There is a skeleton inside you rn

There is a skeleton inside you rn

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Since everything "I" am is the brain, the skeleton is actually around me

That's so fucking cool. How do I become his friend? Do I just drink milk and we're bros now?

No way.

>He thinks his soul is in his brain

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whats he doing in there??? i don't remember inviting him in

death by snu snu

Enlighten me. Where is the human psyche stored? Is it "lost" on death or merely released like an unseen form of natural energy?

We know what each part of the brain is responsible for. When your brain dies your consciousness ceases completely and then there's nothing.

Not before work babe

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where does the consciousness come from?

Whats their endgoal?

don't open

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It's in the nervous system of course

>He thinks souls exist

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Is that why people who have been pronounced dead with no brain function, have come back to life and were able to recount what happened after they died?

I'm a ghost possessing about 3 pounds of grey matter locked away in a prison of bone all covered in a layer of flesh and skin to hide the truth.

Soul is stored in the balls


Different parts of your brain do different things. Consciousness is not one thing but a sum of the entire brain working in unison. Your consciousness can be partially impaired by extension.
It doesn't have an "origin" because I could chop your brain in half and you'd still be at some level conscious.
If they were perceiving things that means there was still brain activity.

>We know
Nobody knows what consciousness really is or where it comes from. Science doesn't even pretend to know

who's science?

That would be the "we" in the quoted post

We know what parts of the brain do. We know that the amygdala is the core of the nervous system and is responsible for your fight or flight instincts for example. If your amygdala was somehow impaired you might lose your fight or flight instinct while still remaining mostly functioning as a person in other areas.

I refuse to believe the soul doesn't exist. It makes no sense to be born from the same genetic material and species yet each individual creature's personality and train of thought is vastly different even in animals. Memories are lost since they're stored as electrical impulses in the physical body but the "soul", the essence of life force is released and continues to circulate.

Hot. I want to bone it.

Existential skeleton has done it again, we can't continue letting these skeleton bastards get away with this.

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It makes me skeleton-man then

Cool post but I don't see anything about consciousness in there

this, that's also why women and transexuals don't have souls

There’s a bunch of other bizarre shit under our fleshsuits too. Most people come to terms with it early on.

Someone reading this thread at this very moment has cancer growing inside them that will kill them and doesn't know it.

>creature's personality
Think how hard it'd be to recreate the same brain 1:1 every time. Every biological computer is assembled a little differently by the body.
Your consciousness, the "me" is just a sum of those parts and each part of your brain is responsible for doing different things.

I know it’s comforting to think this but we’re just flesh bags like everything else except we evolved to be self aware through our use of language. We’re not special and it’s all the same when you’re dead. Sorry, user.

>We’re not special and it’s all the same when you’re dead.
You have no way of knowing that.

Not necessarily. Barely anyone is even posting in this thread.

>Your consciousness, the "me" is just a sum of those parts and each part of your brain is responsible for doing different things
[citation needed]
You're just assuming things. Consciousness and the mind are by no means "solved". Consciousness remains one of the biggest mysteries in science

You aren't unique though
You're just like millions of other individuals with differing circumstances
Nothing about you is special or one of a kind, you're just yet another flesh bag that rolled with the introverted and autistic genes and will become a decaying bag of bones eaten by bugs in 50 years and nothing about you will last or be remembered

I'm pretty sure I'm inmortal

We are simply eggshells for the skellingtons. Skellingtons are born and covered by the mushy soft body to protect themselves. Once they grow big enough then the body start growing old and withers. The skelllington is then fully matured and ready to leave and live on his own.

>Consciousness and the mind are by no means "solved"
I already explained this to you. Each part of the brain is responsible for different processes. The reason why a tiger doesn't have an understand of "me" is because it's brain doesn't allow it to perceive the world at that level not because it has a smaller soul than you or whatever you believe.

>The reason why a tiger doesn't have an understand of "me"
Totally wrong, animals do have enough of intelligence depths to see themselves.

They can't even pass the mirror test. They don't recognize what they are. Whatever part of their brain is responsible for recognizing the "me" is not developed enough in them. Do you think that's a quirk of their soul or just a lack of development in their processing organ?

You're talking out of your ass, buddy. "We know what the amygdala does so consciousness works the same way" is not an argument

>If they were perceiving things that means there was still brain activity.
I guess you know more than doctors who have documented that there was no brain activity.

Your temporal lobe (more specifically the fusiform gyrus) is used for recognizing faces. If yours became somehow impaired you wouldn't be able to recognize people by their faces or yourself. You'd look in the mirror and you wouldn't be able to tell what you look like, the human features, your human features/face would make zero sense to you.
Your consciousness is just small things like that working in unison to help you perceive the world around you, they just happen to be developed enough that you can extend that perception inwards.

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Your consciousness is what happens when parts of your brain work in unison to help you perceive the world around you. That's consciousness, it's a basically mechanical process that can be understood by even a child. What part of your consciousness is not a process of the brain? Even if humans have souls our consciousness would still be a process of the brain regardless.
I've never heard of anyone being pronounced legally brain dead and coming back. Could you link some articles?

What level is it?

wikipedoan detected
maybe read actual peer reviewed articles instead of summary pages and facebook posts

Well I am trying to beat 5th grade knowledge into your daft head so I'm trying to make this as simple to understand as I can.

When you're done with that you should go claim your Nobel prize

it's okay that you're stupid bro
don't worry

Prove it

good thing i've trapped it in 300 lbs of muscle and mostly fat

This makes a lot more sense than it should. Maybe we're on to something here.