This is still the best Etrian Odyssey. Weird how it never got a remake while 1 and 2 both got them.
This is still the best Etrian Odyssey. Weird how it never got a remake while 1 and 2 both got them
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This is a correct opinion but the whale is filtering me.
Well, don't just stop there.. tell us what you liked about it compared to the other entries in the series.
The only time I played Etrian Odyssey was as a 10 year old, I got the original at gamestop with my mom on DS and I was absolutely filtered. Now that I'm older I have a greater appreciation for JRPGs, where should I start
He's the fun-check, amking sure you built a proper party and aren't having any fun.
Pic related; fun class, dogshit.
>Robot girl class fucking sucks
It's the worst for this reason alone
Start with JRPGs or Etrian Odyssey? If EO, and you plan to play the whole series, start with 1. If you just want to skip to the best ones, start with 3.
>Simping for the bitch that tried to kill your party and already claimed dozens
She doesn't even have a vagina.
Get the dude with a shield and a spear and spam line guard whenever you can.
Soloing the game with samurai/ninja.
No start with EO, I've played many, many JRPGs by now
>Running a dedicated Palm Alchemist in EO2U
>Can caress everything to death for like 2 TP
The whole series is on sale on the eshop. Are the Untold games good to start with or is it like Megaten re-releases where all the new features are shoehorned in?
EO1 and EO2 were too dated with many problems in balance and design choices, a remake was needed to fix them. EO3 is good enough and doesn't have as many issues, so a remake wasn't necessary.
EO4 is the recommended starting point because it's one of the easiest and all classes are viable.
I still can't force myself to continue V. Haven't even finished the first stratum.
Don't know why this one takes so long to click with me. IV and U1 I pretty much enjoyed from the start. Or maybe i'm just not in the mood for dungeon crawlers. strange journey is also still sitting in my shelf.
>all classes are viable
*As long as they have leg bind.
>he doesn't know about the japanese fan campaign that made ATLUS cancel U3 and use it's scrapped content for Nexus and PQ
You can start with the Untold, but play in Classic mode and not Story mode.
But you should start with 4.
Why would they do that?
>no hexer
>no necromancer
>No Untold
>No Komori
>No story mode
>No grimoire
>No floor jumping
>No voice acting
>No food
>No races
>No titles
>No story events
>No changing existing classes
>No hero class
>No making player characters speak
>No NPCs
>No different setting
>Better no game than badly balanced game
>Better no game than game that recycles graphics/music/maps
>Better no game than game with DLC
>Better no games than Komori
Blame them for EO being fucking dead
>let's remake good games that don't need remakes instead of bad games that do
Now you understand
>fucked classes out the ass
>the best
I mean, fair, I never played the story modes. Classic mode for EO2U is probably my favorite after III.
My favourite EO game for sure
Blonde Princess was the best mascot too, much better than T*ach.
>Want to use Ranma-chan
>Don't have any use for a healer since princess has Rally Order
God I remember playing this all summer when it first came out.
My first squad I ever made had a Princess/Monk and a Monk/Hoplite.
Yeah it was shit
It's unironically too hard. That dragon boss is so fucking insanely hard. It's either, you have the right setup, or oh well, time to reroll several characters.
Which one? The FOEs? Just don't fuck with the hatchlings bro
I prefer 4.
3 is good but 4's classes are just great.
Unironically more fun than the main game.
The games are fun for a bit but I can never finish them. I always get bored like half way through. Dungeon Crawlers are just not for me I guess.
Next time I'm playing EO3 I'm doing a punch monk with that glitch for sure
Nah subclassing just ruins the balance and turns the game into a cakewalk. The first 3 stratums are the most well-balanced in every EO.
No the Tiamat I think it's called. The one that gets stronger over the course of the fight. He was doing an AOE that did 900 damage to the party. Just a normal, compulsory, storyline boss. It is a very harsh damage-test for your party, and it was so much harder than any other storyline boss in EO.
I remember finding the stick lady very cute in IV. Even when I was younger I had fucked up taste
>nexus shows that they were working on a remake of 3
>game got cancelled since japs were seething at story mode being a thing
Rightfully so
Etrian Odyssey never needed a story
I mean, the peripheral story was pretty engaging. Horrifying descriptions of a deer massacre.
It took ATLUS until the 3rd story game to cancel it?
The sea adventures really did draw me in somehow. I really wouldn't mind that kind of thing being expanded upon as the main focus of a game.
Dungeons where you fight to travel deep down or up is great and fun and I would never want it to go away. But the flat N/S/W/E travel of the sea adventuring was great fun and could easily be combined with bigger dungeons and such in a full game.
>She doesn't even have a vagina.
Naive, user. The best thing about machines is that they can be modified.
>oh nice, a Monk. Can't wait to beat shit up with her
>literally just a healer
No, fuck III. Hoplite and Arbalist are cool as fuck tho.
For me it's the Wilder.
>Enemy wakes up the Lion
>"You and your friends enter a grove."
Every time.
I liked EOU2's storymode and cast but didn't play EOU1's storymode.
eou2 story was peak comfy
Switch game when? Come the fuck on Atlus.
that's just having good taste
don't need to remake perfection.
Still disappointed its gimmick is no longer supported by any system.
The Switch has a touch screen
No stylus.
They could easily package a game with one
4 was good too
Just lip service for now but at least they're acknowledging the series isn't folded up yet
>july 2021
user I know it’s Atlus but I’m running out of hope…
NEXT STAGE is iOS exclusive
July 2021 isn't that long ago....
Swap IV and V and that's me