It's gonna be special
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why dont the panda and pineapple creatures she is sitting next to appear in the mirror? are they vampires?
I'm most looking forward to dressing up my daughterfu in really cute clothes
Based Kpop cunny
Was pretty cringe at the VGAs ngl
Graphics look pretty cool, but I don't know if catering to the cunny audience is the best move.
cringekino i'd say
>Another shitty pokeclone that does nothing new
When will these retarded devs learn that as long as they do this stupid shit these games will never sell
Do something new with the formula or your game won't even have a niche, it'll just fucking fail
You are cringe. It was the only good thing.
Geouhff Keighley
>Do something new with the formula
you mean like real-time combat and open world with actually good graphics?
Pokemon looks nothing like this
Pokemon wishes it looked something like this
I think more so Pokemon wishes it could get away with even less effort than it currently puts into its games presentation.
Why are the pedos all crying
There is no way this thing is going to live up to the hype or look anywhere near as good as the trailers.
what do you even do in this game
you recruit and capture dokkaebis
I can't deny it looks pretty fucking good but just why does it have to be a childrens game
>gameplay looks like Biomutant/Sunset overdrive/Final Fantasy boy band
Fucking barf. Not like I was gonna play it anyway but still
games are for children, you mongoloid. You might enjoy them, but they're aimed at children and manchildren.
"adult themed" games are cringe compared to literal children games.
No shota no buy
Who the fuck were they trying to advertise to?
my brother in christ i am a mongoloid you cannot expect me to understand what you just typed
It looks good precisely because it's a childrens game instead of a nu-soi simulator
The uoooh crowd
EVE and BDO are dying for this game. you're welcome
>Yokai Watch for gacha addicted niggers
The very concept scares me.
what the fuck is this game?
>Final Fantasy boy band
If FFXV had cute lolis instead of a boy band, it'd be the greatest game of all time instead of the gayest game of all time.
Pokemon + Monster Hunter + GTA
Nintendo needs to require an ID check before using the Switch and all its games need to be rated AO if that's their defense.
Unbelievable that rather than fix a hardware flaw, they'd rather ban 99.9% of their playerbase from using the system.
its catering to children, the problem is that Yea Forums is full of pedophiles
this is the first game i've ever seen to nail open world scale. look at those mountains in the distance in the first shot. dang.
This image is correct.
>why isn't is le heckin murder sim instead
I don't care about lolis or shotas I just want to appreciate how good everything looks in this game without playing it
This. Game looked magnificent.
Nintendo doesn't make the law that's your government problem
Too bad the combat looks meh and the community will be full of pedos
This is what looks "next gen" to me
This too
It's gonna be the new groomer center
Style > UBER GRAFIX!!1!
Games that opted for a good artstyle are timeless, brute forced graphics are spoiled milk in one year.
it would look fun gameplaywise but the models are too much UUUOOOOH for me and their 1000 yard stare eyes creep me out
Why does one put a lot of effort into animation, but then ignore the most important part of a character (the face)?
can't wait haha for the explosion of pixiv porn
pedophiles (me)
Sounds based to me.
i dont like gooks and gook culture
you can't climb that mountain
>contains sudanese
hard pass
every board has pedos in it. Yea Forums is just more vocal about it.
this still looks so fucking good, i'd pay just to explore a tech demo of this place with no real objectives or goal or anything.
i'm so scared for what this actually will be though. I really don't want it to be some gacha-fest or anything like that, just give me a game i'll play a one-time fee for.
You are right, we should focus on how style-wise it looks better than pokemon.
too bad the game won't be local offline and moddable.
Its going to be all server sided.