

Will we now get some better games, Yea Forums?

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Go back to twitter.

I hate that kike

These people never care about workers, but about tearing into the company to make good deals for themselves. Opportunistic parasites.

>Will we now get some better games
Nah. The moneygoblins are going to continue to tell the devs to ignore 99% of the bugs and shitty gameplay decisions the QA people find.

>Announce raise for all QA positions
>Fire all current QA testers as now you are paying enough to get good ones

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>has a thousand """quality assurance testers"
>still shits out one turd after another

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The problem has never been testers (Valve aside). The problem is devs doing jackshit about what they find.

Based on Blizzard’s development recently, it seems like their customers are the true QA team for their buggy half-baked mudpie games so where is their $20/hr?

Why do they need over a THOUSAND testers? That's absurd. Can't be real.

>1100 faggots
>testing "quality"
I alone could do all their work far better.

Is (((Schreier) a kike?

>paid 20$/h to poz the game even more

One month later
>Due to downscaling development, we've had to lay off 800 QA testers.

what the fuck kind of job is a QA tester? that can't be a real thing

I think they just test for bugs and shit.
but somehow warcraft 3 reforged came out so idk.

The devs send you the thing they coded and you spend some times doing stuff with it looking for bugs and everything not working like they should. Then you send reports to the dev team so they can fix it
t. qa but not for games

Have a friend who's a QA tester. Asked him how things like Reforged get through QA.
>"Sometimes you can report all the bugs, crashes, things looking wrong, or whatever you want. If the higher ups don't care and the devs are on a headline, all your issues you submit will just get ignored."

I somehow smashed "hard" and "deadline" into "headline"

The solution to the WoW problem starts with mass firings.

20 dollars an hour isn't shit in CA. How much were they making before this?

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You misunderstand, it's not their job description, it's a bland title they use for cheap labor they treat like shit. It's like how there's so many people with "consultant" in their job description because it means they have no actual position, they're just a disposable resource.

"quality assurance tester" is just corporate jargon, it's game testers, who also have to do a lot of debugging and grunt work.

sounds like a dream job, how do i get in? do you even need kind of experience for that? i'd love to try out games and get paid for it lmao.


QA testers usually make just a little above minimum wage. So probably around $15.50-16.00

As a dev I love submitting shitty half-baked code for QA. They cry about the issues that only exist because i spent half an hour working on a 2 week project. I just ignore them and the code gets pushed anyways. If problems rise up from my code they still get the heat for it.

Best part is I got a raise after doing this for months. I was planning to eventually just get fired.

>Work at Jagex on the OSRS team
>Love my job
>Love my game
>Love my coworkers
>Pay is shit and so is upper management
Why is this industry so fucking shit
I'd be making well into the 120K if I did some soulless enterprise shit instead

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>1,100 QA testers
>their biggest game (warzone) has had literally hundreds of bugs, dozens of game breaking bugs, MILLIONS of cheaters which run rampant to this day, horrible balance generally and has frequent updates and balance patches that do things like add 1 hit kill pistols, SMGs with infinite range, sniper rifles that 1 hit kill even without a headshot, accidental hitscan guns, become invincible and/or invisible after crashing a vehicle after various updates, infinite grenades, out of bounds exploits, character skins that make you almost impossible to see in most environments, character skins that make you literally invisible, all of which go unpatched for usually a couple of weeks and often a month, or in the case of the skins that make you very difficult to see that went unpatched for about a year.

now i'm not saying all or even any of this is the fault of QA because for a while warzone was the most popular and most talked about game in the world and the community were quick to let the devs know through every social channel imaginable as well as in game reporting when there were issues, and yet nothing was ever done.

what i'm saying is why the fuck do any of these people have jobs in the first place? actibliz are paying 22 thousand dollars per hour to a team that does literally fuck all. why does any AAA dev or GAAS dev even need QA these days? the game will either be DOA or a success before its launched thanks to marketing and after that the fans will tell the devs what needs to be fixed or patched.

People who are overworked and underpaid produce poor quality products. People who are not overworked and paid enough to not be struggling or constantly on the verge of bankruptcy surprisingly are better workers who give better results.

However the old corporate mentality is that it's cheaper to hire more underpaid workers than to hire a few well paid ones and then just assume quality will come from quantity.

QA testers for what? To make sure the Body Type B bathrooms have enough soap? Cause it certainly isn't for the games.

Heh. What a mad world we live in.

yeah, why even bother hiring them at all at that point? unless the tranny diversity hires are fucking stuff up /that/ badly

Legalfag here.
The reason for this raise is because of the one QA studio (raven software) thats trying to unionize.

While a company is trying to unionize, you cannot give them a raise. The reason for this is companies would try and undercut their demands by tossing out a shitty raise in the past and it would kneecap the process since all the employees would stop.
So in this particular case they gave a raise to EVERYONE ELSE with the implicit offer that if they drop their unionization process they will get this raise like everyone else.

>Isnt that the same thing
Its a spirit vs letter of the law situation.

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it's actually miserable
you aren't playing the video game, you're playing the same very small section of the game over and over for days or weeks ever so slightly different each time trying to make something happen
then when something does, you have to make sure it's repeatable, and then you fill out a detailed report with just about everything you were doing before, what you did to cause the bug, your specs, what you were using, everything to make it traceable
it's mind-numbing, thankless work


>legalfag here
>post has absolutely no legal insight
Shit larp

The funny thing is that the reason they're treated like shit is because it was so easy to get gullible kids to sign up for the job. "you get to play video games and get paid!" But you barely get paid, you barely play games, you write lengthy reports and shit, you're treated like disposable garbage because for a long time there was no end to idiot kids who bought the lie.

Now they want to unionize the industry in general because even the more valuable programmers are treated like garbage who should be happy they're not still doing QA testing in the dungeon. And this is a ploy to discourage unions from coming about.

Just look at him...

I genuinely do not care how much a game developer pays their employees or how successful their games are. I just care if the game is is fun.

But muh extra $1.50 a month membership fee, Jagex needs the emone because of inflation and they're very poor and dying, RS would shutdown without it. At least that's the narrative that's given out by the shills defending the price hikes.

Not him user, but Actiblizz is trying to fuck themselves over to fuck with MS, but it is failing badly, all of this is just theatrics since the deal is done and approved, and once MS gets in, all of them will be fired and blacklisted from the industry.

Also they noticed that MS didn't bought them for the warcraft Ip's, Phil wants Raven Software ip's that belongs to id software and mechwarrior at all.
CoD and blizzard ip's are "dispensable", the main treasure there is Heretic and Hexen, 2 ip's that can serve as a Action-ish TES and souslike games for the future.

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$20/hr is still low. Meanwhile the higher ups getting paid $100+ million

Where are the good games? I don't care about these faggots, i don't know them and probably don't even like them as people, just make a good game and shut the fuck up

>more important parts of the company get paid more

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Oy vey! Jason is a journalist and author who primarily covers the video game industry. Respect him!

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>1100 QA testers
>Hasn't made a single good game in over 20 years
What did she he they them xe xer mean by this?

nice photoshop poltard

based retard

How much you wanna bet 1000 of those people only quality test fucking Candy Crush?

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>leftist can't believe jews are so ugly so he thinks it's a photoshop
holy shit kek!

you guys are just mad i called you out

that's a mouse user

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>called you out
on what, exposing kikery?
how new are you?

One month later
>We will now be selling our game 110$ to cover the cost of all the "testers" we pay 20$/hr
>Surely you aren't poor and can afford our 130$ game!
>140$ is n-nothing go-... I mean guys!

At least, I can prove that you are 100% wrong period, retard.

More likely
>give 50% raise
>fire 50% of the staff
>demand the remaining workers work 200% harder

I can imagine QA testers are some goobers who never had what it takes to do actual game development but want their foot in the door regardless, because muh video games.

user, only poorfags like you whine about a measely $150 game.
imagine not being able to pay $160 for a $170 game

>I can prove that you are 100% wrong period
>100% wrong period
>wrong period
What the fuck is with all the brain dead ESL posters lately?

maybe once they get the copious amount of bugs out of the way they will realize that bugs are not the problem with the gameplay.

you should call out Jason on wishing death on palestinian children

stay on topic user.

Theres nothing wrong with a $70 mandatory season pass for the unreleased DLC user

>20/hour in california
Slaves lmao

who the fuck is Topic user

>can't win by argument, start acting retarded
like clockwork. fuck off retard.

Not that user, and you are retarded cuz of your coping response.

lmao what argument, what the fuck are you talking about?

>blue checkmark
Yep, it's retarded

you don't expect developers to think about maybe developing a game without pay, do you now?
see it as an investment. they get paid, you get a game, maybe.

I want everyone that play tested Tier 9 and onwards to face the wall. Tier 9 was truly the beginning of the end.

Thanks for proving my point. Stay retarded user.

>mfw I justify this as they need to do it because it's their job
Sometimes I just straight up pass on code that I did light testing on because every scenario I'm going to spend time on is something they are going to be doing anyway.

Lmao ok retard, I still have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about

guys acti blizz has 1100 quality assurance/testers, let that sink in.

This if you dont buy the game the developers will starve!
Please ignore they dont get commission so each sale is literally nothing to them

>Will we now get some better games, Yea Forums?

They've also got like 25+ studios under them. That seems right.

why don't you care about some random shitlibs that you don't know and probably hate you demanding higher salary and better work conditions on the other side of the world?

I have nothing more so I end with a (you).
thanks for the keks user.

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QAs are weird. In the videogame world they are just everyday randos who got duped into thinking they are going to play vidya. In the softeng environment they tend to be defensive people who need to justify or push off every issue. There were times where I'm just given a log dump of a test on my dev code and I'm supposed to just decipher the problem. 8 times out of 10 it's because the QA messed something up in config/pathing. When you point this out they will urge you "that it worked like this every time in the past".

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$20/h to play video games tht's a great deal