Please tell me why i SHOULD'NT pirate games from big corporations that view us as nothing but walking dollar signs.
Please tell me why i SHOULD'NT pirate games from big corporations that view us as nothing but walking dollar signs
Well, im not black for one thing. And im not a thief
although those 2 things are the same
i don't give a fuck what you do, just stop shitting up this board with terrible posts like this
the only reasons I can think of:
>your internet might cut you off
>you want to play online
in conclusion, the end
Please tell me why I should care about what you do.
Absolutely based
buycucks spotted, fuck off my board
Arrest yourself
you asked why and i said possible reasons, i didnt say i buy
Why are pirates so insecure about what other people think of them, while also at the same time denouncing people who arent poor niggers and actually support the games they like?
Support the people that make the things you like so you can get more things you like.
Go to bed
You can. But you're a thief. Enjoy.
>big corporations
I exclusively pirate from small venezuelan and rwandan indie devs
Because games from big corpos are all not worth playing, let alone wasting bandwidth and storage on them.
they are not real pirates. they're some 12 year old attention wanting kids who learned week ago that they can download stuff from internet
Mad Redditor
Says the edgy kid.
go back to your shithole.
>autism the hedgehog
stop fucking your mom, chris
>disrespecting Chadow
Because you might get in trouble for it, and that's scary.
based ryuko poster
Actual cringe
>Dragon ball
Nigger mentality. This is why public transport will never work in america, niggers will avoid paying, only whites and asians end up paying.
Pirateniggers are completely at fault for microtransaction hell gaming is in right now.
>heh I'm a good goy actually
You can't play online with your stupid friends who all bought the fucking game like a retard and refused to wait for a sale.
Choose your fighter
They try to find other justification because pirating because you are a nigger, poorfag/thirdworlder or underage is embaressing.
I used to buy games but then the companies I supported used my money to wage a culture war against me. Why should I sponsor it? To get my good goy points? You can keep em
I don’t pirate because I’m afraid of computer herpes but I fully support stealing anything that’s protected by copyright.
>only whites and asians end up paying.
>only whites and asians end up wasting their money
why are you jewish?
People complaining about pirates, what if the system or game aren't being produced anymore? What if the only way is to give Joe Fuckyou double the MSRP? Or worse, GameStop?
>Pirating games
>Pretending you're doing a good deed or participating in some self-righteous crusade against exploitative capitalism
better than ER thread number over9k
Pirating games unapologetically, then you're a nigger.
Pirating games and trying to somehow justify it is literally red dit.
You're all disgusting paypigs, get the fuck out of this board never come back, goys.
go to reddit, pirates will never be welcome here
>pirates will never be welcome here
you don't play videogames, newfag retard.
Are you underage? Games are not even half a percent of my monthly budget. Why would any working man pirate games?
Niggers are too retarded to pirate, they steal console and boxed games instead.
Low hanging fruit
Not only do i play them, i support them. Meanwhile you're being a drain on society and getting mad at those who dont also want to be drains
You should, now fuck off.
There is no reason
I only have bought games I already know I like, or from smaller devs who I think deserve my money. Buying overpriced games from shithead publishers is actuslly morally wrong because it fuels the shit state of games in current year
No thanks :)
Piracy is the worst thing to happen to the industry. Indie games are by far the most pirated,
The big corps get their money from multiplayer monetization and mobile games while 95% of emerging talent gets fucked over by pirateniggers and is forced to later work for the big corps.
>Not only am i a good goy, i support (((them))). Meanwhile you're not a robot and getting mad at those who dont also want to be smart.
>Indie games are by far the most pirated
not a pirate anymore but it's pretty much the other way around
there's no sunk cost fallacy obfuscating your perception of a video game
pirates can objectively judge a game because they don't spend a single cent
Piratechads reply to this post with the last game you torrented.
>every game dev is jewish
why do you even play videogames if you clearly dont like them? i support indie devs and havent bought a AAA in years. You're calling me a robot but you're the one who plays the triple a games made by the kikes you despise so much.
Why are you falling for such obvious bait
stellaris with all dlc
i torrented your mom
You think anyone pirates COD to only play the singleplayer? Are you retarded?
kirby's forgotten dong
kinda boring to be honest
So you have no proof
This is a retard argument, pirates have no reason to be critical of the game because they havent given anything to play it, this causes pirates to more than often be far too positive about complete dogshit games.
When you buy a game and its shit, you will be far more critical because you lost something in the process, due to this you realize the game isnt worth its asking price and the flaws will be far more apparent
AAA is mostly bought for multiplayer which doesn't work when pirated, AAA singleplayer focused games are very rare.
Indies on the other hand are are overwhelmingly focused on singleplayer and are also the most easily and risk-free pirated.
How would you even get any stats on pirating? Polling doesn't work on illegal things.
that isnt proof, retard, he asked for any statistical or proper evidence of this being the case, you gave a hypothetical
>thing is an objective fact!
>where is the proof?
>there isnt any way to know it!
then its not a fact and cannot be legitimately taken seriously
I payed for Fallout 4 and hate on it every oppertunity I can get.
Make sure you give all your money to pc part manufacturers so that they can keep inflating prices.
>piratecucks have to constantly self fellate and tell others how poor they are
always funny, you never see people go "name the last game you bought" because literally nobody cares
Give them money so they make more of good thing
Don't give them money so they don't make more of bad thing
time causes sunken cost far more than money, and games with the most time sunken in are usually free. people who got their wallet stolen arent gonna say thats a good thing, they're gonna get pissed at their wallet being stolen
Too many shit indie games to sift through. If piracy wasn't a thing then people would just stick to safer picks from established big name studios. Piracy doesn't hurt indies.
too subtle for third worlders who pirate
Big corporations aren't entitled to your money, simple as.