic recruitment ad!

Then stop acting like it is.

>be putin
>makes a crime antisemistism
>invades a country saying it will denazify like a big kike
>some /pol/niggers aka russian discord trannies support that because mu murica
Yes, /pol/ is now antifa, sure.
What a bunch of losers without principles

You're the normalfag who tells ME to go outside, shut the fuck up.

>/Pol/ sides with Russia because Democrats in america are a regime while justice in any nation requires powerful nationality. Many Ukrainians natively speak Russian. More than half in much of far east Ukraine.
Do russian shills not proof-read their copypaste lines before posting them?

It's only Eastern Ukraine that has a historically Russian population and they were implanted their during Katherine the Great's reign. Crimea was given to Ukraine with Russian still having bases there under lease such as the Sevastopol Naval Base until it was reclaimed after the annexation of Crimea.

neither do ukranian shills.
every thread i see about the war is either dickriding russia or ukraine (both can fucking rot)

You're the one that decides to condemn an entire nation because "dey dont produce anything i can mindlessly consume, like music or marvel" Grow up. Stay inside, I don't care, but don't pretend your life or opinions are worth anything.

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Go back

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so why do leftists hate russia when it's everything they love
meanwhile they love ukraine which is literally a nazi country

>natives of the country you're invading are even closer to your countrymen than the Nazis faced in the sudetenland
>bomb, rape, rob, and torture them to death for kicks
>russian civilians on the news gladly talk about how they'd purge every ukrainian from here to Poland

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uh, sweaty... all russian oligarcs are jewish...

To be fair, reddit also has absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on and they side with it literally because of star wars and harry potter memes and also because that's what the media tells them to do.
I mean imagine how fucking detached from reality you have to be to go to a foreign country to take part in a war that has nothing to do with you.
They legit believe they are doing some ebin rebel alliance star wars LARP.

calm down nigger lol

They always were, commies support authoritarianism and totalitarianism if is anti american or has socialistic ideals.
They only complaying about american government unethicl doings in the world because they want their want a marxist superstate doing it, not a capitalist one.
Antifa are a sham, all those libertarian socialist politicians and philosophers are bullshit, propaganda tools for politicians and power groups, they all want a good old marxist authoritarianism.

>implying they hand javlins to basedboys

Posted without comment

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>I hate globohomo so I must side with Putin!
They're both horrible for their own reasons.

You have not been there. Your words are armchair cell phone wielding signal intelligence.
There is nowhere near as many casualties as reportes by Ukrainians or main stream western media.
Also what don`t you all get? To perform justice requires power. American socialists are a regime. Americans are getting away with being a regime. Many Ukrainians speak Russian. Therefore Russians deserve the unity question without Americans bothering. The bothering caused the conflict. Ukrainians should never have fought incoming Russians.

It's crazy how this image of Russia/Soviets that existed for decades just fell apart in about a week.

>Reddit supports Ukraine
>/pol/ hates reddit
>Therefore, /pol/ must support Russia
Many such cases

This is what the west tells you would happen to keep you scared and just accept anything they do "for the greater good".
The US is a country built on fear, be it fear of the British, fear of blacks, fear of Muslims and the Russian boogeyman was a thing since the cold war.

>mfw sharing a website with so many globohomo/conspiracy theorist nutcases
I live near a big city and have had spoken interactions with both transgender and homeless individuals, and yet the most severe mental illness I have engaged with is posters from pol. Literally take some medicine or man the fuck up and go off the grid or do literally anything but stay here and bitch about the big bad lizard people. I just wanted to talk about movies.

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So why does russia ocupy several huge regions of people who are not russian? If they care about nationality they should free chechenya, gerogia and all those other nations that they have military control.
Oh, no, a territory belongs to the people that live there and russuan forces faced lots of resistance from people from the eastern regions to, Russian government only wants to ocupy and control, people like putin dont give a shit about that.

>(insert political leader here) is anti-globohomo
Fucking lmao
No one with a position of political power is against jews
They wouldn't even let them get in that position in the first place

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video games

>be Ukraine
>globohomo masters make you fund a brutal neo-nazi batallion
>Russian Ukrainians are zealously persecuted by said neo-nazis in order to keep Ukraine from being to friendly with globohomo's rivals
>Zelenskyyy can't restrain them because the nazis barely tolerate his jewish ass
>redditors suddenly love nazis and war crimes now

>be Russian
>become discriminated abroad for who you are regardless of how anti-war you may be
>your culture is being erased and demonized due to war hysteria
>"liberal" world cancels you
>now only look up to Putin as his claims of Russophobia are vindicated

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only problem is you'll most likely get russians on your team

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You can spout as many lies as you want, you shit-eating ape, but we live in a time where Russian crimes can be broadcast as they happen. The only people you're fooling are /pol/tards and facebook faggots.
Enjoy being able to buy bread and vodka while you can, komrad, Putin's going to reopen the stock market soon.

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>We had to invade a sovereign country! They were cancelling us on twitter!
Vatniks are fucking surreal.

You do know that the Azov soldiers are all dead now, right?